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Thrush looks like the milk left over in your baby's mouth after feeding. But when you try to wipe them off, blood appears. This proves a superficial infection with Monilla albicans. Usually the thrush is small, but if neglected, it can cover the mucosa in an infant's mouth with a uniform layer.

A baby's thrushmay appear 5-6 days after giving birth - in this case, it may be the result of an untreated mycotic infection of the motherchild becomes infected during childbirth. Butbaby thrushcan also appear at 2 or 3 months of age and beyond as a result of an imbalance between bacteria and yeast in the mouth. It happens when the child has a decreased immunity (e.g. during teething), after treatment with antibiotics or because the parents do not follow the rules of hygiene. A baby can also become infected by sucking on a mother's breast contaminated with yeast or a nipple licked by it.

How To Treat Thrush

Thrush will not go away by itself, you need to see a doctor. Not only because, if untreated, they will cover the mucous membranes of the baby with a thick, creamy coat after some time. Thrush on the mucous membranes causes pain to the baby, making it difficult to suckle - the baby may gain weight less, be listless or irritable, and sleep poorly. The pediatrician will usually prescribe the antiseptic Aphtin and the antifungal Nystatin (both are liquid). The doctor also recommends the method and frequency of administration of the drug - usually you need to put it in the child's mouth or lubricate the lesions with a cotton swab moistened in the drug. Note: apply the drug gently so as not to peel off the thrush - if you accidentally tear it off, the mucosa will start to bleed, which will cause your child a lot of pain. If you are breastfeeding, also lubricate the nipples with the drug (as the infection can transfer from them back to the baby's mouth), and if you are breastfeeding, remember to thoroughly sterilize the bottles and teats after each feeding.

When the thrush returns

Like any fungal infection, thrush is prone to recurrence. To prevent them, follow the rules of hygiene - wash your hands often (especially after visiting the toilet), ask all household members and guests to do the same. If you are breastfeeding, wash your nipples with warm water before and after feeding; when you feed the formula, wash and steam the bottles and teats thoroughly. If the child needs to takeantibiotics, at the doctor's order, give additional preparations based on lactic acid - e.g. Lakcid, Lacidofil (always consult your doctor about the type of preparation), which help to maintain the correct composition of the intestinal bacterial flora.


Thrush looks like the milk left over in your baby's mouth after feeding. This proves a superficial infection with Monilla albicans. Usually the thrush is small, but if neglected, it can cover the mucosa in an infant's mouth with a uniform layer.

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