The extended profile for pregnant women is a research that allows for a detailed assessment of the he alth of the expectant mother. Thanks to these tests, it is also possible to control the course of pregnancy and timely detect any diseases that threaten both the pregnant woman and the child. Check how to interpret the results of the extended profile for pregnant women.
Profile for pregnant womenare blood and urine tests that allow you to assess the he alth of the future mother and control the course of pregnancy. Thanks to these tests, it is possible to identify diseases that are dangerous both to the he alth of the mother and the child in good time.
The profile for pregnant women includes tests such as: the assessment of the presence of chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), blood group determination, urinalysis, complete blood count, progesterone and glucose levels. The profile also includes VDRL, which is a screening test for syphilis, as well as the assessment of the presence of HIV, HCV and HBV as well as antibodies to rubella, toxoplasmosis and cytomegaly.
HCG - Chorionic Gonadotropin
Chorionic gonadotropin is a hormone produced by the placenta and by a fertilized egg after it is implanted in the womb. HCG is responsible for the development of pregnancy.
Standards for this test:
By the 3rd week of pregnancy, the HCG level is<5 mIU/ml. W trzecim tygodniu poziom gonadotropiny kosmówkowej waha się od 5 do 50 mIU/ml. Z kolei w czwartym tygodniu wynosi 4-426 mIU/ml, w piątym 19-7,340 mIU/ml, a w szóstym 1,080- 56,500 mIU/ml.
In women from the 7th to the 8th week of pregnancy, the HCG concentration is 7.650 - 229,000 mIU / ml, and from the 9th to 12th week of pregnancy - 25.700- 288,000 mIU / ml.
In turn, between the 17th and 24th week the level of HCG increases to the level of 4.060-165.400 mIU / ml, and between the 26th and 60th week the concentration of this hormone is 3.640-117,000 mIU / ml.
Lack of HCG increase during pregnancy may be related to, inter alia, with fetal death, abnormal location of pregnancy (ectopic pregnancy) or placental insufficiency.
Progesterone (lutein) is a hormone that, inter alia, prepares the uterine mucosa for implantation of a fertilized egg, is responsible for maintaining pregnancy until the formation of the placenta and inhibits uterine contractions, thus preventing miscarriage or premature birth.
Standards for this test:
By week 12 of pregnancy, progesterone levels should be 9-47 ng / ml. In turn, between the 12th and 28th week of pregnancy, the concentration of this hormone ranges from 17 to 146ng / ml, and above the 28th week of pregnancy it is 55-200 ng / ml.
A low progesterone level means that the uterine lining is not well prepared to receive an embryo. Then the doctor recommends taking progesterone in the form of oral tablets, sublingual tablets (Duphaston, Lutein), vaginal tablets or injections and recommends a sparing lifestyle.
Blood group and Rh
Knowing the blood type of a pregnant woman and testing for anti-Rh antibodies allow you to assess the risk of a serological conflict between mother and child, and thus the risk of developing a life-threatening hemolytic disease.
The morphology is performed to assess the general he alth of the pregnant woman. It allows you to detect some diseases that are dangerous to the he alth of the future mother and baby. It is worth knowing that blood counts in pregnant women may be abnormal.
CHECK>>Morphology - norms for pregnant women
Urine general examination This is one of the basic tests that a mother-to-be should perform - at least 7 times during the entire pregnancy (preferably every month). Thanks to this test, metabolic diseases, kidney diseases and urinary tract infections can be detected. READ>>Urine test during pregnancy: interpretation of results
Glucose The aim of the glucose test is to find out if the pregnant woman has diabetes. This disease increases the risk of miscarriage. In addition, children with diabetes may suffer from macrosomia, i.e. intrauterine hypertrophy (a child grows too large in the mother's womb, weighs more than 4-4.5 kg). A child with this condition is at risk of encephalopathy, a brain damage that leads to mental retardation or death. GOOD TO KNOW>>SWEET PREGNANCY or why too high BLOOD GLUCOSE is a threat to the baby
Norm for this study - 3.9-6.4 mmol / l. Elevated glucose levels may be a sign of diabetes. ON NEXT PAGE>>Interpretation of HIV, HCV, HBV, syphilis, rubella and cytomegalovirus test results, and also the parasite toxoplasmosis.
HIV HIV does not have to be passed on to the baby during pregnancy. The sooner the expectant mother performs the HIV test, the better your chances of giving birth to a he althy baby. Quick implementation of antiretroviral treatment during pregnancy gives almost 100% of chances of avoiding the infection of the child. Being aware that your child has HIV infectionmuch faster progress. In addition, there is a greater risk of developing AIDS and death compared to adults. The test result is negative in he althy people. HCV(virus that causes hepatitis C) The test consists in detecting the presence of antibodies to the hepatitis C virus. A positive result indicates contact with the virus. However, the risk of the pathogen passing from mother to child during pregnancy is small. HBV(hepatitis B virus) The test consists in determining the antigen of hepatitis B virus (HBsAg). A positive HBs antigen means that the pregnant woman is a carrier of the hepatitis B virus and can infect her unborn child. In this case, the child will have tests after delivery. If it turns out that the baby is infected during pregnancy, the baby will be given antigen-binding immunoglobulin; Fortunately, carrying the HBs antigen has no effect on the development of pregnancy. VDRL VDRL (Venereal Diseases Research Laboratory) is a screening test for syphilis. During pregnancy, syphilis may lead to the death of an unborn child or the birth of a child with serious malformations. Preterm labor is a common complication, as a result of which most newborns die shortly after birth. The test result is negative in he althy people. However, it may happen that primary syphilis is not detected by a test that shows a negative result. Toxoplasmosis Infection with toxoplasmosis during pregnancy may lead to miscarriage (rarely), death of the baby in the womb, or serious complications after its birth. If infection occurs early in pregnancy, the most serious complications appear, such as choroidal retinitis, intracerebral calcification, and microcephaly or hydrocephalus (the so-called Sabin-Pinkerton triad). Infection in advanced pregnancy may result in neurological disorders (epilepsy, mental retardation, speech disorders) and vision disorders (strabismus, amblyopia and blindness) even months or years after the birth of the child. CHECK>>TOXOPLASMOSIS in pregnancy: how to avoid infection?
Interpretation of test results: Rubella Rubella in pregnant women, especially if the infection occurred inin the first 16 weeks of its duration, it may cause miscarriage, death of the unborn child, premature birth or numerous birth defects. The most serious complications arise when infection occurs in the first four months of pregnancy. They affect practically all systems and organs. The most common complication is deafness. In addition, eye defects may develop - cataracts, glaucoma or retinal damage. Interpretation of test results: Cytomegaly Cytomegalovirus infection in the first trimester of pregnancy may lead to miscarriage or the development of birth defects, especially in the central nervous system. If infection occurs in the second or third trimester of pregnancy, it may damage the baby's brain (which will manifest itself as developmental disorders and / or epilepsy after birth), and even lead to premature birth. Many newborns infected with CMV are born with pneumonia or severe jaundice. CHECK>>Cytomegaly is particularly dangerous for pregnant women
Interpretation of test results:Find out which pregnancy tests are mandatory