Buckwheat honey is known for its extraordinary effect on the human body. Buckwheat honey is bactericidal, heals wounds and contains a lot of vitamins and microelements. Buckwheat honey is especially appreciated in the prevention and treatment of heart and circulatory system diseases.
Buckwheat honey is one of the most valuable honeys. Its healing properties are especially known. It has a characteristic dark color and a pungent taste. It contains vitamins and minerals that are easily absorbed by humans. It is used especially in cardiovascular diseases, skin diseases and cough. Get to know the properties of buckwheat honey.
Buckwheat honey - what it is made of
Buckwheat honey is the color of strong tea. When stored for a long time in a place where there is possible access to light, it changes its color from dark brown to almost black. So it is one of the darkest honeys. It can also be recognized by the intense scent of buckwheat flowers. It belongs to nectar (flower) honeys.
Buckwheat honey is spicy, sweet and slightly stinging. It contains over 50% fructose and as much as 46% glucose. Buckwheat honey is harvested from the hive at the end of July.
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Author: Amédée Masclef [Public domain] via Wikimedia Commons
Beekeepers obtain buckwheat honey from buckwheat (LatinFagopyrum esculentum ,Fagopyrum sagittatum ). It is an annual plant from the knotweed family growing in a temperate climate. It comes from the areas of eastern and central Asia. In Poland, buckwheat is mainly grown. The flowering period is from July to August. The plant has small white, pink or red flowers.
Buckwheat is considered a medicinal plant. It is mainly pollinated by bees and flies. It belongs to the honey plants.
Buckwheat honey - how to use
Dissolve a tablespoon of buckwheat honey in a glass of lukewarm water in the evening to consume it on an empty stomach in the morning, 30 minutes before breakfast. Such a treatment lasting several weeks (e.g. 3 weeks) will improve our immunity, skin appearance, digestion, capillary condition, well-being.
The complete digestion of buckwheat honey takes less than 2 hours, but its main mass (simple sugars) within 15 -20 minutes are in the blood. Longer digestionrequires only 2-4% by weight of buckwheat honey.
It has been observed that the regular use of buckwheat honey in frequently ill children and the elderly, after 3 weeks of using the honey treatment, significantly improved he alth.
A glass of water at 40 ° C (honey loses its healing properties at higher temperatures) with a teaspoon of honey will help with indigestion, abdominal pain, gas, diarrhea and intestinal problems.
In diseases (cough, cold), you can use 1-2 tablespoons of buckwheat honey (and even more, if there are no side effects) 3 times a day. As a preventive measure, it can be 1-2 tablespoons per day.
Try it outBuckwheat honey is a great cosmetic. It can be added to pre-made face masks or applied directly. You can also mix it with hair masks to increase their nutritional value and moisturize your hair.
Honey will work in the problems of dandruff, because it cleans the scalp of dead cells and bacteria. After mixing buckwheat honey with sugar, you will get a peeling that can be used on the face and the whole body, because the sugar particles will wipe away the dead skin, and the honey will prevent possible irritation, brighten and moisturize the skin.
Buckwheat honey - crystallization
Buckwheat honey usually contains more water, so the standards set the upper limit of the water content at 23%. Sometimes, after the honey has crystallized, a layer of rare non-crystallized honey is formed on its surface, carefully separated from the crystallized part. This is only done if the honey contains too much water or if the honey crystallizes at high temperatures. Therefore, it is important to store honey at 4-10 ° C.
Honey decreases in volume during crystallization, which causes it to stick out from the side of the jar. Occasionally, the traces of air in the top of the jar are due to the presence of yeast in the honey. Such discoloration is not a sign of any abnormalities - their presence has nothing to do with the quality of the honey.
Buckwheat honey for immunityDue to its sharp taste and smell, children do not like buckwheat honey. However, a large amount of biosubstances and micronutrients, immune substances and others in the environment of easily digestible glucose make this honey the most useful among honeys in the treatment of anemia in children and adults, as well as in strengthening the immune system.
Buckwheat honey - calories
Buckwheat honey is high in calories, because 100 g of the product contains 340 calories. However, these are simple sugars that are absorbed from the bloodstream, so the body burns as much as 80% of them completely. FROMFor this reason, buckwheat honey is recommended for people who have a sick liver or are overweight, because it is he althier than white sugar because it spares the liver. Contains no fat, fiber or sodium.
People with mild forms of diabetes (non-insulin-dependent) can eat buckwheat honey due to the high fructose content, but it is worth consulting a doctor beforehand.
Buckwheat honey, due to its high acid content, is also used in the production of mead.
Buckwheat honey - healing properties
Due to the high content of volatile substances, derivatives of essential oils, a large amount of mineral s alts and inhibins, rutin, enzymes, hormones and other substances with nutritional and healing properties, this honey is classified (next to honeydew honey) among the most valuable .
Honeydew and buckwheat honey with 50% buckwheat nectar and 50% honeydew honey is ranked first among honeys intended for medicinal and nutritional purposes.

Compared to other floral honeys, buckwheat honey has a higher content of immune substances (inhibin) and elements such as: iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, manganese, boron, sodium, copper, zinc, vanadium, silicon and others. It is a good source of vitamin C, B vitamins (especially B1, B2 and PP). Buckwheat honey contains enzymes - amylase, phosphatase, invertase.
Although it might seem that the content of these substances in buckwheat honey is relatively low ( although it is one of the highest among honeys), their almost 100% digestibility means that they can play an important role if the honey is consumed often and regularly.
Like all dark honeys, buckwheat honey contains a lot of mineral s alts, the amount of which ranges from 1.5-2%.
What are the healing properties of buckwheat honey?
- Buckwheat honey contains routine. For this reason, the consumption of buckwheat honey is encouraged, among others, by the elderly, people diagnosed with atherosclerosis and at risk of heart disease. The simple sugars it contains are easily absorbed into the bloodstream and nourish the heart muscle. According to recent studies, routine can prevent excessive blood clotting and can be used in prophylaxis in patients at risk of strokes and heart attacks. Routine strengthens and seals the smallest blood vessels, i.e. capillaries. Routine also improves the bioavailability of vitamin C, preventing its breakdown, and accelerates wound healing. It also improves the elasticity of the walls of all vesselsblood vessels, which prevents the appearance of edema and puffiness (especially in the legs). As a flavonoid, rutin has an antioxidant effect by combating free radicals. This protects not only the vessels, but also all cells of our body against damage.
- Systematic consumption of this product increases hemoglobin in the blood and supports convalescence after exhausting diseases, supports the regeneration processes.
- Buckwheat honey is highly effective in treating coughs, flu and colds as it is one of the best natural antibiotics.
- Protects and detoxifies the liver. Simple sugars contained in honey are responsible for this action.
- Due to the higher choline content than other honeys, buckwheat honey protects the body against its deficiency, and thus protects the liver and kidneys.
- It shortens the convalescence period after bone fractures and speeds up wound healing.
- Buckwheat honey reduces the harmfulness of stimulants (coffee, tea, alcohol, nicotine), detoxifies, removes lead and radioactive elements from blood serum and has anti-cancer properties.
- It regulates the work of the nervous system, improves mood, facilitates concentration, reduces states of mental tension.

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