Barley groats come in several varieties, among which pearl groats are the most popular, and the underestimated, and the he althiest - pearl barley. The pro-he alth properties and nutritional values of pearl barley should be appreciated especially by people with high cholesterol and problems with constipation - due to the presence of a large amount of soluble fiber - beta-glucan - it helps to lower blood cholesterol levels. Barley groats are also a good source of B vitamins, manganese and selenium.
Barley groats , a kind of which is underestimated and very he althypearl barley , is made from one of the oldest cereals - barley. Its production accounts for a very large share in the groats industry in Poland - barley groats account for as much as 70% of all groats.
Barley is used as food on our tables, but it is also used to a large extent for animal feed and for m alting in the beer production process. The groats allowed for sale have a strictly defined appearance, they are gray with a yellow or greenish tinge. We can buy barley groats in the store in many varieties. The options are:
- pearl barley- whole grain without husk,
- rolled pearl barley (Kuyavian)- whole grain without husk, rolled and polished,
- Pearl barley groats (Masuria)- whole grain without husk, broken into large particles and polished; is distinguished by thick, medium and fine,
- roasted pearl barley ,
- Broken barley (rural)- whole grain subjected to cleaning and dehulling, and then breaking without polishing; is distinguished by thick, medium and fine.
Among barley groats, pearl barley is the most popular on Polish tables. Pearl barley is wrongly considered a waste product of inferior quality, and it is the whole barley grains that are the starting material for the production of other types of barley and have the most nutritional value.
Barley groats (pearl barley, country barley) - properties and nutritional values in 100 g of dry product
Pearl barley | Rolled pearl barley | Pearl barley | Country groats | |
Energy [kcal] | 354 | 352 | 347 | 343 |
Protein [g] | 12,5 | 9,9 | 6,9 | 10,6 |
Fat [g] | 2,3 | 1,2 | 2,2 | 2,1 |
Carbohydrates [g] | 73,5 | 77.7 | 75 | 66,1 |
Fiber [g] | 17,3 | 15.6 | 6,2 | 9,1 |
Barley groats contains about 350 kcal / 100 g. It seems a lot, but remember that this value applies to dry groats, the volume of which increases 2-3 times during cooking, i.e. the calorific value in relation to the volume of cooked groats decreases by at least half. Groats differ mainly in the content offiber .
It contains the mostpearl , which has only been stripped of the shell and has not undergone any additional treatment. It is similar with vitamins and minerals - pearl barley is the richest source of all types of barley.
Barley is a good source ofB vitamins , especially B1, B2 and B6, which are responsible for the proper functioning of the nervous system, metabolic processes at the cellular level and the body's immune responses. It contains a lot of vitamin B3 (niacin), which is involved in metabolic changes, the formation of red blood cells, dilates blood vessels and inhibits the toxic effects of drugs and other chemicals. It is also a source of vitamins A, E and K as well as manganese, selenium, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper and small amounts of calcium.
He alth benefits of barley groats
The positive effect on the he alth of barley groats is mainly due to the presence of a large amount of fiber, both soluble and insoluble. Insoluble fiber improves intestinal peristalsis and regulates the rhythm of bowel movements, therefore it is recommended for people who are slimming and having problems with constipation.
The acceleration of the passage of food through the intestines reduces the risk of cancer, as the contact time of toxins and harmful metabolic components with the intestinal walls is shortened. Due to the presence of soluble fiber, barley groats have a positive effect on the lipid profile and help reduce the level of bad LDL cholesterol. One of the fiber fractions is responsible for this ability -beta-glucan .
According to studies, consuming 3 g of barley beta-glucan daily lowers LDL cholesterol by 19-24%. This is due to reduced absorption of fat and cholesterol from the meal and their accelerated excretion with the bile acids in the faeces. 100 gbarley groats contains 4.3-5.3 beta-glucan. The process of lowering cholesterol is also supported by vitamin PP found in the groats.
Barley groats contain gluten - people suffering from celiac disease cannot eat it.
Arabinoxylans present in barley groats together with beta-glucans regulate glucose metabolism and prevent its rapid increase in blood levels. That is why the groats are recommended for diabetics and people who are slimming.
Barley groats, thanks to the presence of beta-glucans, areprebiotic , which means it is a medium for the growth of beneficial bacteria in the intestinal microflora. Short-chain fatty acids produced as a result of fermentation of beta-glucans by bacteria nourish the cells of the intestine, guarantee its good condition and prevent inflammation and diseases.
Barley groats is recommended:
- people who have high cholesterol,
- people suffering from atherosclerosis,
- people with cardiovascular problems (thanks to the presence of vitamin K and PP),
- diabetics,
- on a diet,
- people living under stress.
Barley groats in the kitchen
Barley groats is the most popular groats in Polish cuisine, but we use it relatively rarely anyway. People over 50 usually eat groats 1-2 times a week. However, as many as 20% of people under the age of 23 eat porridge only once every six months.
The most popular barley dish in Polish cuisine is barley soup. Groats can be used in many ways, not only as an addition to a portion of meat. Cabbage rolls with mushrooms and barley, dumplings are popular, and more and more often we prepare casseroles, stuffed vegetables and meat puddings.
Barley groats have a slightly earthy aftertaste, which is why it fits perfectly with traditional Polish dishes, such as meat and mushroom sauces. We can meet her in variations on risotto, the so-called Kaszotto, where groats are the basis of the dish instead of rice. There are many culinary possibilities, but the most important thing is well-cooked groats.
We recommend
Author: Time S.A
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Find out moreThis will be useful to youHow to cook barley groats?
It's worth giving up cookinggroats in a bag in plenty of water, because during cooking vitamins and minerals pass into the water, which we then pour into the sink (plastic bags are also a source of the toxicbisphenol A ). A much he althier and tastier variant of preparing groats is cooking them in a properly selected portion of water until the liquid is completely absorbed by the groats.
- Pearl and country groats - a glass of groats should be rinsed on a sieve. Boil 2 and 1/3 cups of s alted water with a tablespoon of oil, add the groats to it and cook over low heat, covered, until the liquid is completely absorbed for about 20 minutes. Do not mix at this time. After absorbing the water, you can leave the groats on the gauze for a while to lightly roast it.
- Pearl barley - proceed similarly, but for 1 glass of groats we use more water - 3 glasses.