Red deer (roe deer) is colloquially a tick with wings or a flying tick. Like these dangerous arachnids, arachnids can be found in the forest and attack people - they can fill a person with whole swarms. What does a hair clipper look like? What are the symptoms of a worm bite? Is the hair clipper as dangerous as the ticks? Does it transmit any diseases? What are the ways to get a hair clipper? How to protect yourself from them?
- Red deer (roe deer) - a tick with wings. What does it look like?
- Red deer (roe deer) - a flying tick. Bite symptoms
- Strzyżak deer (roe deer) - can it transmit diseases?
- Red deer (roe deer) - a tick with wings. How to protect yourself?
Red deer( Lipoptena cervi ), also known as deer hair, is an insect commonly referred to asflying tickortick with wings.Depending on the region, it is also called a hunter or a deer louse.
There is also a second type of hair clipper in Poland, most likely from Asia -Lipoptena fortisetosa , which has no Polish name.Lipoptena cerviandLipoptena fortisetosadiffer slightly in size and number of mediastinal hairs, therefore they are indistinguishable to the naked eye.
Red deer is common in temperate regions of Europe, northern China and Siberia, as well as in North America.
Strzyżaki appear in the forest or on its outskirts, most often from June to September. If it is warm autumn, they can last until October / November. Red deer (roe deer) parasitizes mainly on deer, roe deer and elk (hence its name).
When it enters the animal's hair, it loses its wings and then it behaves like lice - it drinks the host's blood, copulates and gives birth to larvae, because it belongs to oviparous insects, i.e. those in which the egg develops in the female body. One female can give rise to 20-30 larvae.
Larvae drop from prey and wait in the ground for summer or early fall to pupate and attack. They can stay without food for up to 50 days, and they can sit on deer for up to 10 months. Man is theirsan accidental victim, however, do not reproduce on it.

Red deer (roe deer) - a flying tick. Bite symptoms
Strzyżaki can fill a man in swarms. They can bite, sticking to the skin, hair, getting into the nose, ears and eyes. After the bite, an itchy lump appears on the skin.
Initially, the bite does not feel, it itches and hurts only the next day. This lump may persist for a long time, usually 2-3 weeks, sometimes up to a year.
In some people, the bite may lead to a secondary allergic reaction after some time and severe itchy, erythematous skin lesions that persist for several months.
Strzyżak deer (roe deer) - can it transmit diseases?
They say they can carry a bacterium calledBartonella schoenbuchensis , which causes unpleasant skin lesions. Some sources say that worms may be carriers of bacteria of the genusAnaplasma- causing anaplasmosis andBorrelia- Lyme disease. However, it is not scientifically proven.
Red deer (roe deer) - a tick with wings. How to protect yourself?
Is it possible to protect yourself from shearing hair? The Wren, thanks to its flattened body, can squeeze in almost anywhere. No clothes will protect against them, because it will enter through the smallest gap.
Wrens are known to attack darkly colored animals that are their main target. This suggests that bright clothing may limit the attack of this insect at least a little. The best way to avoid a close encounter with hair wrenches is to simply avoid taking a trip to the forest.

Red deer (roe deer) - a tick with wings. What does it look like?
Strzyżak has a flattened body, 5 to 6 mm long, brown in color. Not only can it fly, but thanks to its flattened body it can squeeze almost everywhere.
Once it is on the human body and it clings to the hair with its claws, it is very difficult to pull it out. In addition, a flattened body and a hard shell like a forceps makes it quite difficult to crush them.
- Ticks: debunking the myths about ticks
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An insect related to wrens is the horse's mantle ( Hippobosca equina ). It is slightly larger, less flattened and has yellow spots. However, it is more aggressive, it attacks and bites people as well, it likesparasitize large farm animals (e.g. horses), but also smaller domestic animals such as dogs. Contrary to the shears, roe deer does not appear in smaller numbers, not only in the forest. The horse mite has been parasitic since May!
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