The properties of pomegranates were known to Chinese doctors in antiquity. Pomegranate juice soothes digestive problems and has a rejuvenating effect on the skin. Thanks to the high content of phytohormones, the pomegranate relieves the symptoms of PMS and menopause. Supporters of aphrodisiacs in pomegranates also see properties that increase erotic sensations.
Ancient Chinese doctors consideredpomegranate juiceto be life-giving nectar. In the Middle Ages,pomegranatehad the reputation of being a fruit that guaranteed longevity. It has always been a symbol of fertility - more than half of it consists of just seeds! Wounds were treated with pomegranate juice. The skins were used against diarrhea, ulcers, caries, in inflammation of the throat. The bark and roots fought against the tapeworm, and the pomegranate flowers were used to treat diabetes. As a superfruit with unusual properties, it decorated the emblems of medical associations all over Europe.
Nowadays, the pomegranate itself and the juice squeezed from these fruits have lived to over 200 scientific studies confirming their effectiveness against free radicals, inflammatory processes and heart disease. The greatest treasure of pomegranates are easily digestible polyphenols belonging to antioxidants. There are three times more of them in pomegranate juice than in green tea or red wine. We owe the greatest benefits of pomegranates to antioxidants.
Healing properties of pomegranates
●IMPROVE BLOOD FLOWin people with coronary artery disease, they reduce plaque and calcification, lower blood pressure, and at the same time help keep cholesterol levels in check.
●HELP FIGHT PROSTATE CANCERAmerican scientists conducted a study in which, in 48 patients, treatment with pomegranates inhibited the development of cancer cells.
●CAN SUPPORT THE TREATMENT OF BREAST CANCERIn an in vitro study, oncologists found inhibition of the multiplication of neoplastic cells.
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Author: Time S.A
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Find out more●PREVENTAGINGand even slow the progression of Alzheimer's dementia.
●SOOTHING DIGESTIVE PROBLEMSContains citric acid and tannin with astringent properties.
●HELP WITH FEMALE PMSand symptoms related to menopause, thanks to phytoestrogens
●PREVENT PROBLEMS WITH ERECTIONIn Tibetan medicine they were the basic ingredient of the potency drug. The active substances contained in pomegranates actually have a beneficial effect on potency, reduce erectile dysfunction, stimulate libido and increase erotic sensations.
●REJUVENATINGregenerate the skin, improve its blood supply and color. They also accelerate the healing of acne lesions, because they have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. The ellagic acid contained in them strengthens the cell walls, preventing them from losing water, which slows down the aging process.
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