The causes of insomnia can arise both from inadequate sleeping conditions and from mental disorders. The lack of sleep caused by insomnia is tiring, irritating and effectively hindering the functioning during the day. Find out what the most common causes of insomnia and make changes that will allow you to finally sleep.
There can be many causes of sleep problems . Insomnia can result from a bad bedroom atmosphere, an uncomfortable bed, or an unventilated room. Stress and a tense work atmosphere are also common causes of insomnia. It happens, however, that recurring sleep problems are caused by hormonal disorders or depression.
Causes of insomnia:
Uncomfortable bed
What you sleep on greatly affects your sleep quality. It is important that the mattress is firm (too soft is not good). In stores, you will also find ones that adjust to the shape of the body by themselves.
The materials you surround yourself with during sleep play an important role. Pajamas should be made of natural fabrics, and the pillow and quilt - wool or cotton.
Temperature too high
When it's too hot or too stuffy, sleep isn't he althy and you may wake up.The optimal temperature for a good night's sleep is 18-20 ° C . Remember to always air out the room where you sleep before going to bed.
Bad atmosphere in the bedroom
One of the causes of insomnia is the disturbance of the boundary between sleep and wakefulness. Research shows that even if a person is asleep and their consciousness is turned off, the brain continues to receive and process signals from the environment. That is why the bedroom should be arranged in such a way as to provide him with as little stimulus as possible. Electronic devices should not be placed in it, and the bed should only be used for sleep and sex.
So forget about falling asleep with your laptop and the sounds of TV. Even if you don't have a separate room for a bedroom, you are not in a lost position. You can also separate yourself from disturbing sleep stimuli.
Always change the mood in the room to "bedroom" before going to bed. Turn off all utensils, make the bed, change the light from the top to a romantic lamp. This is seemingly not much, and is often enough to prepare the brain for the sleep phase.
Coto do better sleep?
Stress is one of the most common causes of insomnia , so you need to learn how to deal with it. Sometimes a moment of relaxation, a relaxing bath can help.
If that's not enough, reach for herbs. If stress takes you away from sleep for a long time, it is worth enlisting the help of a specialist.
This will be useful to youIf stress is the cause of your sleep problems, you can help yourself with herbs to soothe your nerves. Lemon balm is the most famous plant that has a calming effect. Having an infusion of it in the evening will help you calm down.
St. John's wort has a similar effect - it is used in the treatment of depression. Like lemon balm, it has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and helps to calm down anxiety. You can buy St. John's wort in the form of tea and tablets.
Fatty food
The same applies if you go to sleep on an empty stomach. Eat dinner 2-3 hours before going to bed. However, avoid eating hard-to-digest food.
If you need to eat something just before going to bed, make sure it is light. Also, avoid alcohol and caffeinated beverages such as coffee and cola.
ImportantAlcohol worsens sleep quality
Definitely not recommended as a sleeping aid! Yes, it makes it easier to fall asleep, but it significantly worsens the quality of sleep, causing it to be shallow and shortened. As a result, sleep is much less regenerating, i.e. it does not fulfill its basic function.
Fear of insomnia
This is another factor that makes it difficult to fall asleep. If in the evening you start to worry that you will not fall asleep, there is a simple method that will calm your brain and make you feel safer.
Put a sleeping pill on the bedside table. Just knowing that you have such a remedy at hand is a very effective remedy for insomnia and often allows you to sleep through the night without any medications.
Mental disorders
Over 70 percent insomnia is a symptom of another illness. Usually mental or psychosomatic. Neuroses, depression, and ailments causing pain are the most common causes of sleep disorders. In such cases, it is impossible to do without the help of a specialist.
Melatonin secretion disorders
Melatonin is a hormone that corresponds to, among others, for regulating the biological clock. The body produces it at night and the quality of sleep depends largely on it.
The problem with falling asleep appears when the body stops producing it due to the disturbed rhythm of the day and stress. The deficiency can be supplemented with a supplement from the pharmacy.
- Sleep problems - bedtime herbs will help
- What to eat to sleep well? Diet for insomnia
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