Unevenness and discoloration of the nail plate can be a signal from your body that you are missing something. Check what your body is asking for.

Do you have brittle, brittle nails? Do they split even though you eat he althy and care for them? This could be an internal disorder. It can be a sign of arthritis, circulation problems or a lack of nutrients, such as vitamins, iron, calcium and magnesium.
But maybe you just don't protect your nails from detergents? Every time you wash dishes or clean your home, your hands are exposed to chemicals, often highly irritating, contained in cleaning powders and liquids. So, before you go to the doctor, learn to use rubber gloves in your housework. Paint your nails with a nail polish containing a conditioner that hardens the nail plate, or rub in a conditioner with iron, calcium, magnesium and vitamins. You can buy a safe and really effective preparation only in a good beauty salon or at a manicurist. To wash off the varnish, never use acetone, which dries the plate.

Warning color

He althy nails are light pink and the plate is transparent. Therefore, pay attention to any changes in their color. Too pale nails can signal a strong iron deficiency. If, on the other hand, you notice that they have turned yellow, tell your doctor as soon as possible. Such appearance of nails may be a symptom of a serious disease of the respiratory system, lungs, kidneys and liver.
The cause of the yellow or brown discoloration of the nail plate may also be trivial. It usually appears when you often paint your nails with intense, dark colors, the pigment of which is absorbed by the nail plate. You cannot remove such a color with a remover. It will disappear by itself after a few weeks if you give up the colored varnish. You can also polish your nails with the smooth side of a dedicated paper file and soak them in lemon juice (put your fingers in a bowl with the juice of two lemons for 10-15 minutes).
Often white spots appear on the nails. If they show up on one or two, they are probably traumatic. But when you see them on most nails, they likely indicate a calcium and zinc deficiency. Sometimes they are a symptom of psoriasis or a harmless local keratin deficiency.
Dark spots may be an impact mark resulting in a slight hemorrhagewith your fingernail, for example when you pinch your fingers on a door. It happens that at this point the nail separates from the placenta, giving access to bacteria. Inflammation will develop and local antibiotic treatment will be indicated. If this happens, be sure to only do any household chores with rubber gloves, absolutely not varnish your nails or apply artificial ones until inflammation has subsided.
Brown or black spots extending to the skin of the finger around the nail may be melanoma - the most dangerous skin cancer. So if you notice them, see a dermatologist immediately. Remember that early and early treatment can really save your life!
Bruising and dark blue spots sometimes signal heart failure, heart disease or lung disease. If, in addition, you feel unwell, any major physical exertion, such as climbing several stairs, is difficult for you, a sign that there is nothing to wait for. Sometimes it happens that a young child's nails and lips suddenly turn purple. This heralds an acute asthma attack caused by an allergy. Only a quick intervention of a doctor will allow you to safely avoid it.

Changed surface

Even the very surface of the plate shows your he alth. The longitudinal grooves sometimes mean gastrointestinal disturbance or osteoporosis. They can also talk about aging nails. They are the equivalent of wrinkles on the skin. Such changes have a genetic basis and appear in some 30-year-olds. They are also the result of frequent nail injuries, e.g. during a slightly delicate manicure with metal clippers.
Crescent-shaped transverse furrows, most often on all nails, are a symptom of malnutrition or neurological complaints. They are characteristic of people undergoing chemotherapy.
Irregular furrows are a reminder of debilitating diseases, such as pneumonia. They also accompany psoriasis and eczema. If you notice them, see your doctor.

Important shape

Sometimes the nails have a spiky shape. When you look at them from the side, you can see that the plaque falls flat down against the epidermis. When you press it, you feel it spring back. This is the effect of changing the position of the nail on the bed. These distortions can sometimes mean lung or heart disease. If they appear overnight, although this is really rare, they can signal cancer. A spoon-shaped depression in the center of the nail is a symptom of anemia or an imbalance in the secretion of thyroid hormones. In both cases, it is necessary to visit a doctor who will assess whether treatment needs to be started.

What is a matrix

At the base, under the skinthere is a matrix, i.e. the layer of cells from which the nail grows. The white crescent moon, called the nail plate, is where the living part turns into a dead horny plate. We can shorten it painlessly with scissors. The nail lies on the bedding, or the placenta. The whole thing is surrounded by nail shafts. Cuticles, i.e. the epidermal margins, grow on the plate, protecting the nail against drying out and infections.

Worth knowing

The best home remedy to strengthen your nails is taking a bath in a warm mixture of three tablespoons of castor oil (or olive oil) and one tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice

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