Eggplant is … a fruit that has many properties and nutritional value. It is also considered an aphrodisiac - the Spaniards called eggplants "apples of love". Check what properties eggplant has and what is its use in the kitchen.

Eggplantbelongs to the nightshade family. It is commonly believed to be a vegetable, but from a botanical point of view it is 100%. fruit and even more - berry.

It appeared in Europe through the Moors who traveled from India - the homeland of eggplants. In Poland,propertiesandnutritional values ​​ aubergines have been known since the 16th century, but were grown as an ornamental plant.

Their taste and nutritional properties were appreciated only in the 19th century. The cultivation of eggplants in Europe was popularized by Italians, promoting the vegetable as an exclusive delicacy.

Eggplant - he alth benefits

The advantage of eggplant is its low calorie-100 g of this vegetable contains only slightly more than 20 kcal. In 90 percent. consists of water, and only 2 percent. are sugars.

Eating eggplant will provide the body with potassium, calcium and magnesium. It is also a good source of fiber. In 100 grams of eggplant it will be twice as much as in apples or peaches.

He alth effects of eggplant

  • has detoxifying properties
  • improves metabolism
  • prevents cardiovascular diseases
  • lowers cholesterol

The peel of eggplant contains phenolic compounds that improve the functioning of the body. Among these compounds there are, among others anthocyanins, which have a strong antioxidant effect and are responsible for the purple-navy blue color of the skin.

The anti-cancer effect of eggplant has been confirmed by scientists, isolating from it a compound called nasunina. Studies show that this substance reduces the growth of cancer cells.

Worth knowing

Eggplant - nutritional values, calories

W 100 g Energy - 25 kcal Total protein - 0.98 g Fat - 0.18 g Carbohydrates - 5.88 g (including simple sugars 3.53 g) Fiber - 3.0 gVitaminsVitamin C - 2.2 mg Thiamine - 0.039 mg Riboflavin - 0.037 mg Niacin - 0.649 mg Vitamin B6 - 0.084 mg Folic acid - 22 µg Vitamin A - 23 IU Vitamin E - 0.30 mg Vitamin K - 3.5 µgMineralsCalcium - 9 mg Iron - 0.23 mg Magnesium - 14 mg Phosphorus - 24 mg Potassium - 229 mg Sodium - 2 mg Zinc - 0.16 mgData source: USDA NationalNutrient Database for Standard Reference

Eggplant - contraindications

Bearing in mind that eggplants are difficult to digest, you should not give them:

  • for children
  • for pregnant women
  • people suffering from rheumatism
  • gout
  • with kidney and digestive problems
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This will be useful to you

Eggplant: long nightshade, eggplant, love pear - these are just some of the terms for a purple vegetable with a springy skin and a characteristic flavor of the flesh.

Other nightshade plants besides eggplants are tomatoes and potatoes.

According to the rules of the macrobiotic diet, eggplants and other nightshades should be excluded from the menu because they are considered extremely Yin. According to the Japanese macrobiotic philosophy, potatoes and tomatoes, considered poisonous for centuries, were spread in Europe and the Americas for economic reasons. These vegetables are therefore identified with intellectual development and materialism, which is inconsistent with the spiritual worldview of the philosophy of macrobiotic nutrition.

Did you know that … eggplants are considered an aphrodisiac, hence the "pear of love" - ​​one of the names of eggplants.

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Author: Time S.A

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Eggplant - selection and storage

Choose fruit with a resilient, shiny, smooth skin and a deep purple color. Avoid cracked, wrinkled, brown, blue or yellow colors.

It's best to use the eggplant right away, or it can be stored up to a week in the refrigerator in the fruit and vegetable compartment.

Eggplant - use in the kitchen

Eggplant can be peeled, but not necessarily with a vegetable peeler. Better to choose a knife.

In order for the eggplant to soften and lose some bitterness, s alt it, leave it for half an hour, then rinse.

Eggplant can be baked, grilled, steamed, fried and sautéed. It is ready when the fork slips into itenters.

The center of the aubergine (with pits) can be carved out, and the fruit stuffed with vegetable and cheese stuffing and baked.

Eggplants can be added to stews, lasagna and other pasta dishes.

Eggplant paste with the addition of lemon juice, garlic and olive oil is an excellent addition to sandwiches. This paste can also be used as a vegetable dip.

Eggplant specials by Anna Starmach and Jarosław Falkowski

Source:ń Dobry TVN
