The Sleep Quality Scales are used in the diagnosis of sleep disorders. A proprietary scale can be used to assess sleep quality, but the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) is often used.

Sleep Quality Scalesare used in the diagnosis of sleep disorders. In order to assess the quality of sleep, the proprietary Sleep Quality scale can be used. Then, the respondent assesses the truthfulness of the statements concerning various elements of sleep on a specific scale. The sleep quality value is the sum of the points obtained. However, the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) is the most commonly used method to measure sleep quality.

Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Questionnaire

The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Questionnaire examines the 7 components of sleep quality: subjective sleep quality, time taken to fall asleep, sleep duration, sleep efficiency, sleep disturbance, taking sleeping pills and difficulties in functioning during the day.

Measuring the quality of sleep is recommended for people who have sleep problems and also work in shifts (e.g. doctors, nurses).

The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Questionnaire has several parts. The first contains four questions that cover common sleep habits in the last four weeks. When answering these questions, the subject must enter specific values ​​(minutes, hours) or the frequency of specific problems affecting sleep (number of awakenings at night due to breathing difficulties):

1. What time did you usually go to bed in the evening? 2. How much time would you usually need in the evening to fall asleep? 3. What time do you usually get out of bed in the morning? 4. How many hours did you actually sleep during the night on average (this does not have to correspond to the time spent in bed)

How to improve sleep quality? Check it out!

5. The next part of the test consists of questions with four possible answers, of which only one should be chosen - the one that best suits the patient's condition.

How often did you sleep badly in the last four weeks:

not once in the last 4 weeks

less than once a weekonce or twice a weekthree times and more often during the week
because notcould you fall asleep within 30 minutes?
because you woke up in the middle of the night or in the morning?
because you had to get up to go to the toilet?
because you had breathing problems?
because you had a cough or snored loudly?
because you were too cold?
because you were too warm?
because you had bad dreams?
because something hurt?
for other reasons? Please name them

6. In the last four weeks, you would describe your sleep as: very good, fairly good, fairly bad, very bad (choose one answer).

7. In the last 4 weeks, how often have you taken sleeping pills (prescribed by a doctor and over-the-counter at a pharmacy): Not once in the last 4 weeks, less than once a week, once or twice a week, three times or more within a week (choose one of 4 answers).

8. In the past four weeks, how often have you had trouble staying alert while driving, eating or socializing ?: In the last 4 weeks, never once, less than once a week, once or twice a week, three times or more within a week (choose one of 4 answers).

9. In the past four weeks, how often have you had too little energy to carry out your daily duties? In the last 4 weeks, never once, less than once a week, once or twice a week, three times and more often a week (choose one of the 4 answers).

10. Are you sleeping alone in your room?

  • yes
  • yes, but another person is sleeping in the next room
  • no, another person is sleeping in the same room
  • no, I sleep in bed with another person

If another person is sleeping in the subject's room, he should ask him if and how often (in the last four weeks) he noticed the following symptoms in the subject

not once in the last 4 weeksless than once a weekonce or twice in a rowof the weekthree times and more often during the week
loud snoring
long pauses in breathing while sleeping
cramps or sudden movements of your legs while you sleep
states of agitation or disorientation during the night

The questionnaire should also include information about height, age, weight and occupation.
