The trapezius muscle is one of the largest muscles in our body. It is responsible for many important motor functions, so we should not neglect it. Stretching the trapezius muscles is the key to the proper functioning of the back muscles. Find out what are the most effective exercises for the trapezius muscle to relieve pain, strengthen strength and improve its functionality. Also learn more about the structure and attachments of the trapezius muscle.
The trapezius muscleis located in the upper back. It is part of the back muscles and plays a very important role in the human body. It allows us, for example, to move our arms and the upper spine.
However, due to the sedentary lifestyle, which nowadays is the bane of almost everyone, trapezius muscle pain can be really bothersome and unpleasant with consequences. To prevent it, you should systematically perform exercises to strengthen the trapezius muscle and stretch it.
trapezius muscle - structure and trailers
The trapezius muscleof the back (Latintrapezius ) is located in the upper part of the back and resembles a triangle. The right and left trapezius muscles together form a rhombus. It covers the lats of the back and is part of the superficial and spine-brachial muscles. It is a flat muscle with its fibers running diagonally downwards and to the sides.
Attachments of the trapezius muscleextend from the skull to the spinous processes of the twelve thoracic vertebrae in the thoracic spine. The lower fibers of the trapezius muscle attach to the crest of the scapula, the intermediates to the shoulder process, and the upper fibers attach to the outer part of the collarbone (they occupy one third of its surface).
This muscle has double innervation: the outer branch of the accessory nerve and the branches of the cervical plexus, and four arteries: occipital, suprascapular, transverse of the neck and dorsal branches of the posterior intercostal arteries.
Trapezius - Functions
The trapezius muscle of the back has a number of important functions in the human locomotor system:
- works on the shoulder girdle of the upper limb - its upper part brings the shoulder blades closer together,
- middle and lower parts rotateshoulder blades to the chest,
- the upper part of the muscle supports the shoulder joint,
- the lower part lowers the shoulder joint and lifts it upwards,
- works with the levator of the shoulder blade and the parallelogram muscle.
trapezius - strengthening exercises
- Raising arms to the sides- consist in evenly raising the arms to the sides of the body. Remember not to exceed the shoulder line and gently lean your torso forward. The dumbbells should be kept parallel to the ground and the arms should be slightly bent.
- Raising your arms up- you can do this exercise while sitting or standing. It consists in lifting dumbbells above the head. Remember not to overstretch your elbows and do not descend too low with the dumbbells. Lower them roughly to the shoulder line.
- Raise your arms in the letter "V"- raise the dumbbells up, leading the arms to the sides of the body and placing the arms in a "V" shape. The movement starts from the center of the hips.
- Szrugsy- this is an exercise that exercises the so-called hoods. Grab the barbell in front of you and lift it up to the collarbone line. Pause it for a second at the upper end of the movement. Don't stick your elbows up too much. Slowly lower the barbell down.
- Rowing with a wide grip- grab the bar wider than shoulder width apart and lean forward almost to a right angle. Then bring the weight to your chest and lower it slowly. Do not straighten your arms at the elbow joint.
- Pull-ups or pull-ups with pulley- both exercises have the same function - they train the lower trapezius muscle. The only difference is the movement performed. By pulling up, you act on the muscles with the weight of the whole body and use the natural pattern of human movement. However, when pulling the rope from the pulley, remember to direct the bar towards the collarbone and remain still in a slightly tilted sitting position.
See also:Back muscles strengthening exercises
This will be useful to youPain in the trapezius muscle - how to prevent it and relieve it?
Pain in the trapezius is very common. The upper body is often overloaded from physical work or simply sitting at a desk, as we unconsciously strain and strain our trapezius muscles. All you have to do is bend down incorrectly or sit with your nose in your laptop or books for hours and the injury is ready.
Pain in the trapezius muscle manifests itself as an unpleasant burning sensation and tension, often causing breathing problems. If the injury turns into neuralgia in the spine, it should be done immediatelysee a physiotherapist.
To prevent pain in the trapezius muscle, you should exercise to stretch and strengthen the trapezius. If we work at a desk, we should take short breaks from sitting and avoid lifting heavy objects during physical work. Due to the many functions of the upper back, the back muscles are used a lot.
How to relieve aching trapezius muscles? Massage or alternating warm and cold water and healing ointments will be the most effective. Besides, the following methods may also be helpful:
- ice pack,
- self-massage,
- ginger infusion (anti-inflammatory),
- stretching and relaxing exercises,
- treatment with castor oil (reduces tension and reduces pain).
Trapezius - stretching exercises
Here is a collection of the best exercises for stretching your trapezius. You can perform the following exercises at home or during a break from work. Pause each position for about 20 seconds. Repeat until you feel relaxed and relaxed.
- Grab the side of your head with your hand and pull it towards the shoulder of the active limb. Do both sides.
- Grasp the nape of the neck and pull it tightly against your chest.
- Tilt your head far back as if you want to put it on your back.
- Reach out straightened arms and cross them over your head so that your palms touch each other. After 20 seconds, change the order of the hands.
- Place your arms on the sides of your body at chest level and push your chest firmly back.
- Go to a desk or other object and bend forward, resting your palms on the surface. Try to stretch your muscles as much as possible by bringing your chest down.
- Assume a propped kneeling position and firmly bend your spine upwards. Then take the opposite back position and bring your spine down. Repeat this sequence several times.