The blue oil rod (Pseudomonas aeruginosa) is one of the most dangerous bacteria - it is resistant to commonly used disinfectants, it reproduces easily in water and does not require much to survive. However, the worst part is that it is resistant to most antibiotics, which makes it difficult to treat diseases caused by it. Check how you can get infected with bluer pus and what are the symptoms of the infection.
Blue oil rod( Pseudomonas aeruginosa ) is a bacterium that lives mainly in water and soil, but can also be found on human skin and animals. It is insensitive to commonly used disinfectants and is resistant to most antibiotics, which makes it difficult to treat infections caused by it.
Blue oil stick - how can you get infected?
The blue oil rod belongs to the groupopportunistic bacteria , ie those that cause infection only in immunocompromised people. Therefore, the most vulnerable to infection are people who struggle with blood diseases, AIDS or suffer from cystic fibrosis, diabetes and cancer (and additionally are undergoing chemotherapy). The risk of infection is also increased in drug users who have suffered large body burns or extensive injuries. In addition, the bacteria can enter the body through nosocomial infection.
The stick of blue oil - what diseases does it cause?
- skin and soft tissue infections - usually severe burn complications and postoperative complications and wound infections;
- respiratory system infection - a particular risk for patients with cystic fibrosis and chronically mechanically ventilated;
- digestive system infection;
- urinary tract infections (catheterized people);
- otitis media and outer ear (swimmer's ear)
- sinusitis;
- eye infection in patients with contact lenses (blue oil rod is one of the most common pathogens causing bacterial keratitis);
- central nervous system infection;
- meningitis;
- endocarditis and pericarditis;
- osteomyelitis / joint inflammation;
The stick of blue oil - sepsis - the most serious result of the infection
The blue oil stick is insensitive to commonly used disinfectants, additionally it needs little to survive, it spreads easily in the aquatic environment and is resistant to antibiotics. Therefore, it is one of the most dangerous and common causes of nosocomial infections, including severe and life-threatening bloodstream infections (sepsis).
Blue oil stick - treatment
Antibiotic therapy is being used. Unfortunately, treating infections caused by blue oil rods is very difficult as this bacterium is resistant to most antibiotics.
The stick of blue oil - how to prevent infection?
Thevaccine against blue oil stickis available in pharmacies. As we learn from the leaflet, it can be used prophylactically in order to obtain resistance to infections caused by the blue oil rod, therapeutically in infections with the blue oil rod, and in the case of infection and sepsis caused by the blue oil rod in patients with extensive burns of the skin integuments. The vaccine should be administered according to the doctor's instructions.
In addition, follow the rules of personal hygiene.