Computed tomography of the liver is used to detect, assess the location and extent of focal and diffuse lesions in the liver. Other indications for liver computed tomography are suspected changes after abdominal injuries, complications after liver transplants.

Computed tomography of the liverallows the detection of abnormalities in the structure of the liver, the diagnosis of tumors, cysts, assessment of bile duct obstruction and detection of possible changes in the gall bladder.

Currently, the standard in computed tomography is the volumetric, or spiral method. It consists in examining a given part of the body with constant exposure of the X-ray tube and even movement of the table of the apparatus on which the patient is lying.

Computed tomography of the liver: preparation for the examination

You should go to the CT scan on an empty stomach (no solid food should be eaten at least 6 hours earlier).

Computed tomography of the liver: the course of the examination

If the CT scan of the liver is part of the examination of all abdominal organs, you will be given a special agent to drink - uropoline; there is no need for this when examining the liver itself. During the examination, the doctor gives you a contrast agent intravenously. Young children are given sedation or general anesthesia.

The test usually lasts from several to several dozen minutes. You lie down on a special movable table. Then you are moved inside the apparatus (so-called gantry). On a special frame, a lamp that produces x-rays moves around your body. The radiation dose is relatively high, so the test should not be repeated any number of times. You must lie still during the test. The doctor tells you what to do at the moment. Most tomographs are equipped with the so-called intercom, used for voice communication between the patient and the doctor or technician. The device also has diodes that light up when sending X-rays - you must not breathe when the light is on.

Computed tomography of the liver: contraindications

Claustrophobia may be a contraindication to CT scans, and if you suffer from allergies, you have had allergic reactions to medications in the pastor contrast agents, you are prone to bleeding (haemorrhagic diathesis), or you are pregnant. If you are in the second half of your menstrual cycle and you know you may have conceived, you should also avoid this test.

Computed tomography of the liver: complications

After the examination, complications related to the administration of a contrast agent may appear. Report any undesirable symptoms to your doctor immediately.
