The word probiotic in Greek means he alth. According to the definition of the World He alth Organization, probiotics are live microorganisms that, when given in the right amount, have a beneficial effect on the he alth of the host. Probiotics are therefore only those lactobacilli strains of the genus Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium and probiotic yeast (Saccharomyces boulardii) that have he alth-promoting effects proven in clinical trials.
Probioticscan be hidden in capsules or sachets (pharmacy products) or added to food (e.g. probiotic yoghurts). Regardless of the form, they can really do a lot. Especially if you are takingantibiotics , haveabdominal painor have intimate problems. What are the benefits of such products and when should you take them?
Probiotics support antibiotic therapy
Research confirms that 3 to 10 percent people who are treated with antibiotics suffer from diarrhea. These types of problems are caused by disturbances in the natural intestinal flora. The use of probiotics throughout the period of taking the antibiotic prevents complications. However, they must be such probiotics that will be able to multiply in the lumen of the intestine and survive the acidic environment of gastric juice. They can only be found at a pharmacy. Probiotic preparations can be taken from the first day of taking the antibiotic and for several days after discontinuing the drug. They need to be taken no later than 2 hours before taking the antibiotic and no earlier than 2 hours after. The capsule should be swallowed whole with plenty of water.
Probiotics protect against allergies
Studies have confirmed that administering probiotics (specifically the Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG strain) to women in the last month of pregnancy, and then to infants for the first 6 months of life, reduces the risk of allergies in these children by as much as half. It is also known that the use of probiotics in allergy significantly accelerates the resolution of its symptoms. They can "seal" the intestinal walls so effectively that they become a barrier to allergens.
Probiotics - support the treatment of intimate infections
Normal vaginal flora consists of approx. 96%. from lactic acid rods of the genus Lactobacillus. They are also in the vaginasmall amounts of pathogenic microorganisms. Sometimes, however, this balance is disturbed, the number of germs increases and infections occur. The treatment uses special probiotics (vaginal or oral) which, in addition to the standards that must be met by pharmacy probiotics, must also be able to settle on the vaginal epithelium and antagonize the pathogenic bacteria of the external genitalia. It is also worth taking such probiotics prophylactically if you are prone to intimate infections.
Cure for stomach problems
Clinical trials confirm that probiotic preparations shorten the duration of viral and bacterial diarrhea. It is actually the only drug that can be safely taken from the beginning of the infection. Probiotics also stimulate the functioning of the intestines, and thanks to this, they can also deal with constipation, facilitate digestion and cleanse the body of toxins. They are also helpful in the treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers.
Natural probiotics - list
You must do itWhat you need to know about probiotics
- They work better with prebiotics - the carbohydrates that are food for probiotics. Prebiotics can be found in cereal products (including groats, whole grain bread) and vegetables (including asparagus, artichokes, chicory, onions). Some pharmaceutical preparations already have a probiotic and a prebiotic in their composition. They are then called synbiotic.
- Read labels - the name of a thoroughly tested probiotic consists of the genus (eg Bifidobacterium), species (eg lactis) and strain (eg DN-173 010). The packaging should also contain information about the number of cells of a given strain. It is represented in the CFU, which most often corresponds to one cell. For the preparation to be effective, you need to consume at least 5 billion bacterial cells (description: 5 billion CFU) a day. When it comes to probiotic-enriched foods, to be of he alth-promoting importance, they must contain at least 10 million live bacterial cells per ml.
- For children - different specifics - babies have a different bacterial flora than adults (eg naturally fed newborns have mainly bacteria of the genus Bifidobacterium in their intestines). That is why it is so important to adapt the preparation to the child's age (information on the packaging!). Probiotics for the little ones usually come in sachets with a powder for making a drink, often with flavors.