During training, we often unknowingly make mistakes that significantly reduce the effectiveness of the exercises. Even the most intense effort will not guarantee the expected results if the training was performed technically incorrectly and the muscles did not have enough time to regenerate. Find out about the 20 most common mistakes made during training and learn how to eliminate them.

Misconceptions and stereotypes about the principles of proper training can destroy the results of long hours of exercise. For example, there is a misconception that traditional crunches are the best exercise for getting rid of belly fat. Meanwhile, performing even 1000 sit-ups will not help if you do not know the exercise technique well enough and do not combine training with a proper diet.

There are many similar beliefs and they are most often responsible for the lack of effects in slimming and shaping the figure. Low efficiency is frustrating, which in turn reduces the motivation to exercise. In order to break out of the vicious circle, you should carefully analyze your training principles and eliminate possible mistakes.

Training mistakes: skipping warm-up

One of the most common mistakes made by practitioners is skipping the warm-up and going straight to training. The effects of this procedure can be very serious - insufficiently warmed muscles are much more prone to injuries. Warming up prepares the body for exercise, increases efficiency and allows you to achieve better sports results. It should last at least 10 minutes and cover all parts of the body, with particular emphasis on the ankle, knee, shoulder, neck and hip joints.

See also: Warm-up before training with Ola Żelazo

Training mistakes: too many repetitions

It seems that the longer, more intense the training, the better the results will be. This is not true. Training intensity should be adapted to the abilities of a given person. Begin with as many repetitions as will make your body tired, but not exhausting. Too strong start may result in overtraining and, consequently, pain, soreness and lack of strength for further training. Therefore, instead of the number of repetitions, it is better to focus on the correct techniqueexercise and try to do them as accurately as possible.

Training mistakes: applying too much load

In strength training, it is important to choose the weight of the weights that are right for you. It is better to start with minimal weights than to grab the heaviest dumbbells right away. Too much weight causes muscle strain, which means that we quickly lack the strength to do more repetitions. If the muscles get tired after 12-15 repetitions, and at the same time they do not tremble, it is a sign that we have chosen the right weight.

  • How to choose the training load?
  • Dumbbells for women - how to choose the right dumbbells for yourself?

Training errors: no breaks between training

It is a mistake to think that daily strength training is working for the best results. Muscles need at least one day's rest to regenerate. Also, during the exercises themselves, it is necessary to take breaks between the sets. It is during their duration that the muscle mass grows. Cardio training can be used every day.

Training mistakes: focusing on one body part

Muscles should receive new stimuli for development on a regular basis, otherwise the effort put into exercise will be wasted. The same monotonous exercises performed only on one part of the body make it impossible to achieve a harmoniously built figure. That is why it is important to make changes to the training plan every 4-8 weeks, and preferably not to limit yourself to only one sport discipline.

Mistakes in training: lack of systematicity

Systematic physical activity brings the best results. Moderate training three times a week is able to give you more benefits than one-time, strenuous exercise after which the whole body hurts for 3 days. It's best to get into the habit of training on certain days of the week and at a certain time - this way it is easier to stay systematic.

Training mistakes: Inappropriate technique

Before starting the training, you should thoroughly familiarize yourself with the technique of performing each exercise. What may seem easy in practice often requires precision and attention to every move. This applies not only to technically complex exercises with equipment, but also crunches, squats and push-ups.

Training mistakes: exercise with too high or low heart rate

Contrary to appearances, the level at which we maintain our heart rate is not without significance for the effectiveness of training. People who are slimming should exercise at 60-70% of their maximum heart rate (HR max). It is easy to calculate your maximum heart rate by subtracting your own from 220age. Multiplying the result by 60-70% will show the heart rate at which fat burning will be most effective for us. People who want to improve their performance, e.g. long-distance runners, should exercise with a heart rate of 70-85% HR max.

