Vitamin D is formed in the body under the influence of the sun. What to do when the sun's rays are like a cure, and when they are there - we dare to reveal only our face? In winter, in cold climatic zones, such as Poland, there is a risk of vitamin D deficiency. How to avoid vitamin D deficiency in winter?
Vitamin D deficiencyis a problem for most Poles. In winter, we need vitamin D in particular, because its appropriate level has a positive effect on the body's immunity.Vitamin D , which facilitates the absorption of calcium and is an important factor in the entire body's calcium economy, also plays a large role in old age, when our problem is bone protection.

Vitamin D deficiency symptoms
Vitamin D deficiency can manifest as frequent infections and weakening of the body. It can also be signaled by inflammation of the skin and conjunctiva, as well as muscle pain and neuralgia. The surest way to find out if we have a vitamin D deficiency is to do a blood test to determine our vitamin D level. Remember that excess vitamin D is also harmful. It raises the level of calcium in the blood, causes headaches in the abdomen and eyes, and can cause diarrhea. Such symptoms occur when we take 50 thousand. IU wit. D per day (one herring is 1000 IU). In the case of a significant vitamin D3 deficiency, you can reach for supplements, e.g. fish oil. Today it is available in capsules, so we don't feel its taste or smell.
Vitamin D and winter resistance
Vitamin D is a natural hormone that actively participates in the immune response of our body. Without vitamin D, our army of infection defenders - T cells - are lethargic and less valiant. Scientists speculate that vitamin D is definitely more important than vitamin C for improving immunity. There is also scientific evidence that vitamin D itself has the ability to reduce the amount of bacteria. There is a clear relationship between a decrease in the number of microbes, a higher supply of vitamin D in the case of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. So today it is no wonder that in the pre-modern drug era, tuberculosis was treated with sunbathing. Scientists are also considering the role of vitamin D deficiency in the development of depression. So far, some relationships have been found, but the mechanism is not known eitherproven.
Where to get vitamin D in winter?
In winter in Poland, we can be sure that we do not have enough vitamin D due to the lack of sun. There is no point in using a solarium, because the lamps do not emit UVB rays, which are needed to produce vitamin D. It remains to look for vitamin D in what we eat. Let's love fish! Herring matjas and mackerel, i.e. fatty sea fish and smoked eel - however, fatty freshwater fish contain quite a lot of vitamin D. You can add avocado, egg yolks and blueberries, as well as butter, cream and liver.
Read also:
- Prescription resistance drugs
- Prescription immune boosting drugs
- Immunity-Boosting Diet