Craniosacral therapy is an effective way to relieve pain of various origins, incl. backache and headache, pain in the mandibular joint. Gentle emphasis on the skull, spine and sacrum is a new healing method that is designed to relieve childhood stress and chronic he alth problems, and activate the body's defenses.
What does dyslexia have to do with birth by caesarean section? Crooked bite with scoliosis? The American osteopath Wiliam Sutherland in 1932 proved that these cases can be related. He proposed a new treatment procedure,craniosacral therapy .
Craniosacral therapy: because the bones of the skull are mobile
As a student, Sutherland discovered that the bones of the skull are mobile, not permanently fused together, as anatomy teaches (researchers at Michigan State University College of Osteopatic Medicine recently confirmed this). Moreover, the bones in the skull move to the rhythm of the ripple of the cerebrospinal fluid. He called it primal breath, the third physiological rhythm. The first is the breath, that is, the movement of the chest, lungs and diaphragm, the second is the heart rate, that is, the heartbeat. Sutherland assumed that any disruption of this natural movement could cause disease. The connective tissue that carries it holds other tissues and organs together. Therefore, the tension in the meninges can be perceived as pain in the knee or ankle.
ImportantWhat does craniosacral therapy help?
- psychosis, autism, trouble concentrating, personality disorders, hyperactivity in children and adults, stress, dyslexia;
- headaches and dizziness, migraines, problems with eyesight and hearing, recurrent ear infections in children and adults, sinusitis, tension and pain in the mandibular joint, puncture of the jaw, speech impediments, teeth grinding, malocclusion;
- spine and back pain, radiculitis, sciatica, scoliosis, all post-accident and postpartum injuries, painful shoulder tension, post-accident spinal flexion;
- asthma (deepens breathing in asthmatics), unidentified abdominal pain, Menier's disease, circulatory and lymphatic system disorders.
Discharging accumulated stress
We have been suffering from injuries since we were children. The first is often associated with heavy labor, such as forceps or vaginal deliveryCaesarean section. Natural delivery allows a newborn baby to gently change the environment and pressure. However, during the so-called caesarean pressure jump occurs. The baby may then suffer from infantile colic and digestive disorders, be nervous, sleep poorly and cry frequently. The second cause of primary rhythm disturbances are injuries up to the age of two, such as blows or falls, which may result in a temporary stoppage of breathing. The third cause is psychological trauma. If the stress is not neutralized, then around the age of 28 we start to have he alth problems: back pain, radiculitis, various wandering pains and depression that may be related to the tension of the respiratory diaphragm.
Where to go for helpThere are few specialists, you have to look for them in natural medicine centers, they also advertise on the Internet. The screening costs PLN 70-150
How does craniosacral therapy work?
Each treatment takes an hour. The patient lies covered with a blanket because he is freezing. The therapist makes gentle movements and strokes in the area of the skull, sacrum and spine. The treatment is very gentle and relaxing.
- It would seem that it has no right to work. And yet the results are stunning - says Bożena Przyjemska, a biologist who came across this method in Canada and has been teaching it herself in Poland for four years. “My student's neurologist wife suffered from migraines for years. After three treatments it is over. I also had a patient who had been depressed for 20 years. Her illness passed after one treatment.
The therapy has three stages. The first is at least five treatments for the skull, spine and sacrum at intervals of no more than one week and no less than two days. The second stage is a face and head massage (the tensions located there, e.g. due to tooth straightening devices, may cause low back pain and scoliosis, and the child sucks a finger to relieve the tension between the sphenoid bone and the jaw). Here, 1-2 treatments performed day after day are enough. The last stage is acting on emotions. The connective tissue remembers all our physical and mental traumas from childhood as well as adulthood. These injuries come back in the form of chronic pain in the spine, joints or roots.
Releasing negative emotions sometimes looks like a seizure. Convulsions cause you to relax more quickly and are accompanied by screaming or laughing. After the treatment, dreams, thoughts, images and long-forgotten memories may appear. Sometimes it even takes several days. The number of treatments depends on the amount of accumulated tension.
Bożena Przyjemska believes that thanks to this therapy, the body starts to function more efficiently, medications and cleansing diets are more effective. That's why it's worth itundergo it once a month to loosen up and relieve yourself of new stresses. There are practically no contraindications.
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