Peptic ulcer disease manifests itself as abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, heartburn. Modern pharmacological agents are effective in treating stomach ulcers, but this is not enough to avoid ailments. During the treatment, the digestive tract is not fully functional, so people suffering from peptic ulcer disease must radically change their diet and learn to eat differently.
Peptic ulcer dietshould be used by approx. 10% of the population - this disease is present in this number of people.
Diet for ulcersof the stomach and duodenum (simplifiedulcer diet ) is an easily digestible diet with the reduction of substances that stimulate the secretion of gastric juice. The purpose of its use is to provide the patient with all the necessary nutrients while relieving the symptoms of the disease: abdominal pain, belching, heartburn, nausea.
Peptic ulcer disease affects about 10% of the population and is considered one of the most common diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
Therefore, in the diet of gastric and duodenal ulcers, it is recommended to limit the products and dishes that stimulate the secretion of hydrochloric acid. The diet is designed to neutralize gastric juice and not to irritate the gastric mucosa chemically, mechanically and thermally. Food products should not stay in the stomach for a long time and should not be easily digestible.
A typical peptic ulcer diet is recommended during periods of exacerbation of the disease, pharmacological treatment and after surgical or endoscopic treatment of complications of peptic ulcer disease.
It is now claimed that getting sick does not depend on the patient's diet, and that there is no diet that speeds ulcer healing. That is why the diet is treated by medicine only as an element supporting surgical treatment.
Peptic ulcer diet - rules
In the exacerbation of peptic ulcer disease and in the course of pharmacological treatment, the most important thing is to strongly limit products and foods that strongly stimulate the secretion of gastric juice.
These include natural coffee, also decaffeinated, strong tea, alcohol, carbonated drinks, essential broths, broths, bone and mushroom decoctions, sour fruit, undiluted fruit and vegetable juices, pickled products,smoked, fried, spicy, sour and too s alty.
You need to include products that inhibit the secretion of gastric juice in your diet. i.e. easily digestible fats - butter, cream, vegetable oils, olive oil, soft margarines, as well as weak sugar solutions, e.g. in the form of compotes.
Foods that neutralize the effects of hydrochloric acid are also important - milk, non-acid cottage cheese, eggs, lean meat, fish. In peptic ulcer disease, products that irritate the gastric mucosa must be limited:
- thermally - food that is too cold and too hot, which stimulates the gastrointestinal motility and causes gastric congestion
- mechanically - products with a high content of dietary fiber: thick groats, wholemeal bread, wholemeal pasta, nuts, seeds, legume seeds, raw vegetables, fruit. They often have dyspeptic symptoms - flatulence, crushing, a feeling of fullness
- chemically - acidic fruit, undiluted fruit and vegetable juices, smoked dishes, pickled, spicy spices, ketchup, vinegar, mustard, s alt
Energy in the diet should come from roughly 50% carbohydrate, 30% fat and 20% protein. The amount of protein increases slightly above the physiological norm as it binds the excess hydrochloric acid in the stomach.
Take care not to drink more than 0.7 liters of milk a day. Initially, it has a protective effect on the stomach, but in larger amounts it promotes the secretion of gastrin, which increases the secretory activity of the stomach.
In an acute exacerbation, foods should be mushy to reduce chewing, which enhances gastric secretion.
Meals should be eaten 5-6 times a day every 2-3 hours. Their volume should be small so as not to burden the stomach. Hence the need to eat often. The last meal is recommended 1 hour before bedtime to prevent hunger pains at night.
A nutritious breakfast is a very important meal as it follows a long period of hunger at night. Meals should be eaten slowly, in a calm atmosphere, preferably at regular times of the day.
- Diet Breakfast - 5 Easy Recipes
Foods should be eaten steamed or in water and stewed without frying, less often baked in parchment. Fat is added raw to ready-made meals.
Soups and sauces can be thickened with a suspension of flour and cream or milk. Fruit and vegetable juices are best diluted with milk. Creams are recommended. Vegetables and fruits should be boiled or baked, initially served in a shredded or mashed form.
In the periodIn remission, you can return to normal eating, eliminating only those foods that give you unpleasant symptoms from the digestive system.
However, you still need to pay attention to foods that are hard to digest, bloat and cause heartburn, such as legume seeds, cabbage, onions, garlic, leeks, cucumbers, mushrooms, pears, cherries, cherries, plums, pickled fruit, dried fruit , nuts, cured, smoked, pickled products and fried foods.
