Itching and burning of the vulva is a common female ailment. The causes of itching in the intimate area vary. One of them may be, for example, an allergy to washing powder or substances contained in cosmetics, which irritate the labia, which is sensitive and susceptible to chemicals. Find out what else causes itchy vulva and how to cure itchy labia.
Itching and burning of the vulvadoes not always indicate one of the female diseases. The cause of ailments may be, for example, wearing windproof underwear or using a shower gel that irritates the delicate skin of intimate areas. However, if, in addition toitching of the labia , there are, for example, unpleasant-smelling vaginal discharge, a bacterial infection, or even vulvar cancer, may be suspected. Find out what arecausesitching and burning vulva andhow to cure itchy labia.
Itching and burning vulva - causes
The vulva is the external genitalia of a woman, which includes the vestibule of the vagina, the greater and lesser labia, the clitoris and the pubic mound. They are very sensitive and susceptible to the effects of chemicals contained in cosmetics and detergents in which underwear is washed. That is why women usually only complain of itchy vulva, without the heat and other accompanying symptoms.
- Using irritating cosmetics and detergents
If itching of the intimate areas has appeared after the use of new cosmetics (e.g. intimate hygiene gel, shower gel) or detergents (e.g. washing powder, mouthwash), perhaps one of the substances contained in them irritates delicate labia. To get rid of discomfort, use fluids with a pH similar to the pH of intimate places (5.2) and preparations with lactobacilli, which effectively protect the vagina against the attack of pathogenic bacteria. On the other hand, it is worth using washing powders for babies or allergy sufferers.
- Sanitary napkin allergy
An allergic reaction often occurs as a result of contact with chemicals contained in intimate hygiene products or washing powders. However, in women with depressedskin allergy can also be caused by pads and pads (mainly fragrant ones). If you suspect that the cause of itching, burning and swelling of the labia are perfumed pads and pads, try the reusablepads for allergy sufferers , which are made of organic cotton and / or bamboo viscose (the price of one pad / insoles - about PLN 20).
FIND OUT MORE ABOUT>>Allergies in intimate places
Irritation of the labia may be caused by wearing inadequate underwear: tight-fitting, made of artificial, non-ventilated materials, as well as thongs. To avoid discomfort, wear cotton underwear. Irritation of the skin of the intimate areas may appear after epilation, therefore it is recommended to apply a moisturizing cream or gel after the treatment. You should also use special creams or gels for depilation of sensitive areas. It's best to buy a 2-in-1 cream that contains both a depilatory cream and a special moisturizing cream. Atrophic (atrophic) changes in the vulvar epithelium most often appear in pre- and postmenopausal women and are associated with a deficiency of female sex hormones. As a result of the reduction of estrogen levels in the woman's body, the epithelium becomes thinner and the fatty tissue of the labia disappears. The symptoms include: vaginal dryness,itching and burning in the intimate area , as well as contact spotting. Treatment: it is an irreversible process and spontaneous resolution of the inflammation is unlikely. Women suffering from atrophic vulvovaginitis should, above all, follow the rules of personal hygiene, as they are more prone to the formation of petechiae and erosions of the epithelium. Fungal vulvitis is caused by yeasts, so in addition to itching and burning, there is also a characteristic white, cheesy discharge. Treatment: To make sure fungus is causing your condition, your doctor may order a mycological vaginal smear, a vulva, and even a urethral smear. In a situation where contact with a doctor is difficult, you can, in accordance with the latest recommendations of the Polish Society of Gynecologists and Obstetricians, apply auxiliary treatment that restores physiologicalpH, preventing the multiplication of pathogenic microorganisms. The most common treatmentvaginal candidiasisandvulvais the topical application of azole drugs or the oral administration of fluconazole. Symptoms usually begin to disappear after 2-3 days. Trichomoniasis is a sexually transmitted infection caused by the protozoan- vaginal trichomoniasis.In addition to the itching and burning of the vulva, there are also yellow-green, foamy, usually smelly discharge. Accompanying symptoms may include pain, itching and burning in the urethra, as well as painful urge to urinate. Treatment: drugs derived from imidazole are used. Treatment should also include the sick person's sexual partners. Pubic lice is sexually transmitted and, unlike head lice, today it does not pose a serious epidemiological threat. The disease is caused by lice that lay eggs on the pubic hair. Treatment, which is carried out under the supervision of a dermatologist, is based on the use of preparations containing permethrin - a chemical compound designed to remove insects (including ticks). High blood sugar can encourage yeast to multiply on the external reproductive organs, which feed on pure glucose and a small amount of amino acids. Treatment: under the supervision of a doctor, you should regulate your blood sugar as soon as possible, and lubricate the vulva with antifungal ointment. Temporarily, when access to a doctor is difficult, auxiliary treatment can be used - preferably at least after consulting a pharmacist. A different, rare location for psoriatic eruptions is the vulva area.Genital psoriasisaffects both infants and adults. Treatment consists in removing the scales covering the psoriatic eruptions. Then, anti-inflammatory preparations are used to inhibit the excessive division of epidermal cells. lichen sclerosus and atrophic vulva, otherwisevulvar cirrhosis , is a chronic vulvar disease with thickening of the skin in this area and the formation of whitish lumps . Accompanying symptoms are pain and itching in the external genitalia. The most common causes of the disease are hormonal disorders, but the risk of its occurrence is increased in people with the diseaseautoimmune, weakened immune system and genetic predisposition. Treatment consists of the use of ointments with vitamin A or corticosteroids and estrogens. It is a form of pre-invasive squamous cell carcinoma (the so-called in situ) of the skin, which is considered a type of Bowen's disease. A characteristic symptom of the disease are single, smooth and separated from the skin erythematous foci located within the vulva. The probable cause of the disease is infection with the human papillomavirus (HPV types 16, 18, 31, 33, 35). Treatment: 5% 5-fluorouracil ointment and superficial X-rays are applied topically. Cancer of the vulva is a rare gynecological cancer and usually affects women over 60. The disease may be asymptomatic for a long time or manifest as itching of the vulva, pain in the clitoral area and foul-smelling vaginal discharge. Treatment depends on the severity of the disease: Chemotherapy is the only treatment method not used. Tamoxifen is a synthetic, non-steroidal drug with anti-estrogen activity that inhibits the growth of cancer cells. It is mainly used in the treatment of breast and nipple cancer. The long list of side effects includes: itching of the vulva, vaginal discharge, menstrual disorders and even vaginal bleeding. Itchy vulva during menstruation can be a sign of a fungal infection. These types of infections usually disappear with your period and start before your next menstrual period. If you also notice a vaginal discharge with a characteristic cheesy appearance, see your gynecologist as soon as possible. Irritation, and thus itching and burning of the vulva, can also be caused by a new intimate wash, washing powder or scented pads. In order to exclude this possibility, new cosmetics should be discontinued. If the discomfort persists, make an appointment for a medical consultation. Itching of the vulva in pregnancyis most often caused by the natural change in the vaginal reaction from acid to alkaline, which causes local irritation. Alkaline pH is also conducive to infectionfungal and bacterial. In order to rule out an infection, consult your doctor in charge of your pregnancy. If the only reason is a change in the vaginal reaction, lower its pH (e.g. with preparations containing live sticksLactobacillus ). If a doctor diagnoses an infection, he or she will suggest appropriate treatment. CHECK>>Vaginal mycosis in pregnancy. What are her first symptoms? Causeitching of the intimate areain a girl may be:
Itching and burning of the vulva - what diseases can itching vulva indicate? How to cure itchy labia?
Itchy vulva during menstruation
Itchy vulva
Itching of the vulva in girls