A remarkable increase in libido, aggression, hirsutism, enlargement of the genital organs may indicate a rare condition, which is hormonal overactivity of the testicles. What are the causes of this disease and what is its treatment?

Testicular hormonal overactivityrelies on the increased hormonal activity of the testicles, i.e. the overproduction of male hormones, including testosterone, which is responsible for the development and maintenance of secondary sexual characteristics and libido. The disease occurs when the glandular tissue of the testicle grows lumpy, which is manifested by its unilateral enlargement.

Testicular overactivity can develop at any age, but it most commonly affects pre-pubertal boys, causing premature puberty, and men over 50, showing an unnatural increase in libido.

Testicular overactivity: symptoms

In boys, the first symptom of testicular hyperfunction is premature and excessive development of sexual organs and secondary sexual characteristics (scrotum, penis, vas deferens). In addition, a young person may behave aggressively, explode for no reason, have a low timbre of voice and a disproportionately enlarged chest.

In men, testicular hyperactivity is manifested by an increased sexual desire, a clear visualization of secondary sexual characteristics and an increase in the muscles of the whole body, despite not practicing sports. A symptom of testicular hyperhidrosis may be excessive body hair, not just intimate parts.

Most often, these symptoms do not cause anxiety, they are ignored. But regardless of the satisfaction that comes with sexual performance and a muscular body (achieved without effort), it is worth asking your doctor if these are symptoms of testicular hyperfunction. Especially that in adulthood, sexual hyperactivity can be dangerous to the heart.

Testicular overactivity: treatment

The diagnosis of testicular hyperfunction is not difficult. One-sided enlargement of the testicle and other external symptoms make the task easier for the doctor. In addition, urological examinations are always performed to confirm the initial diagnosis.

Treatment of testicular hormone overactivity depends on the stage of the disease. When the condition is just developing, hormone therapy is usually sufficientinvolves taking medications that reduce the secretion of male sex hormones.

If the disease is advanced, surgery may be necessary. Usually, a hormonally overactive tumor is removed from the testicle. If there are malignant cells in its woven structure, it may be necessary to receive additional radiotherapy or chemotherapy.

In the case of late diagnosis of neoplastic disease, the only salvation for the patient is surgery, followed by irradiation and taking medications that reduce the secretion of male sex hormones.

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