As scientists suspect, the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus can survive on plastic, metal and glass objects for up to several days. What should we disinfect and how?
As you know, the SARS Cov-2 coronavirus is very easily transmitted by airborne droplets, i.e. coughing, sneezing, talking, and possibly also through faeces and urine. But the threat is much greater, because it is enough for a person with COVID-19 to cough and cover their face with their hands, and then immediately grab the railing on the bus or touch the door handle.
According to scientists' estimates, the coronavirus is able to survive on these items from2 hours up to 9 days , so after touching their surface with the virus, other people can become infected, of course, provided that immediately after that they touch the mouth, eyes or nose area, and from there they will penetrate the mucosa into the body. What's more, as scientists have established, the virus can stay in the air for up to 30 minutes, and the safe area from a sick person is 4-5 meters.
- Coronavirus: what objects harbor germs?
- Coronavirus: Top Recommendation
Coronavirus: what objects harbor germs?
People who are in the crowd and moving by public transport, such as buses, trams, subways or airplanes, are particularly vulnerable to coronavirus infection. What everyday objects are the biggest habitats for germs and how to disinfect them?
- door handles and handrails- we don't have much influence on who touched them, so it's best to disinfect your hands with a special antibacterial liquid immediately after leaving the bus or after touching the door handle in place public. Another solution is to wear gloves;
- banknotes- WHO warns that cash payments can also contribute to infection, as money often changes hands (clean or not), and therefore recommends cashless payments. Coins are much safer in this respect than banknotes;
- any touch screens- we use them at information points, shopping malls, airports and ATMs. After using them, it is also worth washing or disinfecting your hands immediately;
- smartphones- as research shows, smartphones next to the remote controls andkeyboards are the biggest hotbed of germs. Smartphones are much more dangerous in this respect, because we use them all the time, also outside the home. And there, with the cleanliness of our hands, it can be different. All we have to do is transfer the germs from the railing to the phone and then touch the face. It is best to disinfect the smartphone with a special electronic liquid that kills germs. Plain water or alcohol-based liquid can harm it;
- jewelry, glasses- research by scientists shows that a person has the habit of constantly touching his face. This also applies to touching jewelry (earrings, chains, rings), as well as glasses, which some of us have a habit of adjusting from time to time. Jewelry and glasses can be effectively disinfected with a solution of water and spirit (minimum 60%).
Coronavirus: Top Recommendation
However, no disinfection of everyday items will help if we do not follow the main recommendation of doctors:frequent hand washing . According to specialists, it should be done exactly forminimum 30 seconds , because during this time the compounds contained in the soap should destroy the lipid envelope of the virus.
Together Against Coronavirus
1. WHO
2. MZ
3. "Annals of Internal Medicine"
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