Breast ultrasound, i.e. breast ultrasound examination, is one of the most important elements of breast cancer prevention. Unlike mammography, breast ultrasound is painless. It allows you to detect changes in the breasts at an early stage of their development. What are the indications for a breast ultrasound? How often should this test be performed and how to prepare for it?
Breast ultrasoundin the opinion of many women is quick, simple and painless. True, it is worth remembering that it is also one of those studies in which the skills and diligence of the examiner have a huge impact on the quality of the study, and thus on its result. Breast ultrasound is a safe examination - it can also be performed (and it is recommended) during pregnancy.
Every woman in her thirties should have them regularly, preferably once a year. This is important - this test is one of the most effective methods of early detection of breast cancer. Breast ultrasound performed skillfully and using good equipment allows to detect even small lumps in the breast (changes in size from five millimeters) and refer the patient for further diagnostics and treatment, if necessary.
This is a key study in young women whose breast structure makes mammography less useful for diagnosis. In older women, it does not replace mammography, but complements it.
What are the indications for a breast ultrasound? On which day of the cycle is it best to do it and how is it done?
Indications for breast ultrasound
The breast ultrasound can be and should be used prophylactically when nothing is wrong. However, there are also specific medical indications for this test.
The indications for a breast ultrasound are:
- breast pain
- change in the breast perceptible when touching
- nipple discharge
- follow-up examinations of previously diagnosed benign lesions
- family history of breast cancer
- pregnancy
- qualification and control during the use of hormone therapy for menopause.
Breast ultrasound - medical interview before the examination
When to do a breast ultrasound?You can have a breast ultrasound on any day of the menstrual cycle, but it is best to do it between 1 andOn the 10th day of the cycle, when the breasts are not tender or swollen (as is the case before your period).
The water content in the breast tissue is also lower then, so that the doctor can more easily interpret the image seen on the monitor. For the examination, bring the results of previous ultrasound and mammography tests (if you have had one).
Breast ultrasound should be preceded by a medical interview.
Before breast ultrasound, tell your doctor:
- how old are you
- when you had your last period
- Did you give birth
- did you breastfeed
- are you taking drugs (especially hormonal drugs)
- Have you had breast surgery (scars after surgery may darken the image)
- Has any family member suffered from breast, ovarian or prostate cancer.
How is breast cancer detected? See!
Breast ultrasound - examination process
Breast ultrasound is a quick and painless examination. After a medical interview, take off your upper clothes, including your bra, and lie down on the couch. The doctor will smear your breasts with a special gel, and then move the head from bottom to top, top to bottom and side to side over each of them. She also examines the armpits to see if the lymph nodes are enlarged.
It is worth knowing that whether the test result is reliable depends both on the quality of the apparatus and the qualifications of the doctor assessing the image. It is therefore important that the doctor has a certificate of the Polish Ultrasound Society, and the laboratory - the accreditation of this society.