You cough, you have a fever, you feel bad, in a word - you've got an infection. Perhaps it's just a cold. But what if it's COVID-19? Until the result of the test, this cannot be ruled out. What to do if you suspect you have COVID-19? Where to apply and where can I test for COVID-19?
Most of the symptoms of COVID-19 are also characteristic of seasonal infections - colds and flu. Coronavirus infection may be suspected when it is accompanied by further symptoms, e.g. loss of smell or taste.
However, a cough or a fever alone does not exclude it, so in order to confirm or rule out coronavirus infection, you need to perform a coronavirus test. What is a person suspected of having COVID-19 to do? The Chief Sanitary Inspectorate has prepared an instruction which should be followed.
If you suspect infection with SARS-CoV-2coronavirus, because it is indicated by symptoms of infection - you have a fever, cough, lost sense of smell or taste, feel short of breath, stay at home and make an appointment for a teleportation or consultation with a GP.
If you are referred for a test during the test, notify your employer about it - you are en titled to a sick leave for the period of absence from work and self-isolation at home while waiting for the result.
When you are referred for a test (nasopharyngeal swab) , take it to one of the swab collection points. If you can get there on your own, don't use public transport. If you are unable to do so, tell your doctor - he should have you have a smear at your home.
You can find the list of points AT THIS LINK.
The result of thetest will be available to the primary care physician in the application, as well as on your Internet Patient Account. If the test result is positive, the laboratory performing the test will report it in the EWP system available to sanitary services and the police.
You will be informed about the result of the examination by the primary he alth care physician by phone - in the absence of such contact, call the clinic where the examination was ordered.
Coronavirus test can also be done commercially , without a primary he alth care physician. In this case, if the result is positive, do not leave the house, but make an appointment for a teleportation of the primary care physician.
In the next step, your GP will decide if your condition allows you to recover at homeor if you need hospitalization - then you will be referred to the hospital. If you do not have the conditions for solitary confinement at home, your doctor may also refer you to an isolation facility.
If in your case home isolation is possible, the doctor who referred you to it will pass this information on to the poviat sanitary and epidemiological station, he will also issue you with a sick note.
When the information appears in the system, the Department of He alth and Safety will start its own procedures- it will ask you to prepare a list of people with whom you have recently had contact in order to conduct an epidemiological investigation. These people may be subject to a 10-day quarantine if your contact was close enough that there is a risk of transmission. The remaining persons will be placed under epidemiological supervision.
In any case, people who live with you will be quarantined.If they are working, they should submit a declaration to the employer that they are in quarantine, which will justify their absence from work and allow determine the rules for performing remote work or, if it is impossible, it will be the basis for the payment of sickness benefits. In case of doubts on the part of the employer, he may verify the information about the quarantine in the poviat sanitary and epidemiological station.
You also need to install the "Home Quarantine"application, which can be downloaded from Google Play or the App Store. After installing it, you need to register with a phone number.
Home isolation lasts 10 days : after this time, if you have no symptoms, you are released from it. On the 8th day after the onset of symptoms, a doctor will contact you who will inform you what to do next - he may decide to extend the isolation if you still have symptoms of infection.
If you feel much worse during isolation,contact your doctor who will recommend hospitalization. If you require immediate assistance, call the emergency room, inform that you are in isolation and describe your symptoms, or go to a hospital with infectious diseases wards.