Oatmeal is suitable not only for making morning porridge. They will also work well as a form of breading, an ingredient of crumble for dough or a basic product for the production of vegetable milk. See what other benefits there are in consuming a portion of oatmeal each day and how it can improve your he alth and beauty.
Oatmealhas many properties. Thanks to valuable nutrients, they will delay the effects of aging, support the functioning of the intestines, lower cholesterol levels and improve glycemia in people who have glucose tolerance disorders. In addition, they are a good source of unsaturated fatty acids and fiber.
Oatmeal - functional food of the 21st century
Functional foodis one that has been scientifically tested in terms of chemical, biological, biochemical and clinical properties, and which has proven beneficial effects on the human body, going far beyond "normal "Food.
Oatmeal, due to its numerous he alth properties, has been included in this type of food group.
They have a positive effect on the human body:
- support the body's defenses,
- support the treatment of various diseases,
- delay the aging processes of the body,
- preventive in diet-related diseases,
- and improve the physical and mental state.
Oatmeal can be found on store shelves in 3 different forms :
- instant flakes,
- mountain flakes,
- ordinary petals.
Each of these forms is intended for a different group of recipients.Instant cerealsare ideal for young children as well as the elderly who have trouble chewing or swallowing.
Mountain flakes , due to their low degree of processing and slightly sweet taste, will be perfect for older children and adults, as a basis for porridge or chocolate cookies.
On the other hand,regular flakes , the least processed, with the highest amount of nutritional value, will be useful for undernourished people, as well as those with intestinal diseases.
Gluten-free products - meet the less known ones

Petalsoatmeal - nutritional values
Plant products are usually not a recommended source of protein, because the protein they contain is incomplete and does not contain all exogenous amino acids (i.e. those that the body cannot produce itself and must be supplied from the outside with food).
However, against this background, oats definitely stand out in favor.100 g of oat flakes provides as many as 7 out of 10 essential amino acids . This is decisive for the high nutritional value of oats.
It is worth adding, however, that it is not the best digestible source of vegetable protein. Soybeans - 95% and corn - 86% - have a better nutritional value (CS).
Nevertheless, by composing oatmeal with milk or, for example, yogurt, we are able to make the most of the protein found in oats, because we get rid of the limiting amino acid that hinders the absorption of oatmeal when we eat it ourselves.
The fat in oatmeal is very beneficial for your he alth, as 80% of it consists of unsaturated fatty acids.
These include :
- oleic acid (29-53%),
- α-linolenic (1-5%),
- linoleic (24-48%),
as well as:
- eicosapentaenoic acid,
- docosahexaenoic,
- and peanut.
The importance of the presence of these acids in the diet is evidenced by the fact that they are essential components of cell membranes, they are necessary for the transport of lipids in the blood, they inhibit the sticking of platelets - thus preventing blood clots; reduce the risk of high blood pressure, improve blood flow through the heart and coronary vessels.
Due to the favorable profile of fatty acids in oat flakes, cholesterol levels are also reduced.
Vitamins and minerals
Oatmeal is a very good source of vitamins B1, B5 and E. Thiamin (vitamin B1) is especially important for the proper functioning of the nervous system. It has a positive effect on the ability to concentrate, better sleep and memory.
In turn, pantothenic acid (B5) is necessary for the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates and for the synthesis of cholesterol, hormones and neurotransmitters.
Vitamin E works primarily against free radicals, so it prevents mutations and faster aging of the body.
In addition to the aforementioned vitamins, oatmeal also contains minerals such as:
- phosphorus,
- calcium,
- magnesium,
- silicon
- or zinc.
Oatmeal - he alth benefits
Supporting the functioning of the intestines
Oatmeal has a large amount of fiber that is beneficial to the intestines. They contain as much as 14%, of which 8% belongs to the soluble fraction and only 6% to the insoluble. These are very good proportions, because the insoluble fiber fraction is beneficial in constipation and supports intestinal peristalsis, can irritate the digestive system if it is present in too large amounts.
It can be particularly harmful to people with inflammatory diseases of the upper or lower digestive system or damaged intestinal mucosa.
Therefore, in order to reap the benefits of fiber consumption (e.g. in the form of: increasing the volume of stool, which facilitates defecation; getting rid of toxins from the body), and at the same time not to irritate the stomach or intestines, it is worth balancing the consumption of fractions insoluble with soluble.
Eating oatmeal is especially recommended for people with intestinal diseases, because the soluble fiber fraction in the form of β-glucans can protect the intestinal mucosa from toxins.
In addition, β-glucans support the absorption of nutrients, as they extend the time the food passes through the intestines.
The beneficial effect of the soluble fraction is also visible by regulating the appetite, e.g. reduction of the feeling of hunger, which causes longer breaks in eating and the possibility of activating the MMC - a wandering myoelectric complex that cleans the intestines between meals.
He althy gut microflora
The beneficial amount and the right proportion of soluble and insoluble oat fiber make oats an excellent prebiotic, supporting the growth of beneficial intestinal bacteria.
By promoting the colonization of good bacteria, there is an automatic reduction in the number of bad bacteria (the main antagonistic mechanism between good and bad bacteria is competition for food. When good bacteria are in large numbers, they take food from pathogens, so the latter cannot reproduce).
Oat beta-glucans in particular support the growth of bacterial strains such as Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium.
Anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating effect
Thanks to the content of β-glucans, oatmeal is classified as a food that has immunostimulatory properties.
This is because β-glucans activate macrophages, neutrophils and monocytes responsible for killing pathogens. By stimulating these prey cells to function, β-glucans protect the bodyagainst infections. In addition, they have anti-cancer properties.
Studies in mice have shown that after administering them β-glucans, the mass of solid tumors was reduced, and in women treated for breast cancer, inflammation was healed faster after radiotherapy.
Prevention of cardiovascular diseases
Cardiovascular diseases appear, inter alia, in as a result of atherosclerosis, when an excessive amount of the unfavorable LDL cholesterol fraction is deposited in the veins and arteries, leading to a narrowing of their lumen, which significantly impedes blood flow.
To reduce the risk of LDL build-up, eat oatmeal, which has the ability to lower the absorption of fat and cholesterol and increase its excretion in the faeces.
Oats also reduce the reabsorption of bile acids, which in turn leads to the fact that cholesterol synthesized in the liver is used primarily to produce bile acids, and thus its concentration in the blood is naturally lowered.
Regular consumption of oatmeal and its fiber reduces the overall cholesterol content in the body also because it leads to weight loss and fat reduction.
Improving blood glucose levels, helping with type 2 diabetes
Oatmeal is a product especially recommended for people who have problems with postprandial sugar or insulin spikes, because they slow down gastric emptying and extend the time of carbohydrate reabsorption in the intestines.
A slower increase in blood glucose causes a slower release of insulin, which reduces the feeling of wolf hunger and eliminates the weakness that occurs shortly after a meal, resulting from a sudden drop in blood sugar levels.
This effect is obtained both by consuming the flakes on their own, as well as by adding them to other meals.
ProbeAuthorDominika WilkA graduate of postgraduate studies in dietetics. For years, he has been writing for he alth websites and continues to deepen his knowledge in this field by participating in numerous courses and webinars. Privately, he writes fairy tales for his 10-year-old son and loves spending time in nature.