Being overweight overloads the body excessively - it causes back problems and joint damage. It can cause diabetes and heart disease. It also causes other, equally dangerous, ailments. People who are overweight often suffer from gallstones, hemorrhoids and constipation.
It used to be thought that a littleoverweightwas not a problem. Today it is called pre-obesity or pre-obesity. Excess weight is now treated as a signal that the body has undergone dangerous changes that may contribute to the development ofobesity.Untreated overweight usually leads to obesity - I, II degree and obesity, the so-called enormous or third degree. At every stage of overweight and obesity, he can also have many other he alth and mental problems.
Overweight promotes gallbladder diseases
Gall bladder diseases are 6 times more common in overweight people. High cholesterol in bile and low bile acids increase the propensity for stone formation. As a result of excess fatty tissue in the abdomen, fatty liver occurs and the digestive tract is disrupted. Bad eating habits (eating fatty and sweet foods) and lack of exercise lead to constipation and promote the formation of hemorrhoids.
Overweight women often have disturbed menstrual cycles
Women with a large body weight often suffer from disorders of the menstrual cycle, prolonged bleeding. They bear the period of pregnancy hard - the risk of hypertension, gestational diabetes or urinary tract infections at this time is greater than in women with a normal weight. They rarely give birth by force of nature, and after surgery, they are more likely to have complications. They are at risk of hormonal disorders, facial hair, polycystic ovary syndrome, and infertility.
Being overweight increases the risk of heart disease
If you have abdominal obesity and at least two of the following: blood triglycerides greater than or equal to 150 mg / dL, good cholesterol less than 50 mg / dL (in men over 40 mg / dL), blood pressure 130/85 mm Hg or more (or you are being treated for high blood pressure) and a fasting blood glucose level of 100 mg / dL or more (or you are being treated for type 2 diabetes) - this is what you have. Are you not under a doctor's care? Get started quicklytreatment. The combination of obesity, i.e. high overweight with hypertension (diabetes), is a serious risk factor for cardiovascular diseases, including heart attack and stroke.
Overweight people have difficulty breathing
People who are "very overweight" have lower lung capacity and tire faster. Fatness of the chest walls forces the body to work harder while inhaling. A thick layer of belly fat puts pressure on the liver, pushing it upwards and reducing the space in the chest area. All this worsens the breathing conditions and disrupts the gas exchange in the lungs, impairing the oxygenation of the body. People with obesity snore loudly, wake up tired, and struggle to overcome sleepiness during the day. These could be symptoms of night apnea syndrome (stopping breathing for more than 10 seconds more than 5 times per hour).
This will be useful to youHow do you check if you are the correct weight?
Use the BMI (body mass index) calculator. BMI of 18.5 to 24.9 is normal weight, 25 to 30 is overweight, and over 30 is obese. supports safe treatment and a dignified life of people suffering from obesity. This article does not contain discriminatory and stigmatizing content of people suffering from obesity.
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