Diet according to the blood type still divides nutritionists and raises a bit of controversy. Most of them claim that such nutrition does not make sense. So before deciding on a blood type diet, consider all the pros and cons. What is a blood type diet really?
Diet in accordance with the blood typeis based on the assumption that the blood group contains the best diet for each of us, passed down in the genes by our ancestors. The authors of the blood type diet recommend it not only as a way to lose weight, but as a new lifestyle. A blood type diet allows you to eat many products, it is not monotonous. You lose weight more slowly, but the risk of a yo-yo effect is lower. However, most scientists believe that, unfortunately, its effectiveness has not been confirmed, and radical cutting of certain products may have an impact on he alth.
Dietary recommendations for people with blood type AB
People with blood type AB are genetically programmed to eat meat, but digest it poorly, so it is stored in the body as fat. To lose weight, you should limit your consumption of meat, especially red meat, and supplement your diet with vegetables and tofu.
Recommended : brown rice, rye flour, fermented milk drinks, soybeans, green tea, most vegetables and fruits, seaweedNot recommended : red meat, seeds and pips, buckwheat, butter and whole milk, bananas, oranges
Pros: A large variety of recommended products allows you to compose valuable meals. It is also beneficial for your he alth to avoid whole-fat milk and dairy products (due to saturated fat). Minuses: Reducing red meat, which is the best source of iron, can lead to anemia, especially in women who have long and heavy periods.
Dietary recommendations for people with blood type 0
The body of people with blood group 0 needs animal protein and digest it perfectly. On the other hand, weight gain is primarily favored by the gluten in wheat. People with this blood group also tend to be deficient in thyroid hormones due to low iodine levels, which also leads to weight gain. Not only most grain products should be eliminated from their diet, but alsodairy products.
Recommended : seaweed, fish and seafood, iodized s alt, bananas, red meat, savoy cabbage, spinach, broccoli, red pepperNot recommended: potatoes, lentils, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, sunflower seeds, beer, hard alcohol
Pros: Fish is a valuable and recommended source of animal protein. Thanks to them, the body also receives a certain amount of calcium, although it is not able to cover the demand for this element. The advantage of the diet is also the need to avoid drinks and products that could impair calcium absorption by the body (cola drinks, strong black tea, rhubarb, pickles). Minuses: Removing dairy from your diet is risky to say the least. None of us, especially women, can afford such a severe calcium deficit. Women are particularly prone to the development of osteoporosis, especially during pregnancy, when the demand for this element increases rapidly. It should be remembered that calcium is not only milk, but also its products - milk drinks, cheese. The only reason we can eliminate these foods from our diet is because of an allergy to cows' milk protein. The same is the case with cereal products, which are a great source of magnesium, zinc, as well as iron and beneficial fiber. Dietary fiber in the right amount regulates the level of cholesterol and helps to maintain an adequate level of glucose in the blood, thus preventing diabetes.
Dietary recommendations for people with A blood type
Diet for people with blood group A completely excludes meat and its products, because food of animal origin slows down their metabolism and fat stores in the body. Dairy is also poorly digested and provokes unfavorable insulin reactions, which also reduce the metabolic rate. In addition, dairy products contain saturated fats, which, especially in the case of people with this blood group, impair the heart, lead to obesity and diabetes. For these typical vegetarians, it is important that the food is in its most natural form: fresh, clean and organic. Such a diet is to ensure rapid weight loss, strengthen the immune system and prevent the development of life-threatening diseases.
Recommended : olive oil, most vegetables (including legumes), pineapples, plums, cherriesNot recommended: meat, dairy, shrimp, some fish, red pepper, potatoes, sodas, beer
Pros: The diet is rich in legumes (e.g. soy) which can be an alternative to low meat consumption. This can be a good diet, provided it is consulted aboutexpert. The point is that it should not contribute to diseases due to iron deficiency (anemia), calcium (later osteoporosis), proteins (weakness, frequent colds), B vitamins (disorders of the nervous system, skin changes, etc. Cons: Excluding meat exposes the body to deficiencies in protein, iron, and vitamin B12. This will result in something other than what the authors of the diet assumed. Why? Because the body's immune cells are proteins! If it is missing, there is no chance of strengthening immunity. In addition, we exclude (animal) heme iron from the diet, which may cause anemia. Although the so-called iron is present in plant products. non-heme, but it is much less absorbed by the body. Another disadvantageous thing is the exclusion of dairy products that are a source of e.g. beneficial strains of bacteria that strengthen immunity.
Dietary recommendations with blood type B
People with this blood group seem to be more prone to certain disorders of the immune system, such as multiple sclerosis, lupus, and chronic fatigue syndrome. However, by following them carefully, they usually maintain good he alth. This diet offers great opportunities. It represents all that is "the best of the animal and plant kingdoms". Foods that can disturb metabolic changes and contribute to weight gain are primarily legumes and some grains and seeds (buckwheat, corn). Wheat gluten is also harmful, although not as much as in the case of people with blood group 0. However, when wheat is combined with corn, lentils or peanuts, the effect is just as devastating.
Recommended : most vegetables, meat (lamb, venison), kefir, cottage cheese, olive oil, green teaNot recommended : poultry, lentils, prawns, most nuts, flaxseed, vegetable oils, wheat, rye flour, wild rice, tomatoes
Pros: Of the diets arranged by blood type, this one is the most balanced. First of all, it does not eliminate the ingredients necessary for proper nutrition. It provides all the products that allow the body to function efficiently: lean meat and fish, dairy products, fats (mainly vegetable), grain products, vegetables and fruits. Cons: It is problematic to exclude butter and at the same time nuts and seeds (e.g. sunflower, pumpkin), which would be an alternative to butter. While the lack of butter is not a problem in he althy adults, in the case of children up to 3 years of age, pregnant and lactating women, nutrition experts recommend using it reasonably.quantities. Worryingly, the diet completely excludes tomatoes, which are a valuable source of lycopene - an antioxidant that strengthens the immune system.
Don't experiment with your he alth. Before adopting any diet, consult a dietitian or physician.
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