Calcium is not only about strong bones. This element regulates the nervous system, improves the transmission of nerve impulses, and above all controls the blood clotting process. Check what are the norms for calcium (Ca) in the blood biochemical test and what the excess or deficiency of this element may indicate.


  1. Calcium (Ca): norm
  2. Increased calcium levels
  3. Calcium drop
  4. Calcium-rich foods

Calcium (Ca)has many important functions in the body athe level of calcium (Ca) , assessed during biochemical testing, allows physicians to assess your he alth condition and facilitate diagnosis. Calcium is involved in the conduction of stimuli in skeletal muscles and in the heart, and in blood coagulation. The concentration of calcium depends on the amount in the diet and the possibility of its release from the bones, the degree of intestinal absorption and the degree of excretion in the urine. Vitamin D, with the participation of the parathyroid hormone (parathyroid hormone), causes faster absorption of calcium from the gastrointestinal tract, increases its readiness to be released from the bones and inhibits its excretion from the body.

Calcium (Ca): norm

The norm for calcium (Ca) is 2.1-2.6 mmol / l (8.5-10.5 mg / dl)

Increased calcium levels

Increased calcium levels (hypercalcemia) accompany diseases such as

      • malignant neoplasms, most often they are
        • myeloma
        • nipple cancer
        • prostate cancer
        • lung cancer
        • kidney cancer
        • ovarian cancer
      • tumor metastases to bone tissue
      • hyperparathyroidism
      • vitamin D overdose

Less commonly, the cause of hypercalcemia may be prolonged immobilization causing bone decalcification.

Calcium drop

A drop in blood calcium is hypocalcaemia and can be caused by problems such as:

      • vitamin D deficiency
      • disorders in the production of parathyroid hormone (parathyroid hormone)
      • chronic renal failure
      • secondary hyperparathyroidism
      • hypoparathyroidism after surgery
      • parathyroid malformation
      • magnesium deficiency

as well as from excessive calcium accumulation inin tissues and with impaired absorption from the gastrointestinal tract.


Calcium-rich foods

  • dairy
  • canned fish, especially sprats and sardines
  • legumes
  • green-leaved plants
  • nuts

Read also

  • Phosphorus (P) - standards in biochemical research
  • Ferritin - blood test norms
  • Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) - blood test norms

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