People with peptic ulcer disease should give up smoking, drinking alcohol, drinking natural coffee, and avoid stressful situations as much as possible.
Peptic ulcer diet - allowed and prohibited products. Table 1
Products / dishes | Recommended | Recommended in moderate amounts | Contraindicated |
Grain products |
Milk and milk products |
Eggs |
Meat, cold cuts, fish |
Fatty meats and poultry:
- salmon - herring - halibut - sardines |
Sugar andsweets |
Drinks |

Author: Time S.A
An individually selected diet will allow you to eat he althy and tasty, even if your doctor has prescribed a therapeutic diet. Take advantage of JeszCoLisz, an innovative online dietary system from the He alth Guide and take care of your he alth and well-being. Enjoy a professionally composed menu and constant support from a dietitian today!
Find out moreUlcer diet (for ulcers) - what can you eat and what not? Table 2
Products / dishes | Recommended | Recommended in moderate amounts | Contraindicated |
Vegetables | cooked:
Potatoes |
Fruits |
Fat |
Spices | mild:
Soups |
Peptic ulcer diet - vitamins and probiotics
- vitamin C - ascorbic acid is a well-known agent with antioxidant properties, neutralizing oxygen free radicals. The presence of H. pylori in the gastrointestinal tract - which is the most common cause of ulcers - damages the cells of the gastric mucosa and releases free radicals that destroy the gastric barrier. A diet rich in vitamin C inhibits the growth of this bacterium and reduces the activity of urease - an enzyme produced by H. pylori responsible for its pathogenicity. The amount of vitamin C necessary for its therapeutic effect is 5 g divided into doses and used for 4-5 weeks. Vitamin C is present i.a. in rosehips, parsley, red pepper, blackcurrant
- vitamin E - in people infected with H. pylori, reduced amounts of vitamin E are observed in the places where bacteria live. Studies in rats have shown that administering vitamin E to them prevents damage to the gastric mucosa resulting from oxidative stress. Vegetable oils, and nuts are good sources of the vitaminseeds, as well as spinach, peppers, tomatoes
- β-carotene - provitamin A increases the resistance of the gastric mucosa to damage by stimulating the production of protective mucus. It has been observed that administering 30,000 IU of β-carotene daily to people with gastric ulceration leads to regression of the lesions. β-carotene is found in red, yellow and green vegetables and fruits
- probiotics - probiotic strains inhibit the growth or adhesion (attachment) of H. pylori to gastric epithelial cells. They also eliminate some side effects of antibiotics used to get rid of pathogenic bacteria from the stomach. Probiotic strains are found in silage and fermented milk drinks
Peptic ulcer diet - sample menu
Day I
- breakfast
Sandwiches made of stale fresh bread thinly spread with butter, with high-quality poultry sausage (preferably a piece of meat baked on your own), peeled tomato, weak tea with sugar.
- second breakfast
Semolina boiled in milk with strawberry jam.
- dinner
Zucchini peeled, cut in half, cored (pitted) stuffed with: minced poultry meat (preferably grind yourself, without the skin), roasted in a dry frying pan or boiled, peeled tomatoes, diced, with the addition pinches of s alt, basil, and oregano. Bake the stuffed courgettes in the oven until tender. Cooked fine barley groats.
- afternoon tea
Milkshake with banana.
- dinner
Carrot and pumpkin cream soup on a weak vegetable stock with the addition of low-fat coconut milk, seasoned with a pinch of s alt and sweet pepper.
Day II
- breakfast
2 soft-boiled eggs, stale wheat roll thinly smeared with butter.
- second breakfast
Homemade jelly made of potato flour and homemade raspberry juice.
- dinner
baked in parchment zander with dill and lemon, boiled asparagus topped with olive oil, boiled mashed potatoes.
- afternoon tea
Cottage cheese.
- dinner
Toasts of pale bread thinly spread with butter, with strawberry jam.
- breakfast
Lean cottage cheese and natural yoghurt with dill, stale wheat bread, cereal coffee with milk.
- second breakfast
Baked applewithout cinnamon crust, biscuits.
- dinner
Meat stew of chicken thighs, carrots, potatoes and tomatoes without skin, seasoned with thyme, a pinch of s alt, sweet pepper.
- afternoon tea
A few rice cakes with high-quality poultry sausage.
- dinner
Fine wheat noodles with cottage cheese and honey.