Bites of insects - mosquitoes, flies, wasps, bees or ticks are particularly troublesome for infants and young children. Do everything to prevent them, because the child unwittingly scratches the bites. How to protect yourself and your child from their bites?
- How to protect a child from insect bites? Mosquitoes
- How to protect a child from insect bites? Meszki
- How to protect a child from insect bites? Ticks
- How to protect a child from insect bites? Wasps, bees
How can I protect my child from insect bites?It's not that simple. Insects are ruthless. They attack unexpectedly and can make every walk difficult. The most desperate are insects that feed on human blood - mosquitoes, flies, ticks. It is difficult to find a place where they do not exist in summer. The effects of meeting them are quite painful, especially for babies.
After the bite, an inflammatory reaction develops - the skin turns red, starts to sting. When the place where the insect has bitten becomes infected or the child scratches the wound, the symptoms may worsen - pus and fever will appear. Insects can also transmit various diseases, and their bites can cause allergic reactions of varying severity.
How to protect a child from insect bites? Mosquitoes
Mosquitoes like wet surroundings the most, hence there are plenty of them at the seaside, lakes and in parks with ponds. In summer, they can also be found in "dry" cities. Mosquitoes and their miniatures, the bats (about 4 mm long and able to get under clothes) attack mainly in the early morning and at dusk.
They are attracted by the smell of blood - apparently they like group A the most, and at least 0. Mosquitoes do not pose much of a threat ( although their bites may cause low-grade fever in young children).
How to protect yourself against mosquitoes?
Insect repellants will protect you best. Spray the preparation on your clothes before going for a walk. Since the preparation has a limited time of action, it is worth taking it with you and after some time (usually half an hour), apply it again.
Protect the child
The best option is a mosquito net, placed on a deep trolley. Hasa mesh with a diameter of 0.5 mm - neither mosquito nor a russet will squeeze through such a gap. At home and in the stroller, you can also use electric deterrents or batteries - they emit ultrasounds, which insects do not like very much.
You can sprinkle your toddler's clothes and the stroller with an insect repellent, one that is approved for use in babies. Do not use coils that emit smoke to repel mosquitoes - they are too toxic.
What to do when mosquitoes bite?
In the venom of insects that feed on blood, there are hemolytic substances. When they enter the tissues, they become severely inflamed, causing swelling and redness of the skin, itching and pain. The bubble will disappear quickly if not irritated by e.g. scratching.
Burning and pain can be alleviated by lubricating the skin with a special bite gel (before applying it to a child, check from what age it is allowed). If you don't have it at hand, wash the bite site with cold water and rub with cut onions.
Note: some toddlers are allergic to mosquito venom (hard, itchy lumps appear on their skin) - then it is worth visiting a pediatrician who will prescribe antihistamines for the child, appropriate to his age and weight.
When a child bites a mosquito - is there anything to worry about?
How to protect a child from insect bites? Meszki
They resemble fruit flies in appearance and size. They prefer to stay near lakes and ponds, but are also found in cities. They prick around the clock. The naps like to attack with swarms - they squeeze under clothes, into ears. Thin skin suits them best, which is why young children are particularly vulnerable to attacks.
Before the fluff bites, it injects the skin with an anesthetic venom - that's why the bite itself is not painful. However, when the "anesthesia" has passed, the trace of the fluff bite hurts and may bleed. Often, swelling appears in its place. Children bitten by fluff may develop a fever.
How to defend against fluff?
Insect repellent preparations, including anti-mosquito preparations, work on the nap. Such preparations disturb the feeling of heat in insects - they are not able to sense where the blood vessels of the victim are located. Vanilla oil is an unproven measure that has been proven by camping enthusiasts. You have to lubricate yourself with it before leaving the house and repeat the application every hour or two.
Protect the child
The same methods are effective as for mosquitoes, with one exception. The mosquito net alone is not enough - the naps are so small that they easily pass through the mesh. If there are naps in your area, put them on the strollera mosquito net with gauze on it (you can buy it at a pharmacy), the meshes of which are more tightly woven, thanks to which they better protect against fluff.
What to do when the naps bite?
Rinse the bitten place with hydrogen peroxide and apply a preparation that soothes insect bites, one that accelerates healing and prevents infection.
How to protect a child from insect bites? Ticks
Ticks are most common in forests, especially on the border between deciduous and coniferous forests. They are also found in meadows and thickets by rivers and lakes, as well as in city parks. They attack by jumping on their prey. They dig into the skin and fall off after seven days, when they are saturated with blood.
The tick saliva contains anesthetic substances (so you don't feel the bite), sometimes it contains bacteria that cause Lyme disease and tick-borne encephalitis viruses.
How to protect yourself from ticks?
Avoid walking under trees. Wear bright clothes and wear a hat.
Protect the child
For a walk, put them in bright clothes (a tick will be clearly visible on a white background). Don't take your baby out of the stroller - if you need to feed them or change them, don't do it while sitting under trees. In the evening, after bathing, carefully inspect the baby's skin and head. You can vaccinate them against TBE.
What to do when a tick bites?
The tick must be removed as soon as possible. Butter won't help - it's best to grab it with tweezers and pull it out quickly (without wringing it out). Disinfect the bite site with salicylic alcohol. In case of swelling, apply an Altacet compress.
NOTE: if after a week or two there is erythema around the bite site and you or the child have symptoms of a cold, fever, go to the doctor and tell him about the bite.
>>>How to recognize dangerous migratory erythema? [PHOTO]
See how to properly remove a tick:

How to protect a child from insect bites? Wasps, bees
The wasps arrive attracted by the smell of sweets (fruit, juice, etc.) and colors, e.g. toys. Bees, in turn, mainly approach people when a storm is brewing. Both species become restless and can attack humans when the outside temperature is above 30ºC.
How to defend against wasps and bees?
Insect preparations do not work on them. Try not to eat or drink anything sweet outside. When a wasp or a bee approaches you, do not wave your arms violently so as not to enrage it.
If your child is already eating fruit pulps, avoid giving them to him or her while walking. Take water with you to drink, instead of juice. If a bee or wasp is circling the cart, don't push it away, just drive away calmly.
What to do when a wasp or a bee stings?
The wasp does not leave the sting, the bee does, and you need to remove them as soon as possible. Be careful because there is a bag of venom at the end of it. When you tear it open, an additional portion will get into the skin. Rinse the bite site with water and apply a cold compress to it. The skin may experience burning or sore redness (it should pass after 24 hours).
NOTE: if your baby starts to swell or an insect has bitten him on the tongue or on the neck, take him to the hospital immediately.
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