Mosquito bites leave a red itchy blister on our skin that disappears after a few days. However, the discomfort caused by the itching sensation means that we quickly look for proven ways to bite these insects. Read on to learn how to deal with mosquito bites and how to get rid of mosquito bubbles.
Remedies for mosquito bitesalleviate the symptoms of a mosquito bite. The bite develops redness and swelling, usually accompanied by itching, pain and burning. These types of symptoms last for several days. Then tryproven home remedies for mosquito bitesto minimize discomfort.
Note! If swelling from a mosquito bite persists for more than a few days, see a doctor. Long-term skin inflammation may indicate an allergy to mosquito venom or an infection that has arisen.
Mosquito bite: lemon juice
Method 1: lemon slice
Rub the bite site with a thick lemon slice. Citrus juice will effectively relieve inflammation. Do this several times a day.
Mosquito bite: parsley
Method 2: parsley
Rub the parsley and apply the resulting mass to the itchy blister for a few minutes.
Mosquito bite: white cabbage
Method 3: white cabbage leaf
Put a piece of fresh white cabbage leaf on the reddened skin. It will soothe the itching sensation.
Mosquito bite: s alt solution
Method 3: s alt solution
Dissolve 1 teaspoon of s alt in 250 ml of water. Then, put the cotton ball soaked in s alt solution on the bitten part of the skin. Repeat the activity several times a day.
Mosquito bite: potatoes, onions
Method 4: a slice of potato or onion
Put a slice of raw potato or onion on the bitten place. Thanks to this, you will quickly reduce the size of the blister and the discomfort caused by itching.
Mosquito bite: eucalyptus oil
Method 5: eucalyptus oil
Rub the wound with eucalyptus oil, It has anti-inflammatory properties and will quickly relieve pain and burning.
Mosquito bite: vinegar, perfume
Method 6: Vinegar or Perfume
Vinegar is not only effective in repelling mosquitoes, but also reduces discomfort from insect bites. All you have to do is wash the bite sites with a few drops of the preparation. If you don't have vinegar on hand, try salicylic alcohol, aftershave, or perfume.
Mosquito bite: activated carbon
Method 7: coal from the pharmacy
To get rid of the blister after a mosquito bite, dissolve a few tablets of activated charcoal in water. After mixing, put the preparation on the affected area and cover it with gauze.