Epistaxis in children is a minor condition, usually caused by a cold, runny nose or intense cough. In rare cases, blood from the nose may be the first visible symptom of a more serious illness. Sometimes minor treatments are needed to treat nosebleeds.
Epistaxis in childrenis a condition caused by the Kiesselbach spot, i.e. a cluster of blood vessels in the front part of the nasal septum. It is enough to damage the mucosa covering this place (e.g. due to an injury, finger picking, foreign body insertion) fornose bleeding in the child . It can accompany high fever, runny nose and sinusitis (then nasal congestion occurs). It can also be the result of severe coughing attacks, e.g. with whooping cough. Then there is a sharp increase in blood pressure in the blood vessels of the nose. Fortunately, such bleeding occurs in a child no more than a few times a year and is usually minor.
Don't do thatIn children prone to epistaxis, it is important to remember not to administer salicylates as antipyretics (Polopyrin, Aspirin, Calcypyrin, Asprocol, Sachol). These preparations reduce blood clotting and can even cause nosebleeds.
Bleeding from the nose in children - what to do? Procedure
Do not lay a child (or an adult) flat on their back. First, it facilitates the flow of blood into the damaged vessels and worsensnose bleeding . Secondly, the patient chokes on blood, which instead of spilling out, flows down his throat through the back nostrils.
So how to help a child? It should sit, and even better, stand. With a wet, cold handkerchief (the cold causes additional constriction of the blood vessels, which reduces bleeding), wrap the baby's nose and press it very hard for 2-3 minutes. The pressure with the index finger and thumb should be very strong, despite the protests of the child. Pressing the disturbed blood vessels in this way cuts off the blood supply and causes the formation of a clot "clogging" the damage. Sometimes this procedure has to be repeated several times. After stopping the bleeding, gently wash the child, then dry the nostrils and make sure that it does not touch it for at least half an hour.the nose. In the case of dry air at home, lubricating the nasal vestibule with a vitamin ointment (available without a prescription) is beneficial.
Bleeding from the nose in a child - when to see a doctor?
Recurring nosebleeds in a child are an indication to see a doctor. Usually, he or she orders blood clotting tests (very rarely there are any deviations here) and an ENT specialist's consultation (most often he only finds a simple Kiesselbach macular hyperplasia). Common ENT practice is cauterization of the Kiesselbach plexus using trichloroacetic acid (TCA) or silver nitrate (lapis). They destroy overgrown vessels, but these, unfortunately, often regenerate. In rare cases, a minor surgery is necessary (detachment of the mucosa or removal of a fragment). When the bleeding is profuse and home remedies do not help, you need to seek help in the emergency room of the ENT ward, where the so-called anterior or posterior tamponade of the nose. This procedure involves the insertion of layers of sterilized tapes oppressing the bleeding site. After the tamponade has been performed, the patient must remain in the hospital. Tampons are removed or changed only if the bleeding has not completely stopped, at least every 2-3 days. You should also pay attention to earaches after insertion of the posterior tamponade. A common complication is inflammation of the middle ear due to obstruction of the Eustachian tubes. After all, it is worth asking your pediatrician to compensate for any possible anemia of your child.
You must do itIf bleeding continues for a long time, see a doctor with your baby. Bloody discharge from the nose accompanies diseases that make blood vessels more fragile or run with blood clotting disorders. These include, but are not limited to: leukemia, haemophilia, platelet deficiency, vitamin deficiency (K and C), cirrhosis and acute liver diseases, generalized infections, heart and blood vessel diseases, kidney diseases (e.g. renal hypertension, uremia in renal failure). kidney). Blood-purulent discharge (from both nostrils) occurs in congenital syphilis, and unilateral - in the case of an infectious disease such as diphtheria of the nose. Haemorrhages also accompany benign or malignant local neoplasms of the nose (polyps, fibromas, sarcomas).