Molasses is a by-product of sugar production, but it is still widely used, not only in the kitchen. The most popular is cane (cane sugar) molasses, but beet, grape and carob molasses are also popular. Check what properties and nutritional values molasses has, is it he althy, where you can buy it and what is its price.
Molassesis a thick, brown syrup made by refining sugar, from which it is no longer profitable to obtain sucrose.
Althoughmolassesis a by-product of sugar making, it has found wide application and its properties are much appreciated.
- Reed, beet, and carob molasses
- Black molasses - nutritional values
- Molasses - properties
- Light molasses - calories
- Molasses - is she he althy?
- Molasses - price, where to buy
- Molasses - application
Reed, beet, and carob molasses
Molasses is a by-product of sugar manufacturing. The sucrose from cane or sugar beet juice is crystallized during the production process, while molasses is the syrup left over from the crystallization of sugar.
The sucrose crystals are separated from the molasses using centrifuges where the products separate due to the difference in density.
Molasses is separated from the sugar crystals many times during the production process, therefore several different types of syrup are obtained.
The name "molasses" comes from Latin and literally means "like honey".
The more crystallization and centrifugation performed, the darker the molasses. The final product, black molasses, is very dense and sticky, with the lowest sugar content, but rich in minerals.
Depending on the raw material from which molasses is produced, it is distinguished:
- beet molasses - from sugar beet
- cane molasses - from sugar cane
- carob molasses - from locust bean gum
Molasses comes in several variants which differ in color (from light brown to black), sugar and mineral content.
The brightest is the sweetest and the most transparent. The darkest, the so-called black molasses is the least sweet, howevercontains the most minerals.
Worth knowingBlack molasses - nutritional values, calories (per 100 g)
Calories - 234 kcal Carbohydrates - 60.7 g
Vitamins (% RDA)
Niacin - 1.1 mg (7%) Vitamin B6 - 0.7 mg (34%) Pantothenic acid - 0.9 mg (9%) Choline - no data
Calcium - 858 mg (86%) Iron - 17.4 mg (97%) Magnesium - 214 mg (54%) Phosphorus - 39.9 mg (4%) Potassium - 2486 mg (71%) Sodium - 54.9 mg (2%) Zinc - 1 mg (7%) Copper - 2 mg (102%) Manganese - 2.6 mg (131%) Selenium - 17.7 μg (25%)
Molasses - properties
Of the macronutrients in molasses, there are mainly carbohydrates in the form of simple sugars. Molasses is free of fat and fiber.
As a plant product, it does not contain cholesterol. The calorific value of molasses varies depending on the amount of sugar and the type of syrup. It can be from about 230 kcal to about 300 kcal in 100 g. Light molasses contains about 22 g of water, about 3 g of ash and sugar, while black - about 28 g of water, about 8 g of ash and sugar.
The glycemic index of molasses is 55 and is only slightly lower than the GI of sugar (60), which means that they raise blood glucose levels at a similar rate.
Molasses contains B vitamins, with the greatest amount of vitamin B6. Mineral s alts and antioxidants are very important nutritional and he alth ingredients of molasses. The minerals in molasses include iron, magnesium, potassium, copper and manganese.
According to the Polish standard, molasses contains at least 47% of sucrose. Molasses can be used as a sweetener.
Black molasses in particular provides significant amounts of mineral s alts. The ratio of calcium to phosphorus is beneficial to bone he alth. You have to remember that the iron present in the syrup is non-heme iron, which is less digestible than that of animal origin.
Molasses should not be considered the first source of minerals as it is a sweetener with a high sugar content. However, compared to refined sugar, completely devoid of mineral s alts, it is definitely he althier.
Molasses contains antioxidants: syringic acid, p-hydroxybenzoic acid, vanillic acid, ferulic acid, p-benzaldehyde and others. Molasses has high antioxidant activity compared to other sweeteners.
This property translates into a protective effect on proteins and genetic material, preventing many diseases and slowing down the aging processes of the organism. The antioxidant activity of dark varieties of molasses is approximately 500 times that ofrefined sugar.
