Kettlebell swing is a popular exercise performed, among others. by people training crossfit. While kettling swinging may not seem like a complicated activity at first glance, it requires mastering the right technique. Read how to perform the kettlebell swing correctly and what effects this exercise gives.
Kettlebell swingis a popular exercise among crosffitisers who are eager to include it in their daily training routine as part of their WOD (Workout of the Day). Kettlebell swing has been used to be considered a form of deadlift, as it is based on lifting a load from the ground and requires reaching an upright position. It primarily involves the iliopsoas and gluteal muscles. It differs from other kettlebell exercises in that to push the weight out, you need to move it as far away from the body axis as possible.
Kettlebell swing - 4-step technique
It is recommended that women begin lifting 8 kg kettlebells and 16 kg men.
Correct lifting and then swinging the kettlebell requires you to master the proper lifting technique. Where to start?
1.First, step apart more than shoulder width apart, and leaning forward to raise the kettlebell, bend your legs slightly, keeping your back straight and pelvic tilt forward.
2.Then grasp the kettlebell in straightened arms using the grip, push out your chest and pull your shoulders back.
3.Straighten the body at the hip and knee joints and at the same time perform the kettlebell by pointing it straight ahead. First of all, remember to straighten your hips, tense your buttocks and tense your abdominal muscles, thanks to which you will generate explosive strength. When your arm is perpendicular to the ground, you should now be in an upright posture.
4.Keep your head straight and look at a distant point above the horizon. After the kettle is at its maximum height, bend your knees again and lower the weight between your legs.
Kettlebell swing - types
Russian swingis performed when the swing of the kettle stops at the level of the forehead. It is worth adding that it was in Russia in the 18th century that this equipment (from the Russian "gria") was invented. Firstlyit was used as a weight for weighing goods, later it was lifted for sports purposes. The Russian - Dr. Vladislav Krayevski, who was the first to develop a collection of sample exercises with kettlebells.
The second type of exercise -american swing- is done by lifting the weight above your head.
Both russian and american swing have several varieties:
- with both hands - when lifting the kettlebell from the ground with both hands;
- one-handed - when the kettlebell is each time caught with the other hand in the down position;
- with one hand - when the kettlebell is each time caught with the other hand in the up position;
- one-handed - when the kettlebell is caught in the air (in the case of the American kettlebell swing).
The height we can lift the kettlebell obviously depends on our strength -it is important to keep the abdominal muscles tense at each moment of lifting the weight, do not bend your back or bend your hips backbecause all these errors put a strain on the lumbar spine.
This will be useful to you1.During the kettlebell swing, breathe regularly - when you start lifting the kettlebell, take a deep breath through your nose, and when you straighten your hips - breathe out dynamically and breathe in the diaphragm - try to stick your tongue to the roof of your mouth. Thanks to this, you will avoid greater fatigue caused by irregular breathing or exercising while holding your breath.
2.During the kettlebell swing, the movement is initiated by the muscles of the posterior kinetic chain (gluteal muscles, dorsal extensor, semitendinus, semimembranous, gastrocnemius, soleus and biceps muscles), and its continuity is ensured by the upper body.
3.The kettlebell lifting technique involves first generating force during the swing, reducing it when the weight falls between the legs and transferring the load at the moment of switching from a hip swing to the next repetition.
What muscles work during the kettlebell swing?
Kettlebell swingmobilizes many muscle groups to work. The kettlebell swing engages both the shoulder muscles (when pushing the weight forward) and the back chain of the lower limbs in the leg part of the exercise.
We stimulate the elbow and shoulder muscles to work while lifting the kettlebell:
- biceps;
- brachial muscle;
- triceps muscle of the arm (triceps);
- brachial muscleradial.
To work in the part of the exercise involving the legs, we engage the greater trochanter of the femur and muscles:
- great gluteus muscle;
- middle gluteus muscle;
- tensioner of the wide fascia;
- iliotibial band;
- biceps muscle of the thigh;
- large lateral muscle;
- gastrocnemius muscle.
Kettlebell swing - effects of the exercise
Joint stability and correct posture
Kettlebell swing primarily affects the stability of the joints. It belongs to ballistic exercises, i.e. exercises in which centrifugal force is used to set the weight in motion, and we do not move linearly, but in many planes. By lifting the weight, we move in a closed kinematic chain, which means that the movement of one link causes a certain movement of other links, and each link is connected to at least two others. Thanks to this, we avoid the pressure on the joints, which occurs in the case of exercises in the open kinematic chain. Lifting the kettlebell stabilizes the shoulder blades and shoulders and opens the chest, which helps to maintain a correct, upright posture and avoid the shoulders leaning forward when the chest is "tucked in".
The fast pace of the kettlebell swing improves the work of the heart and the entire circulatory system.
Increased muscle strength
Athletes also want to increase their muscle strength. Swing with a kettlebell involves a lot of muscles, so it also improves their endurance. The exercise works especially for the upper body parts - shoulders and arms, and to a lesser extent for the abdomen, legs and buttocks.
Fat Burning
Swing with a kettlebell is an aerobic and strength exercise in one, so it increases metabolic processes without harming the muscle tissue. To increase the effectiveness of exercises, it is worth introducing interval training with kettlebells. Interestingly, a 10-minute swing of a weight burns fat better than a 40-minute treadmill workout.
Improvement of motor skills
Another effect of the kettlebell swing is the improvement of motor skills, because while lifting the weight all the time we have to remember about keeping the balance. Exercises also teach you to cope with weightlifting on a daily basis, such as nets filled with groceries or suitcases.
You have to remember, however, that for the kettlebell swing to be effective, it is necessary to maintain the proper technique and pace of lifting the kettlebell.