Iron absorption is a big problem in anemia. Anemia develops when the body produces too few red blood cells. Most often we have anemia due to lack of iron. We sometimes suffer from iron deficiency, even when we maintain a good diet and take iron supplements. We just don't absorb it well enough. How to improve iron malabsorption
Actually, anemia should not affect us, because the daily diet of Poles provides about 10-20 mgiron , of which we consume about 5-10 percent. This is enough to avoid anemia, because the daily requirement ranges from 1 to 4 mg, depending on age and he alth (pregnant women need it the most).
The body uses iron wisely. It circulates in the blood and is transported by a protein called transferrin. It supplies iron to the marrow, where it is needed to make hemoglobin, the protein that fills red blood cells (erythrocytes). In addition, we have iron stores in proteins: ferritin and hemosiderin.
These stocks last for several months or even several years. However, if we do not absorb iron from the diet, we are depleting our iron stores. Doctors then talk about a hidden iron deficiency. Eventually the purse turns out to be empty and we begin to have symptoms of anemia.
How do you know if you have iron malabsorption?
If we apply treatment and take iron supplements, and the blood count and blood iron levels do not improve, the doctor will probably order an iron absorption curve. We donate blood on an empty stomach and the laboratory determines the iron concentration. Then we get a preparation containing iron and the nurse takes blood at certain intervals. The iron concentration in each sample is determined. If the results show that despite the administration of a preparation containing iron, the level of this element in the blood does not increase - then it can be said that iron is poorly absorbed.
Check what to eat in case of anemia:

Anemia symptoms
- weakness,
- getting tired easily,
- increased heart rate,
- shortness of breath after exercise,
- headaches,
- sleep disorders,
- pale skin and mucous membranes,
- trouble concentrating,
- hair loss,
- nail breakage.
Iron malabsorption: causes
Iron is absorbed in the upper part of the small intestine. For various reasons (damage or malfunction of the intestinal villi, damaged mucosa, lack of good intestinal bacteria), we may have malabsorption from the gastrointestinal tract and then iron simply does not enter our bloodstream. In these situations, injectable iron preparations are generally started. There is also a theory that the milk protein lactoferrin, having a beneficial effect on the intestinal flora, improves absorption and thus improves our absorption of iron.
Read more: Hemoglobin: Standards for Women, Men and Children, and for Pregnant Women
How to increase iron absorption
Sometimes slight changes in our habits and the way we take iron supplements can help. Absorption will be increased if we take it on an empty stomach or between meals. It is worth drinking the preparation with citrus juice, because vitamin C supports the absorption of iron. Vitamins B6, B12 and folic acid are also beneficial. During iron treatment, it is worth limiting the consumption of milk and dairy products, as well as flour products and groats. On the other hand, eat more vegetables (especially leafy greens and beetroots) and fruit (fructose also supports iron absorption) and red meat.
How to recognize the symptoms of anemia?