Mosquitoes are everywhere, they sit on hair, clothes and every exposed part of the body, severely biting us. In addition, all available repellants do not scare them away - do you know that? In order to effectively protect yourself against their bites, it is worth knowing what attracts mosquitoes.
Mosquito bites are not dangerous for humans, but very troublesome. The mosquito (female mosquito to be exact) has astinging-sucking apparatus , by means of which it injectssalivacontaining a substance that prevents blood from clotting under our skin.
Our body reacts allergically to it through the sudden expansion of blood vessels. The skin then developsitchy blister , which may persist for several days.
What attracts mosquitoes?
To protect yourself from these bloodsuckers, you should know something about theirlikes . Here are the most important of them:
- breed infreshwater bodies of water : lakes, puddles, barrels of water - and there are the most of them;
- loveshadow , hate sun exposure;
- react to changes in the concentration ofcarbon dioxidethat our body produces;
- cling to people withelevated body temperature : pregnant women, during ovulation, people practicing sports, and those with a fever;
- they are attracted tothe smell of our sweat , especially the lactic acid and ammonia present in it;
- lures themsmell of blood(even from a distance of several dozen meters), therefore avoid killing mosquitoes on your own skin;
- they can use every inch of the bodynot smeared with any repellant ;
- they are scared off by certainsmells(e.g. purge, catnip, foul geranium, basil, mint, turmeric), so it is worth burning scented candles and using special lamps on mosquitoes;
- attracts themcolorful, patterned clothingand yellow and orange colors.
- Why do some mosquitoes bite more than others?
- Why are there so many mosquitoes in Poland?
Mosquitoes - what to avoid?
- Avoid their natural habitats, i.e.deciduous forests , bushes and the vicinity of lakes.
- Make an effortbe inthe sunand not in the shade.
- Avoid being outdoors in the afternoons and evenings. If this is not possible, tryto coveras much as possiblebody surface(wear long pants, long-sleeved shirt, hat).
- Do not go outside without usingmosquito repellentThe best are those containing DEET, i.e. meta-N, N-diethyltoluamide, a compound that repels insects, while being non-toxic and non-irritating to the skin . It works from an hour to even a dozen or so, depending on the concentration.
- Don't go to sleep without firstchecking the apartmentfor mosquitoes. They are usually hidden in window and door frames as well as behind furniture.
- During the mosquito breeding season, which is July and August, avoid leavingwindows and doors open . Invest in nets or mosquito nets.
- Do not drink carbonated drinks , which can also attract these insects due to their carbon dioxide content.
- Avoid light, patterned clothing, wear theseneutral colors , e.g. dark green or gray.
- Avoid physical exertionoutdoors when mosquitoes are most active. Take care of personal hygiene and use unscented cosmetics.
- Natural remedies for mosquitoes
- How to deal with a mosquito bite?