Flooding of milk may be caused by incorrect latching of the baby to the breast or wrong positioning when feeding with a bottle, as a result of which the baby gulps too much air. However, it happens that reflux or allergies are to blame for the downpouring of food, so you should always talk about the downpouring with your pediatrician.
Spilling foodhappens to many children. Are you worried that immediately after eatingyour baby rainsthat is, a small amount of food is flowing from his mouth? The downpouring of food can be effectively reduced. We suggest what breastfeeding or bottle feeding should look like to reduce downpour. You will also learn when downpouring can be dangerous?
Downpour: immature digestive system and gulping air
The pouring down of food is a problem for every second baby. If the food has been partially digested by gastric juice, it resembles curdled milk or cottage cheese and has a slightly sour smell. The baby is raining down during the first months of life, sometimes up to a year or more, because its digestive system is still immature. The sphincter muscle that separates the stomach from the esophagus and blocks the flow of food back is still very weak. In addition, the baby swallows air while eating - the more the faster and more greedily it sucks. The air bubble trapped in the stomach tries to get out - like in a bottle that we turn upside down. He pushes his food out as he pushes his way out.
Ways to pour food
Carry your baby upright after feeding to make him belch (he may spill some food at the same time). After eating, place your baby in the crib on its side. Raise the head end mattress higher to prevent regurgitation. All you need to do is put a rolled-up blanket or towel under the mattress. Immediately after eating, limit movement games with your baby.
Flow of food by a breastfed infant
Change the feeding position so that the baby's head is higher than the legs. Hold your baby at an angle of approximately 30 degrees. Make sure your baby has all the nipple in his mouth. If you are having a high milk load, you may want to express some milk before feeding to keep it from flowing under too much pressure. When lactation is normal and milk production is adapted to your baby's needs, the flow of milk will be less and the downpouring may be reduced. Avoid treating your breasts like a sedator -excess milk in an infant's abdomen may be conducive to spilling. Before latching on your baby, you can give him (or mix with expressed milk) a milk thickening preparation (consult your doctor beforehand).
Spilling milk by an infant receiving formula milk
The opening in the teat must not be too large. Take breaks between feeds to give your baby time to digest the milk. Consult your doctor if you can introduce AR, or anti-reflux milk, into your baby's diet. Thanks to the addition of locust bean flour or potato starch, the milk thickens, which prevents it from draining back.
Gastroesophageal reflux as a cause of downpour
It is imperative that you consult a doctor if the downpouring is accompanied by a rash or if your child is gaining weight too slowly. The recurrent inflammation of the airways or otitis media should cause anxiety. Advice is also necessary when the infant frequently chokes while eating, refuses to eat despite starvation, begins to cry after a short while of suckling and refuses to eat, and when the downpouring does not ease after the child is 6 months old. These could be symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux. The doctor may then order the use of medications to alleviate the migration of food "up the hill" or to reduce the acidity of gastric juices. The pouring may also be the result of food allergy to milk and its products - the child rains after each meal, which adversely affects its development, e.g. . poorly gaining weight.
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