The symptoms of throat cancer resemble those of an upper respiratory tract infection and are therefore often neglected, delaying diagnosis. Nonspecific symptoms reduce the chances of an early detection of cancer and thus a cure for it. Find out what the symptoms of cancer of the upper, middle and lower throat are.
The symptoms of throat cancerare not specific and usually resemble the symptoms of an upper respiratory infection. For this reason, an appropriate diagnosis of throat cancer is already advanced in the disease, when the chances of a cure are slim.
Cancer of the nasopharynx (upper pharynx) - symptoms
Nasopharyngeal cancerdevelops in the part of the throat just behind the nose. A characteristic set of symptoms appears as a result of the malignant tumor seizure of the side wall of the nasopharynx:
- unilateral hearing loss due to exudative otitis media caused by infiltration of the Eustachian tube
- increasing difficulty in nasal breathing
- voice timbre changed
- impaired speech function
- bad smell from mouth and nose
- nose bleeds sometimes
Oropharyngeal Cancer - Symptoms
Neoplastic lesions can be located on the base of the tongue (posterior 1/3 of the tongue), tonsils, palatal arches, soft palate or the back of the pharynx:
- a lump the color of the surrounding tissue appears first, which may become hard and mobile or ulcerate over time
- bad breath
- difficulty speaking and breathing with time
Cancer of the larynx (lower pharynx) - symptoms
Neoplastic lesions appear between the oropharynx and the upper esophagus.
- glottis canceraffects the vocal cords, which is manifested mainly by hoarseness, which, despite treatment, lasts more than 2 weeks. In addition, there is a feeling of breathlessness and difficulty swallowing, as well as pain upon swallowing, which is the result of the tumor infiltrating the sensory nerves
- supraglottic cancercovers the upper part of the larynx. Then there are difficulties and pain when swallowing. However, the most characteristic feeling is that something is stuck in the throat. In an advanced stagediseases appear: chronic cough, hoarseness, shortness of breath, which is the result of tumor enlargement and narrowing of the larynx. In addition, there is a noticeable weight loss
- subglottal canceris located beneath the vocal cords with symptoms such as a sore throat, shortness of breath and hoarseness. This type of cancer of the lower throat is least often diagnosed.
The rapid development of the disease and metastasis may be evidenced byenlarged lymph nodes on the neck . The presence of a lump on the neck is also characteristic.