Coconut is a nut that owes its he alth properties to exceptional nutritional values - especially the rare group of fatty acids, which include they accelerate the metabolism. Therefore, coconut is recommended, among others for slimming. Check what action coconut has and what other uses it has found.
Coconutis a nut whosehe alth propertiesare appreciated not only by its amateurs, but also by scientists. No wonder - coconut flesh, the white and fleshy lining of the nut's hard shell, is rich in fiber, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus, as well as folic acid. However, the greatest he alth value is attributed to the saturated fatty acids contained in coconut flesh. However, these are not the same saturated fatty acids found in most animal products, namely long-chain triglycerides (LCT), which contribute to high cholesterol levels and the development of atherosclerosis. The saturated fatty acids in coconut are medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) and are metabolized differently. Due to the fact that their particles are smaller, their metabolism is faster. It does not require the presence of enzymes that are involved in the metabolism of LCT fats, i.e. lipase and bile. MCT acids bypass fat cells and are absorbed directly from the gastrointestinal tract into the portal vein. As a result, they are not stored as backup material, but are a quickly available source of energy.
Coconut for weight loss
This property of coconuts is used by people on a slimming diet. In turn, Brazilian scientists, the results of which were published in the journal "Lipids", argue that coconuts should be included in the diet, especially by people struggling with abdominal obesity, because they support the fight against it.
Fresh coconut is quite caloric (354 kcal / 100 g), so it should be eaten in moderate amounts - only then will it promote weight loss.
Their experiment involved 40 women aged 20 to 40 who suffered from abdominal obesity. They found that women who consumed coconut oil (containing MCT acids) had a significantly lower BMI and lower waist circumference than women in the control group. However, others are skeptical about the resultsof these studies (including Ashley Simmons, a cardiologist at the University of Kansas Hospital) and note that the difference in circumference was small, and that the short-term studies alone were not sufficient to justify the he alth benefits of from coconut oil pulp.
In addition, 100 g of coconut flesh contains 15.23 g of carbohydrates, most of which, almost 60 percent. (9 g / 100 g) is a fiber that fills the stomach and gives a feeling of fullness for a long time. Dried coconut flesh contains even more dietary fiber - a little over 23 g of fiber per 100 g. This amount covers almost the entire daily fiber requirement of the body!
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Author: Time S.A
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Find out moreThis will be useful to youNutritional value of fresh coconut flesh (in 100 g)Energy value - 354 kcal Total protein - 3.33 g Fat - 33.49 g Carbohydrates - 15.23 g (including sugars simple 6.23) Fiber - 9.0 gVitaminsVitamin C - 3.3 mg Thiamine - 0.066 mg Riboflavin - 0.020 mg Niacin - 0.540 mg Vitamin B6 - 0.054 mg Folic acid - 26 µg Vitamin E - 0.24 mg Vitamin K - 0.2 µgMineralsCalcium - 14 mg Iron - 2.43 mg Magnesium - 32 mg Phosphorus - 113 mgPotassium - 356 mgSodium - 20 mg Zinc - 1.10 mgData Source: USDA National Nutrient Database
Coconut will lower cholesterol
Saturated fatty acids in coconut flesh do not raise cholesterol levels and contribute to the development of atherosclerosis.
Coconut is a treasure trove of potassium (356 mg / 100 g), therefore it may contribute to lowering blood pressure.
On the contrary - the research published in the journal "Lipids" shows that they contributed to an increase in the level of "good" HDL cholesterol and lower its "bad" LDL fraction, and thus - reduced the risk of developing atherosclerosis, and then heart disease. Evidence of a positive effect of coconut on the work of the cardiovascular system can also be found in Australia and Polynesia. Inhabitants of these areas consume the most coconut products in the world and suffer less from heart disease. However, skeptics note that it is not known if this is related to the coconut-based diet or if there are other factors involved.
Coconut against tooth decay and thrush
Coconut can prevent caries, argue scientists from the Athlone Institute of Technology (AIT) in Westmeath (Ireland). All thanks to the coconut oil contained in it, which, in contact with saliva (and specifically with digestive enzymes in it), prevents the adhesion and deposition of bacteria causing caries, and thus their multiplication in the oral cavity. Scientists argue that the oil in coconut flesh can be just as effective as chemical mouthwashes. In addition, they argue that this oil fights yeastCandida albicans , which is the cause of oral thrush.
Is coconut a natural antibiotic?
In turn, the research of other scientists shows that the substances contained in the walnut flesh can fight staphylococcus aureus, and even cope with the herpes, measles and flu viruses. Although coconut has not been officially confirmed, it is considered by some to be a natural antibiotic.
Coconut may prevent the development of Alzheimer's?
Medium-chain triglycerides found in coconut flesh can prevent development as well as help treat Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease. As early as 2006, scientists argued in the "Neurobiology of Aging" that the administration of medium-chain triglycerides in Alzheimer's patients resulted in a significant improvement in their condition. However, these are preliminary studies and further tests are needed to confirm the discussed properties of coconut.
Coconut - use in the kitchen
Coconut flesh can be eaten immediately after cracking the walnut, straight from the shell, or you can prepare desserts based on it.
ImportantBefore buying a coconut, shake it well. If you hear splashing sounds, it means that the coconut is fresh - only these are the nuts that you should buy. If you don't hear the splashing sound, the coconut's core is dry, making the coconut old and practically inedible.
Freshly grated coconut flesh with the addition of hot milk or water can be a base for masses and creams. On the other hand, the dried and grated coconut flesh, i.e. coconut shavings, can be a decoration for cakes and cakes, as well as a sprinkle for desserts, fruit salads and ice cream. Coconut shavings will also work well as a coating for fish. In addition, coconuts can be combined with potatoes or rice.
Fresh coconut has a low glycemic index (IG=45), therefore diabetics can choose it when composing their daily menu.
TRY>>RECIPE for Thai coconut soup with wild rice and prawns
Coconut can also be used in drinks andrefreshing fruit shakes. It is worth knowing that coconut flour, made of finely ground, dried and skimmed coconut flesh, contains the most fiber among all flours offered on the market. In addition, it does not contain gluten and is hypoallergenic, so it can be consumed by people struggling with celiac disease or gluten allergy and other food allergies. Coconut - how to open a coconut? How to peel a coconut?There are 3 cavities in the coconut. Make a hole in one of them (usually one is easy to pierce, the other two cause problems). For this, you can use a narrow knife or a corkscrew. Then turn the coconut upside down and pour the coconut water through the hollow hole in it, which you can also use for culinary purposes. Then hold the coke tightly and hit it with the blunt side (not the blade) of the heavy knife around the perimeter. The walnut should burst and open by itself. If not, you can help yourself by tapping the stuck knife with a meat tenderizer. However, you should be especially careful in this case. How to detach the flesh from the shell now? Take a knife with a round tip. Pry up the flesh and try to detach it from the nut shell (in fact, you only need to pry it slightly to make it come off the shell itself). Then use a sharp knife to peel the flesh from the brown skin.