He althy snacks eaten in time will prevent you from bothering to eat between meals. However, you need to choose your snacks wisely. Here are snack ideas for overweight and obese people who are on a slimming diet, have PMS or menstruation, live under stress, play sports, work hard intellectually or quit smoking.
Snacksare usually not a full meal. And wrongly! By eating snacks without control, we can provide the body with up to 900 additional calories a day.
The key to good he alth and well-being is the right rhythm of meals. Adequate, i.e. one that will allow you to maintain the proper level of sugar in the blood throughout the day. To achieve this, it is necessary to avoid long periods without food, i.e. without providing the body with the energy it needs to live. Therefore, nutritionists recommend eating smaller portions, but more often - preferably 5 times a day. Breaks between meals should not exceed 2-3 hours. Sosnacksbetween the three main meals are necessary in a correctdiet . However, it is important what we eat. So let's control the nutritional value of snacks and their caloric content (should not exceed 200 kcal). Let's also choose them for the lifestyle and activity.
Snacks - when you have PMS or period:
- Hard-boiled egg contains vitamins B6 and B12, which alleviate the symptoms of menstrual tension. There is also iron in the yolk, which you lose a lot during menstruation.
- NutsHazelnuts have a lot of protein, vitamins E, PP and B6, and phosphorus. These substances have a good effect on the skin, hair and nails, especially brittle during difficult days.
- Oranges contain folic acid, which together with vitamin B12 is involved in the formation of red blood cells.
- Grapefruit juice provides a lot of vitamin C that strengthens the body, supports the treatment of anemia and increases the absorption of iron even by 2-3 times.
Snacks in a reducing or slimming diet:
- Dried plums contain pectins that slow down the absorption of sugars and fats.
- Grapefruit is rich in potassium, magnesium and fiber. It regulates digestion and improves the metabolic rate.
- Celerycelery has a lot of fiber, which speeds up bowel movements and metabolism.
- Cucumber is valuable because of its alkaline compounds, which has a positive effect on digestion and deacidifies the body.
- Crunchy bread Satisfies well, because it contains some carbohydrates and a lot of fiber.
- Beet juice has hematopoietic properties, purifies the blood, regulates and improves digestion.
- Phu-erh tea, red and green tea strengthen immunity, protect against free radicals, lower cholesterol, improve the functioning of the circulatory system, have a diuretic effect.
Snacks - when you are under stress:
- Dried apricots are a source of beta-carotene - it removes free radicals attacking a stressed body. They also have a lot of potassium, which has a calming effect and lowers blood pressure.
- Dried dates contain taurine - a good sleeping aid, anti-depressant.
- A slice of smoked salmon is a portion of omega-3 fatty acids that improve the work of the brain and calcium to prevent insomnia and soothe anxiety. In addition, fish contain zinc and selenium, which increase the secretion of endorphins - natural substances that alleviate the symptoms of chronic stress.
- Orange juice provides folic acid - improves the functioning of the nervous system and reduces tension.
- Sunflower seeds have magnesium to prevent irritability and nervousness and vitamin B6 - facilitates the absorption of magnesium, it is necessary for the production of serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine. Their deficiency can cause depression and reduce mental performance.
Snacks during intellectual effort, e.g. before the exam:
- Dark chocolate has a lot of glucose - the fuel for the brain - and magnesium to help strengthen the nervous system.
- Walnuts contain a lot of vitamins A, E and B, as well as essential fatty acids (EFAs) to protect the heart.
- Sesame seeds contain phenylalanine, which improves memory and intellectual performance.
- Almonds contain a lot of magnesium, manganese, vitamins E, PP and B vitamins. They improve memory and concentration, and also strengthen eyesight.
- A slice of cheese is a source of vitamin B12, which makes the nervous system regenerate faster.
When you suddenly feel hungry between meals - feel free to reach for:
- a handful of dried apricots (you need to pour them on a sieve with boiling water to remove the preservative);
- a bar or a cookie with cereals and dried fruit;
- clementine or mandarin;
- a small bottle of watermineral (preferably still) enriched with magnesium.

Snacks - when you quit smoking:
- Raisins keep your hands busy, and besides, they contain many valuable ingredients, incl. vitamins A, C, E and group B, as well as potassium, calcium, zinc, iron and magnesium. They strengthen physical immunity, improve the work of the heart and brain, have a positive effect on the lungs and relieve stress.
- Apples are rich in pectins that cleanse the blood. In addition, after eating this fruit, the desire for a cigarette usually disappears.
- Carrots are a treasury of sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, vitamins A, B, C and E. It is easily digestible and low in calories. It helps in detoxifying the body.
- Blackcurrant juice contains a lot of vitamin C and vitamin B, carotenes and bioflavonoids, i.e. antioxidants that scavenge free radicals from the body.
- Kefir, thanks to the content of lactic acid, has detoxifying properties, enables the proper functioning of the digestive tract and supports digestion.
Snacks - when you exercise at the gym:
- Cereal bar with honey and nuts is a portion of carbohydrates that, without burdening the stomach, gives strength to the muscles and helps to overcome fatigue.
- A slice of lean cottage cheese provides the calcium needed for the work of muscles and protein - their main building block.
- Banana contains sugars that are rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream, providing the energy your muscles need.
- Tomato juice is a treasury of potassium - it regulates the body's water balance, it is necessary for the proper functioning of muscles (prevents cramps).
- Pineapple or pineapple juice contains the enzyme bromelain, which relaxes the muscles and facilitates the digestion of proteins.
Poradnikzdrowie.pl supports safe treatment and a dignified life of people suffering from obesity.
This article does not contain discriminatory and stigmatizing content for people suffering from obesity.
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