A dairy-free diet is a form of treating protein blemish (food allergy to milk proteins). It is also intended for people who are intolerant to milk proteins and lactose. A dairy-free diet is very important for allergy sufferers, because it not only eliminates the symptoms of allergy, but also allows the child to develop properly and helps prevent asthma and other allergic diseases. Find out what you can and can't eat on a dairy-free diet.
Dairy-free dietiselimination diet , which is the only form of treatment for causal allergy to milk proteins. This type of food allergy is most common in young children. A dairy-free diet is also intended for people who do not tolerate milk proteins (allergies and intolerance are not the same!) And lactose, i.e. milk sugar. A dairy-free diet is also safe for a mother who is nursing a little allergy sufferer.
Dairy-free diet - rules. What can you eat and what not?
Dairy-free diet implies temporary or permanent exclusion from the diet of milk (fresh, condensed, powdered) and all dairy products, including buttermilk, cottage cheese, whey, cheese, and also products containing milk proteins: casein (the most important milk protein) , lactalbumin and lactoglobulin.
A dairy-free diet may include, inter alia, all kinds of groats, French bread, fruit, vegetables and egg yolks. Of the fats, non-dairy butters and margarines, vegetable oils, mayonnaises and artificial coffee creamers (or non-dairy) are allowed. The list of allowed desserts includes, among others sorbets, homemade corn starch puddings, jellies and fruit jelly. The drinks can serve fruit juices and sodas. You can also safely reach for spices, mustard or ketchup.
ImportantWhere can the milk proteins be hidden?
Milk proteins may also be hidden in many other products, such as:
- bread (milk is often added to bread to "refresh" it), especially hamburger buns
- meats: pies, sausages, sausages, sausages. Beef and veal can also be a cause of allergies
- sweets: milk chocolate, fudge, toffee candies, ready-made biscuits, ice cream, creams, bars and puddings
- medicinal syrups, tablet coatings andsome artificial sweeteners
Therefore, when shopping, read labels carefully and check whether the composition contains powdered milk, whey, casein or beef gelatin. Even trace amounts of an allergen can trigger an allergic reaction!
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Author: Time S.A
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Find out moreDairy-free diet - what can replace calcium and vitamin D?
A dairy-free diet may lead to a calcium deficiency, therefore, other products containing them should be included in the diet, such as groats (e.g. buckwheat, barley), beans, green beans, soybeans, lentils, oats, fine bony fish, canned fish, beetroot, chard, spinach, walnuts (ATTENTION! this is a potential allergen), raspberries, mandarins (ATTENTION! this is a potential allergen), eggs, whole wheat bread. In turn, the sources of vitamin D, which may also be missing in a dairy-free diet, are fish and corn.
Unfortunately, the calcium contained in the above-mentioned products is less digestible than milk, so it is worth taking care of its supplementation. You can also introduce products to the diet that will support its absorption, e.g. those containing organic acids, such as blueberries, and meat.
CHECK>>List of products containing calcium. How to replace milk in an allergy sufferer's diet?
Dairy-free diet: advice for a nursing mother If the baby develops symptoms of allergy to mother's milk, she should limit or eliminate from her diet what may trigger an allergic reaction in the baby, i.e. milk, as well as other often allergenic products such as fish, citrus, nuts, eggs, chocolate and cocoa. In this case, bottle feeding is not necessary. If allergic symptoms appear after administering the modified milk, they should be replaced with another preparation. However, this decision should not be made by the mother alone. In such a situation, you should go to the pediatrician who will choose the best therapeutic milk replacer for the child. With a milk allergy, a dairy-free diet usually lasts a year. After this period, you can gradually and carefully introduce dairy products into your diet and watch for allergy symptoms (rash, abdominal pain, diarrhea). Source: x-news.pl/Dzień Dobry TVNCooking without milk, i.e. tasty dishes with a lot of calcium