Comparison of the antioxidant activity of different sweeteners:
Type of sweetener | Antioxidant activity [mmol FRAP / 100g] |
Refined sugar | Less than 0.01 |
Corn syrup | Less than 0.01 |
Agave syrup | Less than 0.01 |
Raw cane sugar | 0.01 |
Maple syrup | 0.02 - 0.07 |
Brown sugar | 0.02 - 0.07 |
Honey | 0.02 - 0.07 |
Molasses | 4.6 - 4.9 |
Light molasses - calories, nutritional values (per 100 g)
Calories - 290 kcal Carbohydrates - 74.7 g
Vitamins (% RDA)
Niacin - 0.9 mg (5%) Vitamin B6 - 0.7 mg (34%) Pantothenic acid - 0.8 mg (8%) Choline - 13.3 mg
Calcium - 205 mg (20%) Iron - 4.7 mg (26%) Magnesium - 242 mg (61%) Phosphorus - 31 mg (3%) Potassium - 1464 mg (42%) Sodium - 37 mg (2%) Zinc - 0.3 mg (2%) Copper - 0.5 mg (24%) Manganese - 1.5 mg (77%) Selenium - 17.8 μg (25%)
Molasses - is she he althy?
It has been suggested that molasses may positively influence some he alth aspects due to its high mineral and antioxidant content.
However, there is a lack of large scientific research that would confirm its applicability. Current reports on the he alth effects of molasses are based on little research (including animal studies) or only on the analysis of the effects of individual compounds present in the syrup.
Potential he alth uses for molasses:
- supports the immune system (confirmed in tests on mice)
- increases testosterone levels and supports male fertility (confirmed in tests on mice)
- thanks to the high calcium content and low phosphorus content, it can support bone mineralization and thus prevent osteoporosis
- is a good source of potassium, so it helps to normalize blood pressure
- thanks to the content of antioxidants, it can protect cells against oxidative stress
- high content of iron, zinc and magnesium may have a positive effect on concentration
- provides about 30% less calories than sugar
Molasses has a much better composition than refined sugar, but it is still a sweetener with a high sucrose content. When choosing between sugar and molasses, it is definitely better to go for molasses.
The he althiest, however, will be to limit one thing every dayand the second. Molasses is not a good sugar substitute for people with insulin resistance and diabetes.

Molasses - price, where to buy?
Molasses can be bought in stores with the so-called he alth food, hypermarkets and online stores. For 400 g of sugar cane molasses you have to pay about 15 zlotys. Similarly for beet and carob molasses.
Molasses - application
Molasses contains large amounts of simple sugars and minerals. For this reason, it is used as a nutritional ingredient for animal feed.
It is also used in the fermentation industry, where appropriate microorganisms convert molasses ingredients into ethyl alcohol, vinegar, glycerol, oxalic acid and citric acid. With its use, bakery and fodder yeast is also multiplied.
Cane molasses has a much more pleasant aroma than beetroot, which is why it has been used in the food industry: confectionery, confectionery and rum production. Refined brown sugar is made using molasses.
Light molasses is almost as sweet as sugar, while black molasses has about 2/3 of the sweetness of regular sugar and a bitter-sweet taste.
Molasses is often credited with a caramel flavor and aroma. Molasses can be used as a sugar substitute both in baked goods and for sweetening food every day.
It works well as an addition to porridge, for spreading on omelette, toast, sweetening a cocktail or even coffee, the aroma of which will additionally emphasize and eliminate the sour aftertaste.
It will also be a great ingredient for marinades for meat and vegetables, glazes and barbecue sauce. If we replace the molasses with honey, the taste of the finished product will be slightly bitter.
Similarly, in baking, honey can be easily replaced with molasses. Its taste is best suited to spicy cookies and carrot or nut dough, but you should try molasses in other recipes as well.
IMPORTANT! If we want to use molasses instead of sugar, replace each cup of sugar with 1.25 cups of molasses in the recipe and subtract 2 tablespoons of the liquids used in the recipe.
1. Varzakas T. (eds), Sweeteners: Nutritional aspects, applications and production technology, CRC Press, 20122. Encyclopedia Britannica: Molasses, Phillips K.M. et al., Total antioxidant content of alternatives to refined sugar, Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 2009,109 (1), 64-715. Guimaraes C.M. I in., Antioxidant activity of sugar molasses, including protective effects against DNA oxidative damage, Journal of Food Science, 2007, 72 (1), C039-436. Rahimna F. et al., The effect of sugarcane molasses on the immune and male reproductive system using in vitro and in vivo methods, Iranian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences, 2016, 19 (10), 1125-11307.