The IUD (the popular spiral) is a method of contraception recommended by gynecologists, especially for women who have already had their first childbirth behind. The intrauterine device protects against pregnancy for 2 to 6 years. Is the spiral effective? What are the pros and cons of the IUD?
Spiralresembles the letter T. ModernIUDis made of plastic with copper or silver. It dramatically decreased sperm motility. As a result, they have no chance of reaching the fallopian tube and fertilizing the egg. Hormonal IUDs are equipped with a special container with progesterone, which is gradually released into the uterus, acting locally on its mucosa. As a result, the mucus in the cervix thickens, making it impenetrable to sperm and reducing their mobility in the fallopian tubes. In Poland, the only available hormonal spiral is Mirena.
Who is the IUD for
This method is recommended for women who have already given birth, are not planning to have a baby in the near future, and are unwilling or unable to use oral contraception. Women who have not given birth should not use it because the traditionalIUD(no matter what it's made of) causes a slight uterine inflammation. In addition, when it is put in place, the neck may be damaged. This, in turn, sometimes affects the course of the pregnancy. Although Mirena prevents infections, it is not used in a woman who has not given birth, but is offered pills. The spiral is inserted by the doctor during menstruation. Depending on the type, it secures for 2-6 years.
IUD: benefits of the coil
- traditional spiral efficiency according to Pearl index: 0.6-0.8, hormonal spiral 0.1
- IUDs with hormones inhibit the monthly growth of the uterine mucosa, thanks to which the periods are less abundant and shorter (1-2 days); they can be used not only for contraceptive purposes, but also as a medicine for heavy periods
- long-term protection against unwanted pregnancy
- regular and hormonal spirals can be used by nursing women
- hormonal inserts prevent the growth of the uterine mucosa, the development of fibroids and polyps
- the method is economical, because the expenditure is spread over several years
IUD also have disadvantages
- contraindication are some uterine structure defects (fibroids, cervical deformities as a result of pregnancy), tendency to infection of the appendages, cysts
- it cannot be used by women who have had an ectopic pregnancy
- can increase the length and intensity of bleeding, especially in the first months after insertion (except Mirena)
- traditional spirals increase the risk of infection of the reproductive organ.
How much does it cost to install the spiral
Depending on the type, PLN 80-850.
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