Pain in temples may be dull or sharp, starting suddenly or increasing over the next few hours. It is always annoying, but not always has serious causes. Where does the pain in the temples come from? When is it possible to fight it with home remedies, and in which cases a headache in the temples requires consultation with a doctor?
Pain in temples - characteristic
Pain in the temples is one of the most common ailments. In addition, it takes very different forms. It does not always appear on both sides of the head: it is often the case thatthe pain in the temples is only on the left or only on the right.Sometimes it is also accompanied by pain in the forehead or eye pain. It also happens to radiate up or down, or only appears when touched.
Usually passes quickly and does not cause anxiety - especially if it is not accompanied by any other symptoms such as dizziness or nausea. Nevertheless, in some cases it should be treated, and treatment should be preceded by detailed diagnostics.
What are the causes of pain in the temples?
Pain in the temples can appear for various reasons or be a consequence - or symptom - of various ailments.The most common causes of spontaneous temple pain are:
- tension headache
- migraine
- cluster headache
- exercise headache
- cough headache
- paroxysmal hemikran
A headache in the temple can also be a symptom or effect of an illness or injury - then it is referred to assecondary headache. Most often it accompanies:
- bacterial or viral infections
- head or neck injury
- ear diseases, especially acute otitis and mastoiditis
- sinus diseases, especially sinusitis
- diseases of the teeth and oral cavity, including periodontal abscesses
- diseases of blood vessels
- brain tumors
- hypertension ( although the symptom of this ailment is usually a headache in the occipital area)
- extravascular meningitis
- inflammation of the temporal artery
- mental disorders
- glaucoma attack
What are the types of headache?

What helps with a headache in the temples?
The method that helps the vast majority of people are, of course, painkillers - primarily non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen or acetylsalicylic acid; you can also take paracetamol or another group of painkillers.
For chronic pain, your doctor may prescribe anti-anxiety and anti-depressant medications. In this case, however, a detailed diagnosis is important, because if the cause of the pain in the temples is a disease, it is first of all necessary to treat the underlying disease.
You can also apply a cool compress to the sore temple. It also helps to rest in a shaded, well-aired room, relaxation techniques.
Is the pain in your temples serious?
Pain in the temples is not serious in itself ( although it is painful). Even if it lasts quite a long time (several dozen minutes or longer), but does not appear often, it does not have to arouse anxiety - but it is worth considering what could have caused it: physical exertion or stress, dehydration, strong emotions or even dietary components (pain heads around the temples can trigger or intensify e.g. chocolate, red wine, and even fatty cheeses).
Pain in the temples - when to see a doctor?
Consultation with a doctor requires a situation when pain in the temples occurs frequently - then you need to find out why it is happening. The root cause of pain can be dangerous and therefore requires detailed diagnostics. You should visit a primary care physician when pain in your temples:
- is strong and relapses frequently
- is chronic
- normal treatments do not help
The situation when pain in the temples requires an immediate visit to the doctor:
- builds up fast and is very strong
- accompanied by a stiff neck
- problems with vision occur: pain in the eye socket or eye, sudden loss of vision.
During the visit, the doctor will conduct a detailed interview, during which he will ask about the frequency of pain in the temples, how long it lasts, what symptoms accompany it, he will also ask about diseases - chronic and recent ones.
Then he or she will conduct a physical examination (its element should be blood pressure measurement), may also order additional tests, including blood counts, and refer you to specialized head imaging tests (e.g. computed tomography) or to a consultation with a specialist - a neurologist or an ophthalmologist.