Linseed oil smoothes the skin and delays the formation of wrinkles. It protects the heart and prevents cancer. It improves the work of the brain and has an anti-depressant effect. Linen has been known for millennia, but today is making an extraordinary career. What else does linseed oil have?

Linseed oilis squeezed from flax seeds. Linen - this inconspicuous blue-blooming plant is truly priceless for humans. Thousands of years ago, linen was woven from its strong fibers. Then they learned to use the pressed seedslinseed oil . It was used in cosmetics, folk medicine and … engineering. But the golden age of flax is now.

Scientific research of recent years has provided irrefutable evidence that this plant contains unique ingredients that are extremely valuable for human he alth.

linseed oil: a source of unsaturated fatty acids

Linseed oil (Oleum line) is a rich source of essential unsaturatedfatty acids(EFA). They are the building material of cell membranes, act as hormones and intercellular informers.

They also have healing properties, incl. lower cholesterol, prevent diseases of the heart and blood vessels, have a positive effect on the immune system and the nervous system, have anti-inflammatory properties.

But it doesn't end there. EFAs support metabolism, seal the epidermis barrier, contributing to its better hydration and lubrication.

Read also>>Other properties of linseed oil << Important

Store linseed oil in a darkened room

In a tablespoon of unrefined, cold-pressed linseed oil, until half of the composition is omega-3 fatty acid! There are also a lot of omega-6 fatty acids. All polyunsaturated fatty acids undergo a very rapid oxidation process under the influence of light, air and high temperature. Therefore, linseed oil must be stored refrigerated, away from light and air.

Read also>>Dosage of linseed oil <<

Linseed oil - Dr. Budwig's diet is based on linseed oil

Johanna Budwig - German biochemist nominated for the Nobel Prize seven times - many yearsdevoted to research on linseed oil. The diet developed by her helps in the treatment of, among others atherosclerosis, allergies, dermatoses, cancer, depression, Alzheimer's disease.

The basic fat in Dr. Budwig's diet is cold-pressed and crude linseed oil. It is forbidden to use any other oils, margarines, mayonnaises. You also need to eliminate fried foods, fatty dairy products, and meats.

Foods should not be made of artificially preserved products with chemical additives (e.g. sodium benzoate).

Linseed oil should be eaten daily in the form of homemade paste. It is made by mixing linseed oil and lean white cottage cheese for 5 minutes in the proportion of 5-6 tablespoons of oil per 12.5 grams of cheese. It can be seasoned to taste with e.g. herbs, s alt, garlic, paprika, pepper.

As a preventive measure, 2 tablespoons of the paste a day are enough, in mild diseases 2-4, and in severe cases 6 tablespoons. It is also advisable to eat ground linseed.

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