Herbal honeys are richer than regular honeys, because they contain bioelements, vitamins and other active substances derived from medicinal herbs and fruits. The raw material for the production of herbal honeys is provided by humans, the rest is taken care of by bees.
Ziołomiodyare natural bee products. Man only prepares the nutrient solution, e.g. chokeberry or nettle syrup, which the bees treat as nectar and thicken to the consistency of honey. Due to the high saturation with active substances, herbal honey supports the treatment of certain diseases.
Aloe veraregulates the intestines, has a slight laxative effect, increases the body's immunity.
- Add an ampoule of Biostymina to a tablespoon of aloe vera herbal and take it every other day. At the same time, on "off" days, we take a tablespoon of herbal honey with an ampoule of Ginsengin 500. Such a strengthening treatment should be carried out for 20 days.
Chokeberry herbis used in the treatment of hypertension, atherosclerosis and eye diseases. It soothes the effects of radiotherapy and facilitates the removal of heavy metals from the body.
- Dissolve a tablespoon of chokeberry herbal honey in a glass of lukewarm water. Drinking mixture twice a day (morning and evening) lowers blood pressure.
Hawthorn herbsupports the heart, regulates blood pressure. It is worth remembering about it in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, after strokes, strokes and heart attacks.
- Grind a tablespoon of hawthorn herb honey with a teaspoon of pollen. We slowly suck on a teaspoon of the mixture 3-4 times a day. This recipe should be used by people who have had heart attacks and strokes. You can safely continue the treatment for several months.
Nettle herbincreases the level of hemoglobin in the blood, has a diuretic and detoxifying effect. It is an excellent addition to herbal cleansing teas and those used in rheumatism and urinary tract diseases.
- 250 g of nettle herb honey mix with half a cup of ground pollen and a flat spoon of ground fenugreek seeds. We take a heaped teaspoon 3 times a day. The mixture helps in case of anemia and weakening of the organism. Regular use accelerates recovery after a long-term illness.
Pine herb honeymabactericidal, diuretic and expectorant properties. It is recommended for diseases of the upper respiratory tract and pharyngitis and laryngitis.
- Grate a large onion and cook over low heat for 2-3 minutes. After cooling, add the same amount of pine herb honey. Take a teaspoonful several times a day in the case of angina and troublesome, difficult to heal cough.
Thyme herbhas anti-inflammatory, expectorant and disinfecting properties. Research has shown that it increases immunity by increasing the number of white blood cells. Helps with inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, e.g. bronchitis, persistent wet cough, sore throat.
- Mix half a cup of thyme herbal honey thoroughly with a heaped spoon of ground anise seeds. We take a teaspoon several times a day if it is difficult to expectorate.
- In the case of a sore throat, dissolve half a teaspoon of herbal honey in half a glass of lukewarm water and use it for rinsing several times a day
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