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Chronic pulmonary heart syndrome, or chronic pulmonary heart, is a disease of the right ventricle resulting from lung diseases. Most often, it is caused by chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. What are the other causes of the pulmonary heart? How to recognize the symptoms of this disease? What is the treatment?

Chronic Pulmonary Heart SyndromeChronic CirculationPulmonary Heartis a disease of the right ventricle caused by pulmonary hypertension caused by certain diseases spit. These are lung diseases that affect the function or function and structure of the lungs, with the exception of lung lesions caused by left heart disease or congenital heart disease. As a result of pulmonary hypertension, the right ventricle is forced to contract more strongly, which over time changes its structure and impairs its functions.

Chronic pulmonary heart syndrome (pulmonary heart) - causes

The most common lung disease that leads to pulmonary hypertension, and further to the pulmonary heart, is chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Other common causes include:

  • emphysema
  • chronic bronchitis
  • pulmonary fibrosis
  • chronic pneumonia

Other possible diseases that can lead to the development of the pulmonary heart include cystic fibrosis, bronchiectasis, sarcoidosis and pneumoconiosis.

Chronic pulmonary heart syndrome (pulmonary heart) - symptoms

The symptoms of chronic pulmonary heart syndrome depend mainly on the underlying condition. It is the symptoms of the underlying respiratory disease that are dominant. Symptoms of a pulmonary heart may not always be present. However, if they do appear, they are:

Patients with chronic lung disease should be screened for symptoms of right ventricular failure.

  • shortness of breath
  • palpitations
  • general weakness
  • fainting
  • cool hands and feet
  • cyanosis of the skin - it may involve distal parts of the limbs (from the knees down and from the elbows down) ear lobes, nose and lips, but the easiest and most reliable way to find it is by looking at the mucous membranes of the mouth and tongue
  • drummer's stick-shaped fingers

Occurs in severe casessymptoms symptoms of right ventricular failure:

  • getting tired quickly
  • swellings - usually small, limited to the dorsal surface of the feet, ankles and shins. Patients with advanced pulmonary heart failure, in the period of irreversible circulatory failure, develop very large swellings covering the entire lower half of the body
  • jugular veins widening and pulsation
  • liver enlargement
  • ascites

Chronic pulmonary heart syndrome (pulmonary heart) - diagnosis

Examination of the respiratory system, the circulatory system, incl. spirometry, chest X-ray, electrocardiogram.

Chronic pulmonary heart syndrome (pulmonary heart) - treatment

If there are no symptoms of heart failure, the physician's efforts should be focused on treating the underlying disease, curing it, or stopping its progression. The presence of features of heart failure is an indication for the patient to be admitted to hospital. Symptomatic treatment consists of oxygen therapy, procedures to improve bronchial patency, use of a diuretic, medications to stimulate lung ventilation and blood flow. During the period of circulatory failure, a s alt-restricted diet is required.


Chronic pulmonary heart - complications

  • chronic heart failure - initially right ventricular, then also left ventricular
  • heart rhythm disturbance
  • ischemia of vital organs, including the brain
  • sudden cardiac death in the event of massive embolism in the pulmonary vessels


Zieliński J., Chronic pulmonary heart, "Doctor's Guide" 2003, No. 6

Larsen R., Anestezjologia, vol 1, ed. III Polish, ed. A. Kübler

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