Combined vaccines, also known as multi-component or polyvalent vaccines, are vaccines which, thanks to one injection, protect against several infectious diseases at the same time. Combination vaccines allow for fewer injections, which in turn means less pain and stress for the baby. What are the other advantages of combination vaccines? What are their disadvantages? What diseases do combination vaccinations protect against and are they reimbursed?
Combined vaccines( multi-component ,polyvalent ) are vaccines that immunize against several various pathogens and the diseases that are caused by them. This is different from monovalent vaccines (single vaccines), which immunize against one infectious disease, because they contain strains of one microorganism or antigens obtained from one type of microorganism. Multi-component (polyvalent) vaccines contain several types of the same micro-organism or antigens from several types of the micro-organism. Combination vaccines, like other vaccines, contain a weakened organism that does not cause infection but trains the immune system to respond properly.
- Combined vaccines (multi-component, polyvalent) - against what diseases do they protect?
- Combined vaccines (multi-component, polyvalent) - contraindications for administration
- Combined vaccines (multi-component, polyvalent) - advantages
- Combined vaccines (multi-component, polyvalent) - disadvantages
- Combination vaccines do not overload the immune system and do not contain mercury
- Combined vaccines - types
Combined vaccines (multi-component, polyvalent) - against what diseases do they protect?
In order to obtain high effectiveness of combination vaccines, their composition should contain mutually stimulating antigens compatible in terms of physicochemical properties. They have been divided into the following three groups within which vaccines should be matched: ²
1. the first group of vaccines is:
- vaccine against diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough
- poliomyelitis (polio) vaccine - IPV inactivated vaccines
- vaccine against Haemophilus influenzae type b infections
- hepatitis A and hepatitis B vaccine
- meningococcal vaccine
- pneumococcal vaccine and
- typhoid vaccine (Vi antigen)
2. The second group of vaccines is:
- measles, mumps, rubella and chicken pox vaccine
3. The third group of vaccines are:
- typhoid vaccine (whole cell vaccine, "O" and "H" antigens)
- cholera vaccine
- vaccine against Shigella, Campylobacter, rota virus infections)
Combined vaccinations include both mandatory and those included in the recommended vaccination schedule.
Combined vaccines (multi-component, polyvalent) - contraindications for administration
Before each vaccination, the doctor should carefully interview and examine the child. Vaccination should be postponed if the child has an acute infection, fever. The administration of the vaccine is contraindicated if the child is allergic to any component of the vaccine, takes drugs that reduce immunity or has poor blood clotting.
Combined vaccines (multi-component, polyvalent) - advantages
1. Fewer injections
Thanks to combination vaccines, it is possible to vaccinate a child against infectious diseases, with a smaller number of injections than in the case of the so-called vaccination. single.
It is also worth knowing that the use of highly combined vaccinations does not mean a larger volume of one dose of the vaccine. A single dose of vaccination most often has the same volume as the volume of one dose of a single vaccine.
2. Less pain
Fewer injections means less pain. Combination vaccines also reduce the number of visits to the doctor.
3. Less adverse reactions after vaccination
One of the components of highly combined vaccinations are the so-called whooping cough antigens, the so-called cell-free. The so-called whole cell pertussis antigen. The acellular pertussis antigen is better tolerated by the baby's body, so there are fewer and milder post-vaccination reactions.
How do combination vaccines work?
According to an expertMonika Kublicka, pediatric nurse at CMDIn the first two years of life, a child receives up to a dozen compulsory vaccinations, administered at intervals of at least 4- to6 weeks old. The administration of a combined vaccine allows to reduce the number of obligatory vaccination visits. Administration of the vaccine is a very difficult experience not only for the child, but also for the parent. Children bear pain much better if they are in the arms of a calm and calm parent when they feel it. If you want to help your toddler, stay calm and confident. Hold your baby in your arms during the injection. Put the older child on your lap and hug him tightly.
Combined vaccines (multi-component, polyvalent) - disadvantages
Like any vaccine, also a combined vaccine may cause an undesirable substitution reaction. If a child develops NOP after combination vaccination, it will generally not be possible to know which component of the vaccine led to it.
- swelling
- redness
- soreness at the injection site
Increased temperature (37.5-38 degrees C) is a common reaction to vaccination. In this case, you can give your baby an antipyretic drug.
Another disadvantage of combination vaccines is that parents have to pay for them out of their own pocket as they are not reimbursed.
Combined vaccines (multi-component, polyvalent) - price
The combined vaccine is available on prescription, which is prescribed by a pediatrician prior to vaccination. You have to buy it at the pharmacy. One combination vaccine - depending on the type - costs about PLN 150-200, or even PLN 300. However, several doses are given, which means that the total cost of combination vaccinations is much more.
ImportantCombination vaccines do not overload the immune system
Performing immunization against several diseases in one injection does not overload the child's immune system. Combined vaccines are safer for the child's body than traditional vaccines. They contain less antigens and have a technologically improved composition, thanks to which they are very well tolerated by children.
The combination vaccines do not contain mercury or other harmful substances
Combined vaccines do not contain thiomersal (mercury ethyl), i.e. a preservative that was supposed to prevent the multiplication of bacteria and fungi in older types of vaccines.
Source: www. For the longest and most used vaccinesassociated include: - DTP vaccine, immunizing against diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis - MMR vaccine, immunizing against measles, mumps and rubella High-combination vaccines have been developed over the past 20 years , including: Source: 1. 2. Mazurowska-Magdzik W., Monovalent and polyvalent (combined) vaccines - advantages and disadvantages of their use, "Przegląd Pediatryczny" 2001, No. 2 3. vaccines - types