Bile reflux, or gastro-gastric reflux, is a disease which consists of the duodenal contents being thrown back along with bile into the stomach. Most often it affects people who have had their gallbladder removed. Find out what manifests itself in duodenogastric reflux.
Bile refluxotherwisegastro-gastric reflux, non-acidoccurs when alkaline content flows back from the intestines into the stomach.
Under normal conditions, bile secreted by the liver passes through the Vater's papilla together with pancreatic juice into the duodenum. With the perist altics preserved and the proper functioning of the pylorus, the stomach contents move into the intestines.
A change of direction may occur when the pylorus-gastric sphincter attached to the duodenum does not function properly and therefore reflux occurs.
Biliary reflux - causes
The main causes of bile reflux are:
- disturbances in intestinal motility associated with nerve damage (nerve damage may occur during surgery)
- motor and nerve conduction disorders associated with partial gastric resection
- deviations in the pressure difference in the organs of the digestive tract
- decreased tone of gastric sphincter of unknown etiology (idiopathic)
- stomach ulcers leading to gastric distortion
The following may also contribute to the development of the disease:
- smoking
- drinking alcohol and coffee
- stress, anxiety
- obesity, overweight
Biliary reflux symptoms
Pain usually occurs about 0.5-3 hours after eating a meal. In some cases, symptoms worsen and gastroesophageal reflux develops.
This situation occurs when the pylorus and the upper esophageal sphincter malfunction. The symptoms intensify and the occurrence of:
- burning in the throat
- a bitter, unpleasant taste in the mouth caused by the presence of bile
The characteristic symptoms of bile reflux are:
- epigastric pains
- nausea
- vomiting (usually bile)
- feeling of fullness
- belching
- bad breath
Refluxgall - diet
A diet should be easy to digest and contain large amounts of protein. Do not skip breakfast. Meals must be eaten regularly, the last not later than 3 hours before bedtime.
Smoking and drinking alcohol are not recommended. Fried, spicy dishes with lots of spices, strong coffee and tea, and carbonated drinks are also not recommended.
It is important to consume about 2.5 liters of still water a day. It is worth reaching for:
- milk, skimmed and semi-skimmed cottage cheese
- boiled eggs
- light bread, wholemeal bread, graham bread
- lean meats: chicken, turkey, veal, non-fried fish
- steamed vegetables and fruits - tomatoes, onions and legumes are not recommended
Biliary reflux treatment
- ursodeoxycholic acid preparations - dilute bile
- sulpiride - a drug that blocks D2 adrenergic receptors
- proton pump inhibitors - do not alleviate bile reflux, but affect acid reflux
- itopride - an antagonist of dopamine D2 receptors, stimulates the peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract, used before meals
- cholestyramine - binds bile acids
- sucralfate - a drug that protects the mucosa
- drugs used in psychiatry: tricyclic antidepressants and serotonin reuptake inhibitors
When a patient develops cholitis as a result of previously performed procedures (concerning the stomach or bile ducts), it may be necessary to undergo surgery.
- Inflammation of the bile ducts - causes, symptoms, treatment
- Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
- Entero-gastric reflux: causes, symptoms, treatment
- Reflux diet - rules. What can you eat and what not in acid reflux disease?
- Reflux diet - weekly menu and recipes
- Reflux or regurgitation of food. Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment of Reflux
- Indigestion. Is it still indigestion or is it reflux?
- Barrett's esophagus: heartburn and acid reflux are the first symptoms of the disease

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