Training mistakes: disobeying the coach's advice

We often decide to train on our own from savings, and we learn about the technique of exercising from colorful magazines or the Internet. As a result, we unconsciously make mistakes that we cannot correct ourselves. To make sure that our efforts are not wasted, it is worth asking a professional, e.g. a gym instructor for advice. If you've never de alt with fitness before, it's best to take a few classes with a trainer so that later you can use his tips during self-training.

Mistakes in training: no training plan

A training plan not only helps you stay consistent and systematic, but also allows you to achieve better results. Doing randomly, any number of repetitions, is not designed to build strength or burn fat. Exercising according to a plan guarantees constant progress, prevents monotony and motivates better for further work.

Training mistakes: no progress control

An equally common mistake as doing random exercises without any plan is not controlling your progress. It is a good idea to do a fitness test from time to time, e.g. every two weeks, to see which elements of the training are well mastered and which still need to be refined. In addition, it is worth taking regular body measurements: measuring the circumference of the shoulders, biceps, chest, abdomen, thighs. It will also help us determine which parts of the body should be more focused during the next training sessions.


Training mistakes: ignoring pain

A very dangerous mistake is to train when you are in pain. Pain does not mean that exercise is effective, on the contrary, it signals a bad effect on your body. Also, pain should not be confused with the feeling of muscle fatigue that occurs most often after the end of training. Pain symptoms appear during exercise, often they are violent - then you have to stop training and give the strained muscles time to regenerate. If the pain persists for several days, a visit to the doctor is recommended.

Errors in training: no training target

Both complete beginners and those more advanced who return to training after a long break should set a training goal for themselves. Pursuing a previously set goalit is extremely motivating and helps in overcoming difficulties.

Training mistakes: skipping stretching

Stretching after exercise is as important as warming up before exercising. Stretching is aimed at stretching and relaxing the muscles that are stiff and tense after prolonged training. Stretching exercises facilitate their regeneration, prevent the formation of soreness and increase joint mobility.


Mistakes in training: forgetting about the correct diet

Every person who regularly practices sport should stick to a proper diet. The diet depends on what we want to achieve. People who are slimming will not notice the visible effects of their work, if they do not combine training with a low-calorie, well-balanced diet. Similarly, men who want to build muscle mass should take care of the right amount of protein and carbohydrates in their diet.

Training mistakes: too little fluid intake

Too little fluid intake is a significant error that affects the functioning of the entire body. When sweating, we lose not only water, but also a large amount of micronutrients. Physically active people should replenish the deficiencies by drinking at least 2 liters of water a day, necessarily mineralized.

Errors in training: lack of focus, talking during exercise

Training is most effective when we exercise consciously and focus. Talking to another person while exercising will distract you. The movements become less precise, the breathing is not stabilized, and the number of repetitions is done "by eye". Such lack of consistency has a negative impact on training and distances us from the set goal.

Mistakes in training: inappropriate outfit

The type of discipline we practice and the quality of our clothing should determine what outfit we choose for exercise, not its color or fashionable cut. Choosing an outfit is especially important in the case of running - wearing cotton T-shirts and pants that absorb sweat like a sponge reduces the comfort of training and may prevent you from achieving better results. For this reason, it is not worth saving on sportswear and choosing clothes that are adapted to the conditions in which we practice a given discipline.

Mistakes in training: incorrect lifestyle

Physical activity is not just about training from time to time - an hour of exercise a day does not justify sticking to harmful habits. Taking care of yourself should be treated as your overriding goal and way of life. This means, inter alia, giving up stimulants, eating he althy and getting the right amount of sleep.

Training mistakes: comparing yourselfwith others and "straw enthusiasm"

Often the impulse that prompts us to start training is the desire to improve our appearance. The sight of slim, athletic people drives them to act and motivates them to work on themselves. However, it is a mistake to assume that a month of practice is enough to look like a star on the cover of a colorful magazine. You have to be patient during training and take into account that the results will not come immediately. Only diligent and long-term work on yourself guarantees success.

Read also: 7 most common mistakes of runners - how to avoid injuries while running
