Happiness - what is it? A popular saying says that happiness must be helped. There is a lot of truth in that! A lot can be done to ensure that the feeling of happiness accompanies us every day. It's a question of attitude. Find out what will help you become happy!
Happiness- what makes us feel them? One will say that he alth is important here, another - that love, and someone else - fulfilling work. These can be important components of happiness - as long as we can see them and enjoy them. Happiness is a state of mind - and body - that can be learned to evoke and strengthen. How to work on it?
- Happiness is living in harmony with yourself
- Happiness is a sense of agency
- Happiness is focusing on what's important
- Happiness is the present
- Happiness is positive emotions
Happiness is living in harmony with yourself
- Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. […] Don't let the noise of other people's opinions drown out your own inner voice […] have the courage to follow your heart and intuition - these are the words of Steve Jobs, Apple's co-founder.
They are a guide for those who burn out at work or tire of the field of study they have chosen to meet their parents' expectations. When a man engages in unpopular activities, he puts much more physical and mental effort into them than if he had a heart for them.
He has the feeling that he is not doing it really well - and that increases the level of stress and fear of failure. Such a situation is a burden to the psyche, and in the long run it destroys he alth. How to change it? It does not have to be a radical life turn, sometimes a small correction is enough, e.g. changing a job position in the same company.
It may help to think about the importance of what we do - even a job that is not very well liked gives meaning to the thought that thanks to it we can gain experience or resources to fulfill an important need. Being able to work with pleasure is extremely important to happiness. It gives satisfaction as well as a chance for success.
Happiness is a sense of agency
Research shows that what stresses us the most - be it at work or in everyday life - is loss of control: unpredictability of changeand situations in which we must participate that we do not accept or influence. To reduce the stress associated with it, you can try to ignore the problem ("I'll think about it tomorrow"), but this strategy only helps for a moment and usually does not solve the problem.
You can also share your worry with someone you love - talking relieves tension and often allows you to find a solution. However, you can also try to change the situation to your advantage, turning stress into action.
An active approach to a problem, even if it would not bring the expected effect, is always a chance - even if only to gain another experience. And it gives you a priceless sense of agency that increases self-confidence and self-esteem. By believing in our ability to influence, we can learn to treat difficulties as challenges rather than threats, and to reduce our anxiety and stress levels.
Happy single: a lonely life can be fascinating
What makes a person happy?
Don't be afraid of changes: they open up new possibilities
Happiness is focusing on what's important
One factor that makes it difficult for a person to reach happiness is living in a hurry. We fall into this trap if we want too much - goods, impressions, prestige. We want to be promoted, buy a new car, go on an all-inclusive holiday, pay off the loan. We work longer and longer to consume, and we fail to see that we are consuming instead of living.
In the end, we don't even have much free time for that. We spend it standing in traffic jams, watching episodes of our favorite series on weekends. Rush and the associated stress limit it, as it does not give us room for development and reflection on whether what we are doing suits us. In a hurry it is difficult to enjoy pleasures, rest, find time to cultivate friendship and relationships with loved ones.
To find your inner balance, you need to make room for the things that really matter to us. This can be achieved by eliminating the superfluous from life. Let us control expenses, let us resist the temptation to jump on any commodity tempted by the market ("you must have it!"). Let's buy what is necessary for life and functioning, neither too little nor too much - thanks to this, the pressure of earning will decrease and there will be more funds to meet important needs, make dreams come true.
It is important to focus on goals that we care about - long-term and everyday ones. Let us limit the number of meetings, matters to be de alt with, and sitting on the Internet. Every day we set ourselves 3 or 4 most important tasks, and the less important oneslet's only pursue it when there is enough time. Thanks to this, we will gain time to cultivate important relationships and mental space to think about what makes us happy, create ideas for the implementation of life goals. Then we will start to really enjoy life.
Happiness is the present
Analyzing past events is beneficial because it teaches you how to avoid the mistakes we have made. Visualizing the future is also important because it mobilizes to action and allows you to plan your life moves. However, obsessive reflection on what was and excessive fear of what will be does not allow us to enjoy what is here and now, or to focus on positive actions.
Without losing sight of important goals, it is worth living in the moment that lasts. When we realize that the past has already existed and that we can shape the future today, we will reduce our stress levels. By focusing on the present moment, we can feel and be more intense and fuller. It is easier to connect with people when we are more attentive to their signals. See the beauty of the world, soak up the pleasures with all your senses, inaccessible to the mind that is busy pondering what was and what will be.
Happiness is positive emotions
The feeling of happiness is significantly influenced by positive relationships with people. They provide support in difficult times, a sense of security and, above all, the disinterested joy that we feel when we can give someone else. Giving (in the broad sense of the word) gives much more satisfaction than taking. So let us not only give our loved ones, but also everyone we meet on our way - support, conversation or just a smile.
Positive emotions will come back to us and strengthen our psychological well-being, because kindness evokes a similar reaction: a smile provokes a smile, facilitates communication. Whether we feel happy is also influenced by gratitude - I am he althy, I have a job, skills, a roof over my head, close friends, and today the sun is shining. This attitude allows you to see the world from the perspective of a "half full glass".
This will be useful to youPhysical he alth and happiness are intertwined - not only in the sense that a person who is okay with nothing is happier. This also works the other way around: a bad state of the soul harms the body. A classic example is backache, which teases not only blue collar workers, but also those who spend long hours sitting at a desk - they don't carry anything, but mentally "row against the flow", their muscles still tense from stress and rush.
In the pursuit of success, we exploit our bodies mercilessly, burdening thembeyond measure, refusing to rest, ignoring alarming signals. Meanwhile, if we took care of the body, the psyche would also be stronger, greater efficiency and satisfaction with life. Let us appreciate what this extremely complicated mechanism of our body can do.
Let's accept it as it is - good enough, not necessarily perfect, and don't expect more from him than he can carry. Let's see how many wonderful experiences he gives us and let him do it, and the feeling of happiness will surely increase.
Let's stay in nature as often as possible - just 20 minutes of looking at green lowers the level of cortisol, reducing the stress of being in a noisy city environment saturated with technology and radiation.
Regularly disconnect from the network, take care of sleep hygiene and the balance between work and rest. Let's practice breathing, let's listen to music, let's sing, let's laugh as often as possible. Let's adopt a dog - the company of an animal not only forces you to be physically active, but also stimulates the release of oxytocin, the love hormone.
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