Heather honey has numerous properties, therefore it has been widely used. In addition, heather honey has a beautiful color - from light shades, through amber, to brown. Unfortunately, its production is somewhat limited by the small number of moors. Check the he alth effects of heather honey, how to recognize the real one, what its price is and where you can buy it.
- Heather honey - properties
- Heather honey - color and texture
- Heather honey - price, where to buy
- Heather honey - use in the kitchen
- Heather honey - use in cosmetics
- Heather honey - what does it taste like?
- Heather honey - contraindications
Heather honeyis called the "king of honey" because of the very difficult and time-consuming process of obtaining it. Among other honeys, it stands out with its amazing heather scent, specific taste and color. It is also much more expensive than honey obtained from other nectars.
Heather honey - properties
Heather honey is rich in vitamin A and B vitamins. In addition, heather honey contains hormonal substances of plant origin - these are plant growth hormones and neurohormones, including acetylcholine.
Heather honey also contains many vitamins, such as choline, folic acid, nicotinic acid, pantothenic acid. It is also a source of numerous bioelements, incl. potassium, chlorine, calcium, sodium, magnesium and iron.
- heather honey for the urinary system
Heather honey has a strong antiseptic and diuretic effect. For this reason, it is perfect for diseases of the urinary system. It can be used as an aid in diseases of the kidneys (such as nephrolithiasis) and bladder. When used prophylactically by men, it can reduce the risk of developing prostate diseases.
- heather honey for the digestive system
Thanks to its bactericidal properties, heather honey can be used in case of problems with the digestive system. It soothes inflammation of the stomach and intestines. It also helps in the fight against diarrhea and constipation.
Heather honey is often obtained from Bory Dolnośląskie. These areas are rich in honey plants and have ideal conditions for the establishment of ecological apiaries.
- heather honey oncold
Heather honey has a strong anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antibacterial effect. For this reason, it will help in the fight against colds and flu.
Besides, heather honey supports the immune system. It is also perfect for a sore throat and mouth inflammation.
- heather honey and the nervous system
Heather honey is a source of many vitamins, including B vitamins, which have a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system. They alleviate the effects of stress and improve mental condition.
Worth knowingHeather honey - price, where to buy
The price of heather honey is quite high as it is difficult to obtain. The reason for this is the small number of apiaries and heather crops in Poland. 500 g of heather honey costs about PLN 45.
Heather honey - color and texture
The original consistency of heather honey is liquid, ruby-brown in color. It owes it to the high content of proteins and dextrins. However, heather honey undergoes the process of crystallization.
Its consistency then becomes more grainy, even more like butter. As the consistency changes, the color also changes to slightly orange. It can also reach shades of yellow, brown-purple and even white.
Heather honey - use in the kitchen
Heather honey is used primarily in the kitchen. It can be successfully added to tea or coffee instead of sugar. It is also perfect as an addition to meats in honey marinade and various types of sauces. Also goes well with oatmeal, yoghurt or millet.

Heather honey - use in cosmetics
Heather honey has a smoothing and antibacterial effect, which is why it is also used in cosmetics. Heather honey is added to various types of ointments, creams and masks. In ancient times, it was an obligatory bath accessory. Its antibacterial properties are mainly used in anti-acne cosmetics.
Heather honey - what does it taste like?
The taste of heather honey is very specific. Heather honey is sweet, but has a delicate hint of heather bitterness. In addition, it has a strong heather aroma.
Heather honey - contraindications
Due to the high sugar content, heather honey should not be excessively used by people struggling with diabetes. It is also high in calories, so people who are slimming should eat it in moderation.
This is interestingHeather honey has been known for a long time. She was his supporterCleopatra - Queen of Egypt, ruling in the 1st century BCE She took long baths in a bathtub filled with milk and heather honey, believing in its miraculous healing and rejuvenating properties.
About the authorWeronika RumińskaA graduate of Polish philology with an editorial and publishing specialization at the University of Warsaw. She developed her interests related to the editor's work already during her master's studies, actively cooperating with Poradnikzdrowie.pl on the editorial path and social media. Privately, a lover of good crime fiction and horse riding.Read more articles from this author