Pregnancy trophoblastic disease is a group of diseases in which there is an abnormal growth of cells that form first the chorion and then the placenta. As a consequence, the fertilized egg does not develop and in most cases there is a spontaneous miscarriage. What are the causes and symptoms of gestational trophoblastic disease? What is the treatment?

Pregnancy trophoblastic disease(gestational trophoblastic disease - GTD) is a group of rare diseases such as:

  • bunny (complete or partial);
  • bunny invasive;
  • chorionic carcinoma (chorionic villus);
  • tumor of the placental site;

Their essence is an abnormal growth of trophoblast - cells that make up the chorion (the fetal membrane surrounding the embryo from the outside, from which the placenta is then formed). These cells (villi) grow deep into the uterine wall. Then the fertilized egg does not develop. If the entire chorion is affected by the disease, the pregnancy usually undergoes a spontaneous miscarriage.

Pregnancy trophoblastic disease - causes and risk factors

The causes of this group of diseases are probably incorrect fertilization or existing genetic disorders. In turn, the risk factors are:

  • previous pregnancies of this type;
  • age - the risk of gestational trophoblastic disease increases in women before the age of 15 and after 35;
  • miscarriages;
  • incorrect ovulation;
  • hormonal contraception;
  • in vitro fertilization;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • diet during pregnancy (low in carotene, animal fats);

A molar mole can transform into an invasive (destructive) mole. In extreme cases, chorionic villus cancer may develop.

Pregnancy trophoblastic disease - symptoms

Pregnancy trophoblastic disease usually appears in the 2nd-3rd trimester of pregnancy

  • brown vaginal discharge;
  • vaginal bleeding - occurs around the 4th week of pregnancy. Later on, it can be concluded that the secretion contains structures that resemble a cluster of grapes;

CHECK>> Bleeding in pregnancy: causes of bleeding in the first half of pregnancy

  • enlargement of the uterus - as a consequence, its size is disproportionate to the week of pregnancy;
  • increased vomiting (so-called pregnant vomiting) or nausea,
  • brach of fetal movements;
  • extensive swelling;

Pregnancy trophoblastic disease - diagnosis

If a pregnancy trophoblastic disease is suspected, a transvaginal ultrasound examination (USG) is performed. A characteristic image appears on it, reminiscent of a snowstorm.

In turn, blood tests show an increased concentration of beta hCG (beta chorionic gonadotropin). In addition, the pregnant woman has high blood pressure and protein in her urine.

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The doctor may also check the function of the kidneys, liver and thyroid gland, as these organs may become dysfunctional.

The final diagnosis is made on the basis of the results of the histopathological examination of the material obtained from the uterine cavity.

Pregnancy trophoblastic disease - treatment

If the pregnancy did not end spontaneously, curettage is performed.

The radical method of treatment is the removal of the uterus.

Pregnancy trophoblastic disease - what after treatment?

Chorionic carcinoma (chorionic carcinoma) may develop after gestational trophoblastic disease, therefore after treatment it is recommended to periodically check the level of beta HCG (beta chorionic gonadotropin), the increase of which may suggest a neoplasm. These tests are performed at various intervals throughout the year, even if the hormone concentration is 0.0. However, if the beta HCG level is elevated or even a low level of the hormone is maintained for a long time, treatment is initiated.

After pregnancy trophoblastic disease, you should wait at least one year before trying to become pregnant again, to avoid possible concomitant pregnancy and cancer. However, a woman should not use oral contraception as it increases the risk of the disease recurring in the next pregnancy.
