Tapioca is a groats made from an exotic plant called cassava. The nutritional properties of tapioca have long been appreciated by the inhabitants of South America, where it comes from. No wonder - it is easily digestible and nutritious. In addition, it is gluten-free and hypoallergenic. Find out about the nutritional values of tapioca and try out recipes for dishes with tapioca.
What is tapioca?
Tapioca is a type of groats made from starch (flour) that is obtained from the tubers of the plant called Cassava.
The properties of cassava have long been appreciated by the inhabitants of South America, where it comes from. Currently, in the growing regions (Brazil, Guyana, as well as in Asia - Java, Singapore), it is part of the daily diet and is not only used to make tapioca.
Worth knowingCassava is an exotic plant, the tubers of which are the basis of nutrition in the cuisine of South America and Africa (similarly to our potatoes).
Cassava tubers are eaten after cooking (they are poisonous when raw - the manihotoxin glycoside they contain easily converts into prussic acid) or they are made (after drying) starch flour (cassava), which is used to bake bread, pies and produces an alcohol called masato. The cassava tubers also make attike.
In turn, slightly grated and fried (to preserve) in palm oil, the cassava tubers are gari, and the mixture of water with cassava is fufu (foufou). In Poland, tapioca is the most popular.
Where to buy cassava?
Cassava tubers are very hard to find on store shelves or stalls. Only some online stores offer them. The price for 1 kg is about PLN 15-25.
Where to buy tapioca?
Tapioca is available in a variety of ball sizes (1 to 8 millimeters in diameter) or flour.
The price of 400 g of small balls is about PLN 10.
Worth knowingNutritional value of dry tapioca (per 100 g)
Energy value - 358 kcal
Total protein - 0.19 g
Fat - 0.02 g
Carbohydrates - 88.69 g (including simple sugars 3.35)
Fiber - 0.9 g
Thiamina - 0.004 mg
Vitamin B6 - 0.008 mg
Folic acid - 4 µg
Calcium - 20 mg
Iron - 1.58 mg
Magnesium - 1 mg
Phosphorus - 7 mg
Potassium - 11 mg
Sodium - 1 mg
Zinc - 0.12 mg
Fatty acids
saturated - 0.005 g
monounsaturated - 0.005 g
polyunsaturated - 0.003 g
Source:USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference
How to cook tapioca?
Before consumption, tapioca must be cooked (alone or in a dish). The balls are ready to eat when they become almost transparent.
The smaller balls should be boiled for about 40 minutes. The larger ones are usually already processed and you just need to pour hot water over them, bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes. After cooking, pour them with cold water.
In turn, before using tapioca balls, it is recommended to soak them.
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Author: Time S.A
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Find out moreHow do I store tapioca?
Tapioca should be stored in an airtight jar. Then it can be used for up to 2 years.
Meet less known gluten-free products

Tapioca for allergy sufferers and people suffering from celiac disease
Tapioca is hypoallergenic (does not cause allergy) and does not contain gluten, therefore it can be used by people struggling with celiac disease, gluten allergy or other food allergy. It's worth knowing that rice, corn, soybeans, millet, buckwheat, amaranth, teff, quinoa, carob and nut flour do not contain gluten.
However, tapioca - unlike other gluten-free groats - is characterized by a symbolic protein content (about 0.20%) and a large amount of carbohydrates (almost 90% of them).
Tapioca for people with a sensitive stomach
Tapioca is easily digestible, so it can be included in the diet of children and the elderly, as well as those who are struggling with ulcers and other stomach problems or in the recovery period after surgery.
What can be made of tapioca?
Tapioca is also used to make sweet flour dishes served as a dessert, i.e. pancakes, pancakes, omelettes, soufflés, mousses, jellies, pudding, etc. However, in Poland, tapioca has gained the greatest popularity thanks to bubble tea, i.e. a drink prepared on the basis of a tea base with the addition of fruit or milk flavors andthe tapioca balls placed on the bottom.
These balls can be soaked in citrus juice or in fruit syrup, which will make an interesting addition to your drinks. Tapioca can also be a pasta substitute, e.g. in a traditional broth. It will also work well in a salad instead of couscous.